The Blue Rock And I The Other Rock Arc Part One

 The Land Of The Rising Sun

We had been flying for hours, however I had not felt tired whatsoever. In fact, I was very awake, awake because of my determination of what I was about to do. In fact, I also dared not sleep. It was still too early to trust Uncle Haru. Not after what he had done and what it lead to. By the time we had arrived it was night. I did not know the time nor for I care. The only thing that I cared for right in that moment was getting Alexander Hitler and whoever else out of the other rock. Then after that ensure to get him to a safe place where he would be allowed to be himself and not be groomed to become identical to his father.

King Nekoterra, no, Stellam, Stellam Caeruliam, landed in front of a forest.

"Come on, time for you to meet mother and father." He said.

I nodded.

"Are you sure about this?"



I have to be the one that does it! After all, I am pretty sure that if we don't do this, then this Alexander will be retrieved by another team, one that would do all they can to groom him to be exactly like his father, they will force him into it of they have to! No we can not allow that to happen.

"Good point. Just please, be careful. Do all you can to make it out alive!"

I will.


"One moment, I'm just getting Stellam."

I then reached out and once it was out Stellam's avatar returned to the rock with a flash of blue light. I shivered as the child hit me. We then walked on a path made of white stone tiles. That made an echo as we walked. We then reached a set of doors and Uncle Haru was just about to knock when a man with Uncle Haru's eyes hit him.

"How dare you come here at this hour! And with a child no doubt! Why did you bring a child here dressed in that?"

"Are you alright?"


"Who are you?"

"His father!"

My eyes widened.

"Now explain to me what is going on!"

"I am sorry deer, my name is Aoshine Kira, or Kira Aoshine as you would say. Tell me do you speak Japanese?" Asked a woman that looked almost identical to Uncle Haru.

"Yes I do." I said as I bowed the proper way. "My name is Aqua Aoshine, or Aoshine Aqua."

She chucked as she cupped my cheek. She looked at me with a shocked look in her eyes but then softened her features as she skilled at me.

"So you are my granddaughter that cooked up such a stir. Although you are a beautiful girl, I am quite surprised. I thought that you would be an adult by now."

I looked down and nodded, she was right, I should be an adult right now. Yet I did not know what to say for myself. I could not have known whether or not they knew about the rocks. So I looked at Uncle Haru wondering if I should tell the truth. He gave me the look that told me to be careful of what I said, yet after what he did and what that led to, I must admit that I did not care for him at that moment. So I decided to tell the truth.

"You are right. I should be an adult by now. However I do have to ask. Do you know about the rocks?"

"The sentient one that came from space. Yes we do. We know of that one."

"Do you know of both the blue and red one or must the red?"

"Hold it, there is a blue one?"

"Yes. And I was trapped in it, here this is it. It's name is Stellam Caeruliam, and time moved slower in it's world than in the outside. This was because of a witch curing it to lure children,  like myself in."

Her eyes widened as she nodded.

"Same thing that happened to the red one. Is that why you are still a child?"


Her eyes suddenly became as cold as ice as they narrowed when they looked at Uncle Haru before she slapped him square in the cheek.

"How dare you send one of our own into that monster's lair! Especially after you found out that she was still a child. Honestly, after all I heard about him, why did you even associate yourself with him! I sure as hell hope that you did not let him perform any strange experiments on her, especially the painful ones!" She shouted, gripping his ear.

"But she is his daughter! She has his blood running through her veins! A traitors' blood. A traitor or do you not remember?"

"I do not care! He was your twin brother, and even though my daughter in law was on the enemies' side there would be no woman I would trust with my son. And as she is the daughter of my son that still makes her blood. Do you hear me?"

"Yes I do!"

"Now you must atone for this by ensuring that she never has to go through any of whatever that monster put her through ever again and do all you can to protect her. Do you understand?"


"Swear by it!"

"I swear!"

"No, you have to do better than that. You must swear on the honor of your blood and this family!"

"I swear up on the honor of my blood and family!"

"Good! Now, I am Aoshine Sora. We will talk later. I can tell that the pair of you are tired and need to get some sleep. Especially you Aqua. You look like you have not had a decent sleep in days. So, Kira, could you take Aqua to Natsu's old room. There she will stay as long as she stays here."

"Thank you Sir." I said as I bowed.

My grandmother took me aside and walked with me as I walked in. Inside it was strange, the place had many rooms, yet they were all connected on the outside by wooden beams that were raised over grass and white stones that looked like chalk which I knew that it was not.

"I can see that you take after your father quite a lot. In fact you even look like him, apart from the colour of your eyes and paler skin. However he never has those streaks in your hair. Now I know that in America and England girls have taken to dye their hair,  but here in Japan it is extremely frowned upon." She explained.

