The Anti-Fairy Tales The Giant And The Fish Part One


It was the following day when Pheoshan woke up at an incredibly early hour. She woke the other two up and she knew that this would not only be the first official day that she would be undergoing her new role but also to gain more and more of Engleman's trust. After all, she may have gained a great deal of it during the incident the day before but she knew that it would be a while before she had it completely. Once that had been secured then she knew that she should then make her plan to escape. Yet she was also determined to take the Kin siblings with her too.

Enough thinking about that. I need to work on one thing at a time. I can think about all that later. First, work on the trust. Then think of a plan on getting out of here. Which means that this is the most important day so far. So I must make a good impression, or the best impression I can.

She put on her new green maid outfit and brushed and platted her hair. She looked at her reflection in the glass. She felt a shock upon realising that this was the first time she was looking at herself since the sea demon witch had changed it, yet she could not help but feel comforted by the fact that her appearance was back to normal. Yet she still looked deathly pale. This made her purple eyes look almost as if they were glowing and her get black hair did nothing to make her look any less pale. That was when she noticed the snow white streak on her left hand side.

Sure she looked beautiful but she had a cold beauty, and she could never call herself desirable. Yet she could not help but remember how she caught the eye of that giant. Though she did not want to admit to it, she had to. She remembered all that he had said to her as her hand rested upon her stomach. She had never even thought about having children. Yet she could not help but wonder if she would ever have any children? If so then would they be like her? Would they be born human or would they have the power of Wolfox,just like her?

That was when she saw Engleman walk in. He opened the cell and pulled her out. He gave her the potion and once she had grown, gave her a broom.

"I need thou to sweep up the carpets and could thee tell Bluerose I need her?"

"Who's she?"

"The woman with the blue hair and red eyes."


She first walked around looking for a woman that fit the description. She soon found her, but she knew that she had to be sure that it was her.

"Urm, are you Bluerose?"

"Yes, why?"

"Our master told me that he needs you now." 

She went pale as fear entered her eyes. She bowed her head and nodded. She walked away and walked to Engleman. Meanwhile Pheoshan went on brushing all the carpets. She started at the upper floors then worked down. She then finally reached the kitchen. She noticed that it was half twelve.

"Could you get on with our master's lunch?" 

They nodded as they all worked around the kitchen and she sweeped the carpets. That was when she nodded that there was a strange bump in the carpet. She pulled it up to see a diamond under the carpet. She picked it up and put it in her pocket. She then finished the carpets.

She knocked on the door of Engleman's room. He opened the door. His hair was a mess. 

"Yes?" He asked as Bluerose left the room with her hair and dress was a mess.

"Found this under the carpet in the kitchen." She said, passing him the diamond. 

His eyes lit up.

"Good girl! Thank thou!"

"So, what next?"

"I think that I would like thee to close my doors." 

He looked at the others in the room.

"Leave us!" 

Then everyone but her and Engleman left the room and she walked in and closed the door behind her. He then pulled out two chairs in front of the window.

"Take a seat."

"Thank you." She said taking the seat.

He sat opposite.

"Look, there is a secret that I only tell those that I truly trust. See, I am looking for a thief. I hath noticed for quite sometime that someone hath been stealing from me and I would like for thee to keep an eye out for him or her alright?"

She nodded.

"I will keep an eye out." She said, yet she could not have a sinking feeling in her gut. "Once you find them…Nah, I don't think that I would want to know."

She looked down, feeling dread that something bad will happen, or she might have to do something bad. Yet even worse, that this bad thing she would have to do very soon.

"So what is my next order master?"

"The library. The librarian seems to need some help."

She nodded and rose to her feet. She then walked out of the room and walked to the library. 

"You need help?"

The librarian looked up, his silver grey eyes looked at her. He had white hair and slight wrinkles. She noticed that he pocketed something gold.


"Then never mind."

She then looked back at him and caught the sight of another twinkle of gold underneath his thin shirt. She, knowing that she had the thief, left the library and walked directly to Engleman's room. She knew that this was a good opportunity to gain more of his trust. She knew that part of her wanted to keep quiet, but in order to do that she knew this could cost the entirety of Engleman's trust. Which would have left her back to square one. This was the last thing that she needed to do.

She knocked on the door.



He smiled.


"I spotted that the librarian put something in his pocket and it was gold and there was more gold underneath his shirt."

His smile widened as he called for the librarian. He was soon in front of them.

"Out turn thine pockets!" He shouted.


"Out turn thine pockets."


He shoved his hands into the man's pockets and pulled out a handful of gold coins and seven gold chains. He then shoved them in front of his face.

"What is this?"

"G-gold sir."

"Where is it from?"

He looked aside and kept quiet.

"It's from me. Isn't it?"

He bowed his head and nodded.

"Take thine top off."

He looked up like a lost puppy and had nothing but fear in his eyes.

"Did thou not hear me? Take thine top off!" He shouted, ripping his top off and this caused more gold to drop. 

She looked at him in shock as her eyes rested upon more scars. He let out a scream.

"Please don't. My-my heart won't take it this time!"

"Then thou should hath thought about that before you stole from me!" He shouted. 

He then pulled out a leather whip with a small metal spike at the end. This was when Pheoshan felt that sinking feeling from before.

"But no. I will not be the one beating thee today." He said, passing her the whip. "She will."

She felt the heavy weight of the whip in her hands. She could feel her arm shaking as she looked at it. She could feel his eyes upon her. Yet she knew that she could not focus upon that. She could feel fear enter her heart. She did not want to do this, yet she knew that she had to. She had to prove herself to Engleman. She had to make him trust that she would obey all orders that he was given.

"Now whip him."

"I-I." She muttered as she could feel her head shaking.

He looked at her. His eyes told her that if she did not do this then he would eat him. No, she had to prove her loyalty to him and knew that there was only one way to do this. She had to dedicate herself to this. She then looked at him. Feeling ill.

"I'm sorry for this."

She raised her whip. She struck. His scream ran throughout her body. She felt the shock run throughout her. 

"Did I say stop? Do it until I tell thou to stop."

She forced herself to strike him again and again. She heard him scream and weep. Yet she had to continue. It took all that she had to fight against her conscience and compassion to whip him again and again. She could feel her arm shake as she had to drown out the sound of his cries. She bit into her lip so hard that she drew blood.

"Good. Thou can stop."

She dropped the whip and bowed her head, stopping the giant from seeing her own tears and the anger in her eyes. She felt shaken by what she had done as she hardly believed what she had done.

"Now  Libook, thought art dismissed. If thee art not out of this house by tonight, thee will be tomorrow's meal!"

He crawled out of the room, his body shook.

"Good. Thee hath my trust, but thee must know, that thou will hath to get used to that. After all, disciplining is now part of thine duties."


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