Lasta Coop The Five Fairy Orbs Part Four

 The Tower Of

The Isle Of Apples

After lunch they all hopped to their feet and walked to another door that led to a staircase. Seeing that there was no other way up, they climbed up and up and up. They soon came to another door with a plaque near the centre.

In My Room Lies A Riddle

This told them all they needed to know as they entered a room with a bed and a single desk. On it was a single scroll with a glass case Salynara walked up to the desk and opened the glass case. She unrolled the scroll.

I Open,

I Close,

To My Master's will,

All Must Pass Me,

Either To Enter,

Or Leave 

She then looked around then at the other two. She smiled for a moment and read out the riddle.

Lasta looked down and traced the words in her head. Yet she could not reach the answer. So she muttered the words under her breath.

What opens and closes to it's master's will? And what must all pass to be able to enter or leave? Honestly if only there was more that would give me more info. Something that would help give me a clue. Something that would open up a door. Hold on! A door!

"A door." She said out loud.

Suddenly, beside the door that they came in another door appeared. Then suddenly, the scroll in Salynara's hands lit up with a flash. Then, when the light died down in her hand was not a scroll but a key!

They walked to the door and she unlocked the door. This led to another staircase. They climbed on and on. Soon they arrived at another door with another plaque.

In My Room Lies A Puzzle

They walked in to see another bed and desk. On it was a glass chest. Yet as they looked down they saw a pile of metal shards in. Yet as Otb looked at it he sat at the desk and opened the chest. He then looked at each shard carefully and spotted that they all had a straight side. He placed it down at the edge of the desk. He looked at all the other pieces and soon found one that made his eyes light up. He placed it next to the first one. Only for there to be a light and soon the two pieces were one! He smiled as he looked for more and found one that sat next to that. He did this again and again slowly and carefully until he had a border. He then turned his attention to the other pieces, he took more time this time as he found the piece that sat in the corner of the border. Yet as he went in he took longer and longer until the next layer of the jigsaw was complete. He continued to join piece after piece. Even though it took a long time, eventually the puzzle was complete. Revealing the picture to be of a strange creature with the head of a lion and a tail of a scorpion and large bat wings.

"A manticore."

"But that looks nothing like a minotaur!"

"'Manticore'! Not 'minotaur'!" 

That was when the puzzle lit up and turned into another key. Otb picked it up and gave it to Salynara. She walked up to the door next to the one that they came in from. She unlocked it and then revealed another set of stairs. They reached the top to another door with another plaque.

In My Room Lies A Foe,

Revealed By The Puzzle

At this, Salynara looked at Lasta. For the first time, she had concern in her eyes. Yet she knew that this was not out of care. She knew that she was seeing her as a liability. Yet she placed her hand on the door.

"This one is mine. Otb, guard the girl and ensure that she does not get involved. You know how much she likes to play the hero."

He smiled and nodded.

The moment that they walked in Lasta saw the claw reaching to Salynara.

"To your left!"

She looked just in time to dive out of the way and she flung out a hand to the creature releasing a blast of fire. This caused it to roar out in pain. It then turned to the fairy witch and lounged at her. She dived down and sent a blast of fire at the stomach. It flew back out of the way as it put out the flames.

It then drove the long scorpion-like tail at her. She dodged strike after strike, laughing as she did. She then pulled out a knife and rolled under it and, as she spun up, sliced the tail clean off!

Then the manticore and she flung the knife at the chin. It hit the lower jaw and then the head was set alight. It fell and she let out a breath as the creature lit up and soon there was the key in the flames. Salynara put out the flames and picked up the key. She then collected the blade and gave it to Lasta to clean.


She smiled as they walked to the next door. She unlocked it and they soon came to the next door. She looked down to the next plaque.

To Get Out, The Treasure That Lies

In My Room, Break The Spell

They then walked into the room with a bed in with a desk with a key inside. Salynara looked at the case. She tried to open the case but to no avail. She looked around it and then threw it to the ground to smash it but it did nothing. She then knew what to do. She put it back on the table. Then she closed her eyes. She gathered all her will and focused it into opening the case. Yet this proved useless.

"Why is this not working?" She snapped.

"What are you trying to do?" Otb asked.

"Open it of course!"

"Don't. It says 'break the spell'." Lasta pointed out.


"The thing that was on the door says to break the spell, not open the box." She said, not knowing the word plaque. 

Her eyes widened as she realised what she was saying. She looked at the case. She then gathered all her will and directed it at the spell. Suddenly she felt a pushback. At this, she smiled, knowing that this was a sign that she was on the right track. She then forced her will on. She soon could feel the pushback become greater but she knew better than to relent. She continued, not giving in once. She then felt something break and she fell down sweating.


Her eyes rolled and yet she looked back, as soon as she did, she saw the second fairy orb in front of her. She then took it in her hands.

She got up to the next door and opened it, revealing it was a portal. Which they soon walked in. 


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