"It isn't dyed. It's trauma hair from getting into fights."

She smiled for a moment out of nostalgia. Yet she quickly covered it up and frowned.

"Yes you definitely take after your father in that regard."

At this I suddenly became shy.

"I guess so. Although, I should not expect to be getting into any here."

"Good." She said as we turned a corner and she slid a door open.

I then walked into a room that was made of wood and had straw covering on the floor with a rolled up mat on the floor.

"This was your father's room." She said as she pulled the roll out and placed it on the floor. "I know that you are used to sleeping in a bed, but as we have yet to try to, you will be sleeping on this. Try to make yourself at home while I find a spare sheet."

I smiled and bowed.

"Thank you." I said appreciatively.

"What manners!" She commented as she smiled and left me there. I whipped in feeling uneasy and lost. I looked around as I thought of the fact that my father grew up in this room. He must have slept on the may in front of me. Yet I could not think of my father as a child in this room doing what children did but I did suddenly miss him. I wondered what kind of dreams he had here or what he did. Suddenly it became clear to me that I did not even know. Upon realising this, I suddenly felt myself suffocating on new tears of grief as it hit me of how little I knew of my father outside the time I spent with him. I lost track of time and the next thing that I knew my grandmother placed a hand on my back.

"There, there."

I dried my tears and looked up at her.

"What is it?"

"Nothing much, I just missed my father. That is all!"

She hugged me.

"I miss him too. Here, sit." 

I did.

"You know, I must admit, I do have conflicting feelings about both you, your father and Haru. Both my sons did their duty and retained their families honour even though they did fight on opposing sides, for that I will always be proud. And I still love them both."

I still smiled sorrowfully, yet I did not know how to respond to that.

"I loved him too, yet why do you think…Uncle Haru not think like you?"

"Well the relationship between your uncle and your father has always been a complicated one. The second world war only made it even more so. Yet I made the decision a long time ago that regardless of what that war brought I would still love them. Now, it is late, time for you to get some sleep."

I nodded as I lay on the mat. I took the blanket and the moment my head rested on the pillow I drifted off to sleep.

The next moment I found myself being shaken awake.

"I think that it is time for you to wake." Uncle Haru said.

Sleepily I nodded. I sat up and wiped sleep out of my eyes. I felt completely refreshed as I stretched.

"Alright. Although I don't think that it would be a good idea to tell your parents about what we're about to do. It will only provoke then to stop us." 

He looked at me with an outraged look on his face.

"Are you psychic or something?"

"No, why?"

"Because I was just about to say exactly that!"

I nodded as I did not know how to react to that.

"Well I guess we thought alike."

He shuddered.


"Nothing. Though I will be coming with you even in-"

"Let's call it I.R.S for short."

"I.R.S and I will do what I can to get you out of it along with the others. Here, get changed. Mother is making breakfast."


He then left and I took a bath and changed into a blue dress with a white color and leather belt to match. I then looked at myself in the mirror as I dried my hair and brushed it. It suddenly hit me, I was turning into a woman. I had noticed that I had suddenly started to look mature in my face, yet there was still the wide eyed innocence of still being a child.

I wish mum could see me. She would be so happy!

I hope that she is alright. I hope Aunt Blue is too. I hope that both are. Rounder what she's don't ripping now… Is she looking for me? Had she reported me missing? Considering my position probably not.

I shoved the thoughts aside. I knew that I could not focus on them. No, I had to focus on today. On what I would have to do. On preparing for what was to come and what I was going to do in the rock.

I left the room and I knelt as I saw the food on the table. I recognised it to be a traditional Japanese breakfast.

"Thank you." I said as I bogged and picked up my chopsticks and son are my fill. I soon felt better than I had for a long time. My grandmother.

"You are welcome."

"So, could you tell me more about yourself, Aqua?"

"Sure." I said and I soon found myself telling them everything up until Uncle Haru arrived. I told them everything that happened in my life in America. It gave me a taste of nostalgia telling them about it. The time before the war and the time that came while before. About the fact that my mother sent me to Aunt Blue when she saw the writing on the wall. She hoped that I was going to be safe there. About the adventures I had when I entered Stellam and after. So by the time I had finished it was already lunch.

We soon ate some and immediately after Uncle Haru received a phone call. He then turned to me.

"Excuse me, Aqua, a word."

I nodded. It was time.


We made our excuse as we left the table and walked to my father's old room.

"How long do we have to prepare?"

"An hour."

Not a lot of time.

"I will get Stellam. You think of something to tell…grandmother and grandfather. Is it too soon to call them that?"

He smiled.

"No. Why the pause?"

"It's just weird saying it."

"Oh well I will be off then."

I then took the rock and we were by the door five minutes earlier.

"I hope that you do well!" Grandmother said.

"I will."

We then left the house.


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