
Showing posts from October, 2022

Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part Three

The Coral Tower Chashathrophogh and Bash were exploring the town. Yet, even though they wanted a break from Cerpheres, they knew that he was tailing him. They tried to ignore the man as they wanted to lose themselves in their own thoughts. They looked around and saw the men and women swimming in the water above them. Something that they were determined not to get used to. They went to look for a market place only to find that there was none. They soon found people here did not even have a currency! "Why?" Bash asked. "Simple, most people here come here with nothing. So what would be the point?" A woman replied. "Good point." They looked up again at the seabed above them. "How thick is that water?" "I don't know. Yet none of us have been able to reach the top. All that have tried either drowned or been eaten." A man said, next to her. "Right." "Is there a place here that is older then the rest?" "Yes. The Cor

Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part Two

C erpheres's Secret The following morning came before they knew it. It only seemed a moment ago that they had fallen asleep before they were waking up. Although part of Chashathrophogh hoped that the events of the day before were some strange fever dream after seasickness got to him. Yet reality disappointed him. Neither he or Bash knew what time they woke, just that it was morning, judging by the light outside and their hunger. When they walked down the stairs they saw Cerpheres cooking away, humming a happy and upbeat tune. "Good morning sleeping beauties!" He sang. "What do you want?" They said in unison. "I think I've already said. However, right now, I'm cooking for you!" Chashathrophogh and Bash sighed. "Alright." They said, yawning. They looked at each other for a moment. "But I will earn you if there's any poison-" He chuckled. "Never fear, I don't like to waste food like that. Although, you're quite

Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part One

  Welcome To Jones Lock They opened their eyes to see that they were no longer on the Island Of Coral. Bash and Chashathrophogh looked around to see where they were. The ground was dry and there were several arches upside-down like the bottom of a ship out the top of a church. With a flat aria in the center. They could see dry coral around them that had never been touched by water in decades. Then when they looked up at where the sky should be, they saw a body of water above them as far as the eye could see! They could see sharks and kraken swimming above them. Upon seeing this Chashathrophogh looked at Cerpheres and ran up to him. Before he could even do anything he grabbed the man by his color and pulled him in. He drew a dagger and dug it under his chin. His face was completely taken over by both rage and anger. Meanwhile Cerpheres looked at him shocked but also amused at the same time. "Where are we?" "Jones Lock." "Alright, now tell me, why don't I kil

Scar The Detective Arc Final Part

Black Hole When she walked into the empty hallway it suddenly hit her. She was alone. Her adopted mother was dead and her adopted siblings were adventuring in another world. She had none else in the house. None to cook her meals for her. None to tuck her in at night. None to hug her whenever she woke from her many nightmares. She had been focused on all that she had been doing. She had no time to focus on the emptiness of what was in her life now. She had no time to focus on the fact that because her mum was dead she had none in her life. Well she still had new friends in Beatrice and Britannia. She did not cry at first. In fact she fought her tears. She tried to control her breathing to calm herself. Yet her emotions proved too strong for her. She could not breathe without making herself worse. She could not see, her vision blurred like she was underwater. She walked to the door and locked it. She wanted to force herself to focus on anything other than the emptiness of the house. She

Scar The Detective Arc Part Six

  Licence After three weeks after the fall of the reminisce of Evil Stronghold and of studying after studying in the evenings after school. She did not even take the weekends off, she passed all the official tests. Although she was young she proved to be dedicated to her work, both her school homework and studying to become a certified private detective. Even though Detective Jen had tried to kill her and killed her mother, she was right to say the girl would make a good detective and Detective Scot had to agree. In fact he had no problems handing the girl a real detective licence. He knew that the girl would know if it was a fake. He had grown confident in her skills and abilities over their time preparing her for the tests. Even though part of him did not want her to pass, he was proud that she did. "As if today, you are Detective Scarborough Cox." He congratulated her. She smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you." She took the licence and looked at it, examining ev