The Anti-Fairy Tales The Giant And The Fish Part Three

 The Fish

She sat next to Engleman. Both had a fishing rod in their hands as they both looked at the emerald water in the heart of the sun enjoying the soothing light breeze. She found that it was utterly silent other than the beautiful sound of the birds. She took some glances at Engleman, wondering if she should kill him right there and then. Yet the only thing that stopped her was the fight that she had just witnessed. She could not get out of her head just how easy it was for him to take that giant down.

No if I am to kill this monster I am going to have to be smart then that. I may-no I do have a bit of the power of Wolfox in me. But I can not assume that will be enough to kill him.

She then looked at the sparkling of the deep emerald. She then thought about the librarian and what she did to him. She had to admit that he was not the only monster here. Even though she did not like to admit it to herself she knew deep down, she had become one too.

What am I turning into? What will I become?

"By the way I have been wondering something."

"What is it Master?"

"Where did thou get those black glass shoes from?"

She felt a ripple of shock run throughout her body. It took all her power to stop herself from showing her shock or horror. She had to act as calmly and casually as she could. Yet what should she say? How can she tell him without implying who she really was? Nevermind that how could she tell him without giving herself away?

She let out a deep breath.

"It was a gift."

"Poor gift, if you ask me!"

She frowned.

"Why would that be?"

"Because that black glass must hath come from the volcano Dempoweonder. It was named because it is said to produce rocks and minerals that conduct demonic powers. Making it easier to access them. But those kinds of powers are designed to corrupt the soul."

She looked down. She suddenly felt vulnerable and scared. She swallowed like she was swallowing a large price of food with a dry throat. She felt the lady of her colour leave her face as she wondered if that was Wolfox's plan? To corrupt her soul and make her into something similar to him? If so then why would he do that? Why was all this happening to her anyway?

She shook her head, realising that she could not focus upon that right now. Yet she knew that she would have to eventually do something about them.

"Is there a way to get them off? I seem to be unable."

He looked at her and smiled and then bellowed out a laugh.

"No. Thou can only hope that thee can control those powers before they can control thee. Unless King Wolfox himself takes them off you."

Wait, what? Did-did he just figure out who I am? If so then when does he not call me by my real name? Unless… He hasn't figured all of it out. Well that would make sense. Which means that it would only be a matter of time until he does. Once that happens then it will only be a matter of time until he hands me over to Wolfox himself!

Which means that I must kill him before he figures it all out.

She closed her eyes to alleviate the fear that was coursing through her. She let out a long and deep breath. This helped calm herself down. She put on a false smile as she wanted to appear calm and enjoying the moment. She wanted to change the subject so she did not have to focus on it. Anything but that.

"So why did you pick this moment to try to catch this cerlock fish?"

"Because this is the only time of the year when they're easiest to catch."

She nodded.

Makes sense.

That was when she felt something nip at her line. She looked on, wondering if that was just her imagination, but the second nip told her that it was not. Then she pulled. She felt the tension build in her rod? Yet she continued to pull. She felt her muscles tensed as the fish on the other end started to fight back. She pulled and pulled but she still could not get the fish out. So she stood and bent her legs and she felt the push of her legs add to her pulling strength. This matched the strength of the fish. Yet she heard the snapping in her rod. She then reached up and grabbed the top of the rod. She then pulled and pulled. She then let the tension go a little before she whipped back and the fish came flying at her. She dropped the rod and caught it in her arms and landed on the ground.

She looked down at the fish that was in the shape of a blade and the tail looked like that of a fan. With fins at either end was like that of flower petals and a spine like that of a long petal. The scales were like that which Engleman described.

"Wow! That's beautiful!" She exclaimed before she could stop herself.

"Congratulations! Thou caught it. Come, we need to go back home!"

By the time that they returned, it was night. She  looked down at the bottle and noticed that it was almost empty.

"I'm going to have to get more of this."

"That's alright. I will get the ingredients ready tomorrow."

She nodded.

"Also thee art to cook this tomorrow. I don't trust anyone else."

"Right. Thank you."


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