Lasta Coop The Five Fairy Orbs Part Six

 Orb Of The Tower 

They walked along the shore for not that long before they walked in front of a white tower. It has a light at the top like a lighthouse. Yet Lasta knew that this was no lighthouse, it was too far from the docs. It had a single white door with a pointed top and a crystal doorknob. With a stained glass window in the centre of a white rose and snow bells at both sides of the rose. The only windows were at the top which surrounded the top, almost like a giant staff with a glowing crystal at the top. With a floral engraving going up from the bottom to the top in a spiral. 

"What a beautiful tower." Lasta gasped.

"Yes. I guess that it is." Otb commented.

Salynara raised her eyebrow and smiled as she extended her hand. Then she clicked a few times. Then she groped the doorknob. She twisted and the door opened and they walked in. 

That was when a man walked down. The moment that he saw Salynara he drew his sword and ran to her but she was faster. She shot a shard of ice from her palm and hit his throat. He fell.

They walked to the stairs and another ran down. He drew his crossbow. He fired at her only for the arrow to stop in midair. She looked down at the arrow. He then let another go just as she looked up. This too stopped in midair. He fired another. Yet he fired another at his arrow causing it to split. Yet this caused it to reach further. However it stopped before it even touched her.

She smiled wilder and wilder. Then the arrows in the air turned and sprang at him. And another one fell.

She raced only for another man then he saw the others. He then saw the shard of ice and was able to descend. He pulled out his sword once he reached her. He swung at her but she was able to stop it with her dagger. She pulled out another and with a flick, blood burst out of his throat and he fell. 

She raced on as Lasta looked at the dead bodies. She felt her heart ache as she looked at the dead bodies. Yet, she knew better than to let her emotions show. She had to force herself on. Yet as she looked up, another man fell.

She wished that she could do something but she knew that she was powerless against Salynara. She was too weak and she did not have magic. So there was no way she could do anything! Yet even if she tries, she would only get hurt even further. So she had no choice but to let her drop man after man.

They soon reached the top, where there was a single trap door above them and a single ladder, leading to the door.

She was greeted by seven or eight men. The front pointed their spears at them. Then a shower of arrows fell upon the fairy witch. Yet all fell before they could even reach. The three at the front took this destruction to charge at her. She jumped and as she was about let her magic out until she was hit by the spear. She felt the blood fall down her cheek.

She drew her daggers and blocked the arrows at them. She then flung her foot into his loins of the middle one and he dropped his spear. At this she slid the left dagger in his throat. That was when she saw the arrows heading to her and she parted them. All hit the two remaining spear holders and they fell.

She then turned to the two archers and then set their bows alight. They dropped them, then drew their swords and charged at her. She simply threw her daggers at them and then four fell. Leaving only one left. 

His knees gave way under him. He was shaking uncontrollably. As she walked up to him he let out a scream. He backed away from her. She came closer and closer to him. He felt the stone wall behind him. He drew his dagger and just as he was about to slit his throat her hand gently on his knuckles.

"N-no, no!" He could barely mutter.

She then placed the other hand on his cheek. She leaned in and nudged the hand away. Her lips parted and he felt her lips. He felt something give into this advancement. He then returned the kiss. As the kiss went on he felt his body heat rise and he suddenly relaxed. That was when he suddenly felt his body become cold. Yet he knew that he should pull away but he didn't. He didn't want to. Yet as he continued to kiss her his body became colder and colder. He soon found his energy started to fade away. Yet he could not part his lips from her's. Soon his hand fell. He continued to kiss her. His pulse became slower and slower. Then his pulse stopped. She pulled away. She pulled away. His face was blue and his eyes were frozen in place.

Lasta shivered as she instinctively drew back. Then Salynara climbed the ladder and opened the trap door. She was about to follow when Otb placed a hand on her. She looked back as he shook his head. So she stayed and waited for Salynara. She soon came down with the third fairy orb. She then looked at Lasta.

"What is wrong?"

She shook her head, daring not to say anything. Salynara placed a hand on her cheek like a mother would. She looked at her in a false sympathetic and concerned look, like a mother.

"What is it?"

Her eyes glanced at the dead bodies but closed her eyes. She did not want to look at them nor did she want to give anything away. Yet she heard Salynara chuckle as she felt her eyelids open and she looked at her in her eyes.

"It's alright! They will be taken care of. I am sure that they have families that will bury them."

"Did you have to kill them?"

"No! But it was fun!"

At this her tears fell. She took out a flask and collected her tears. At this she tried to stop herself from crying but she could not. She just could not. She could not stop herself from falling either. However this did nothing to stop the tears. They fell until the flask was filled. She put the lid on. Then she took out another. She still did not stop until the flask was half filled. Then she stopped and put the lid back in it.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

She nodded. With that she took the girl's hand and they left. 


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