The Blue Rock And I Adventures In The Red Rock Arc Part One

 The World Of The Red Rock

I woke up, feeling strange. Almost like a part of me was missing and this part I did not know I even had. It was like I was hollow in my chest and, even though I knew it was there, my heart was missing. I just could not describe it. I also felt another strange thing too. I felt like I had been resentfully in an intense fight and I was sore and achy all over.

No time to think about that! I need to get my bearings.

I slowly rose to my feet, my legs feeling slightly shaky. I looked around. I noticed that the grass was not emerald green but ruby red. I looked up at the sky and noticed that even that was red too! Yet it was a faded red and the clouds were maroon.

"Do you like it?" Came the voice of Inanis.

I had to admit that I did but I did not want Inanis to know at the time.

It's too red.

"Is the world inside Stellam not all blue too?"

No, there were other colours.

"Well that is tough. It seems that you are going to have to get used to seeing red."

I rolled my eyes at that.

Looks like I'm going to have to get used to a headache too!

"I hope that you do."

I then looked around for Uncle Haru and the others. I soon found them near me. It occured to me that this was the first time I had ever been in another world with others. I then knelt down and shook him awake. Yet he did not wake. I shook him again and still nothing. Feeling irritated, I slapped him. This caused him to wake and he was about to give me a punch until he stopped.

He looked around and breathed in and out.

"Looks like we made it."

"Yes we have."

"So are we all here?"

"Yes, but I was controlled too and now we all are in here."

"So girl, what do we do now?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. I think that we ought to explore the world first or get a map of where we are and where we need to go. After all, we can't get Hitler's son if we don't know where he is out where we are."

"Who put you in charge?" Asked Yukio.

"Would you be better for the job?"

He let out a sigh.


"Well, I also agree with Aqua, I also do not see the harm in asking around either." Uncle Haru pointed out.

 "So let's split-"

"No. If we separate I think that we will be more vulnerable. After all, magic existed in the other worlds too so I should expect the exact same here. I also would like you to remember that this place is a trap."

"I'm sure we can handle it."

I rubbed my eyes.

How can I make them understand?

"Wait. I think the girl's right. I do think that we should stick together. Also I think we should not expect that it would be anything that Disney movies have. Which means we all should be on our guard. "

"Oh? And why's that?"

"Something that she told me when she was in a deep state of hypnosis. She told us that she was tempted by all manner of ways to stay. So remember what she had just told you; this world is a trap."


"Because that's what the stones are cursed to do." I told them.


We spent a long time walking around. We only had seen nothing but red grass and not another person. In fact I had started to worry that there were no other people and that there was nothing but red grass. Then I spotted the red conked road. We walked on it and soon came to a coral red building. Then as we walked on we saw more and more.

I walked up to one of the buildings. I looked in and spotted that there were people within them. They all had blank faces, almost as if they were sleepwalking. This whole display creeped me out.

I then turned to the group.

"Remember all that is here does not come from the real world. They are all extensions of Inanis."


I then walked in.

"But I can tell you, the food can be eaten." I added.

"Tell me, you think that was how you became part of whatever you are?"

I frowned and looked down. I felt an even creeper feeling crawl all over me as the ripple of shock overcame me as I thought about that possibility. Yet even though I had nothing to back it up, I had nothing to disprove the theory either! It would have to be something I asked mum or Aunt Blue once I got out of here.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Well the mission they happened to you showed that they seemed from both inside and outside of your body."

"All at the same time?"

"Then maybe…you know I haven't really thought about it."

"Would it have told you if this was the curse?"

I looked down.

"No. No didn't even tell me that he was alive! Or that I was turning, partly, into whatever the hell he was."

This gave him a concerned look, even though there was a hint of gilt in his eyes. Or I thought that there was. I quickly brushed this off as we continued. After all, I should know better than to think that he of all people would care about me. No, this must have been a concern brought in by the promise that he had made to his parents.

Yet it was at this moment that it struck me. That they were the only ones that did. What if I never see my mum and Aunty ever again? Would they ever know that I was alive and well? Did I really choose tripping to find a boy that I had never met over ever seeing them again?



He let out a soft sigh.

"No it is not. You are just like him."

I frowned, wondering whether or not that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult.

"Anyway, we need to ask around."

He nodded.

"Alright but I would hardly think that would be easy. Except some adventure of some kind. It will also be designed to be fun. It will be the kind of adventure that would make you all want to stay."

"You already said that. Though should I expect one of those table roll paint games that have risen in popularity recently?"

"I don't know what they are." I admitted.

His eyebrow raised.

"Maybe I should show you once all of this is over."

I smiled but then I let my smile face as I knew deep down I really wanted to go home after all of this. Correction, I needed to go home after this. I had to know that it existed and not just a delusional dream. I needed to get rid of this doubt of the atheisticity of the memories.


"It looks like it's getting dark. We need to find somewhere to sleep."

I nodded. It was hardly a moment later when we found an inn. To our surprise, we did not have to pay. The only price was to agree to go on a quest. The innkeeper would tell us in the morning.


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