Strena The Youngest Assassin Arc Part Thee

 The Third Kill

"Alright Strena!" Zaryb called. "Time to get up!"

She took a moment to stir.


"I think we need to train." He said.

"What? At this time?"


He soon pulled her out of bed. She was soon dressed.

"What will you be training me to do now?" She said.

"Killing" he told her as they came to the market. She bit her lip as she followed him silently.

They soon came to a stall.

"Zarry! Well, well, well, if it ain't my least favourite country! How've you been?" He asked, giving her a first bump.

"Not bad! I've been training this one!" He replied pointing at her.

He looked at her and raised his eyebrow and looked mildly surprised.

"Well, I heard the rumours but I never thought that they were true! Looks like I owe Ean a fair few emeralds." He chuckled. 

He chuckled with him.

"You don't. I killed him the other morning!" He laughed.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"So, how many this time?"

"Five it seven."

"You gonna kill 'em or keep 'em?'

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh,  well this is an assassins' town. So all meat you buy you must kill." Bellowed the man.

Suddenly she realized what Zaryb meant. She felt sick and she was worried. It upset her to know that he intended on making her do. Zaryb smiled as he saw what she had just worked out.

"Looks like she's brighter than I thought!" He said.

"Well I was the one who trained her,  so you should expect that!" He boasted.

"Wait, how long?"

"Since she was five."

"And how old?"


"Ain't she too young?"

"Maybe, however you know I don't have that luxury."

He looked at him with mild pity.

"Yeah… Does she know yet?"


"Will she?"

"No.. I don't think so."


"I know."

Strena frowned.

"Now, come along!" 

He took his rabbits and he gave him the coins. She had noticed just how quiet the place was in the morning. Save the place was a dump and it stunk of urine and death, it was quiet all the same.

"Matter Zaryb, what were you talking about back there?" She asked.

"I'll tell you if I tell you."

She frowned.

They then arrived at the tavern and they walked to the kitchens. He took out one of the rabbits and gave one of them to her. She was then given a knife. She looked at it and her heart sank as she knew that she was about to be the last thing that that rabbit would see.

"Now, I want you to know that this will come in handy later. This is why you will do this out of your own will."

She looked at him slightly pleadingly. He shook his head.

"Here's a tip, if you slit it here it will feel the least amount of pain." 

She looked at it. She raised the blade. She felt her hand shake as she looked at it in the eye. She drew it down, but she could not do it. She dropped her knife and she felt the tears coming. Zaryb sighed. He picked it up and gave it back to her. He then guided her hand to the rabbits eyes and covered them. He gave the now-do-it look. She nodded and then put the blade where Zaryb told her and or took all her will to slit it as fast as she could. It hardly gave a sound.

"Good, now do the same to the others and I'll skin them." He said.

She nodded. She took another one and covered it's eyes. The second was easier for her. As she did each one her hand became steadier and easier.

"Right, now wash that blood away." He said and she did. For the next hour he taught her how to cook and then they ate it.

"Now, after this take a job." 

She nodded and she finished her food. She walked up and then came back with one. She then gave it to him.

Rorosh Shoreh

Of Thandrya

Rorosh Shoreh, also known as

the grim gangster, has been

known to kill young children and

women of his rivals and savillians for

fun. Please bring his reign of terror

over Thandrya to an end.

"Alright,  but be careful with this one. I heard this one had magic." He said.

"He does?" She asked, shocked.

She pressed her lips together.

"As the rumour goes."

Maybe I shouldn't take this one.

No, I took it, so I will do it!

"I hope that it is.'

He was soon finished with his beer.

"Now, time for us to get going." He said as he stretched. "I hate getting up early."

She finished her meal and after packing they were on their way. They saw a carriage and he pulled her in and slipped under the carriage and gripped onto the rails. They hitch hiked until they were where they needed to get off. He fell and hugged her as he rolled out. When she got to her feet her eyes were greeted by a beautiful hill. She looked around and spotted that the men and women were keeping their children close to them, gripping tightly to their hands.

She tried to look away to divert her attention and her longing to be one of them. She tried to not focus on how much she missed hers.


"N-nothing." She lied. "So how will we catch this one?"

He looked around, his eyes narrowed as he thought. He did not give her an answer for a long time. She thought he had not heard her, however his eyes told her that he did.

"I think that we should wait for him to come to us."


"New comets always peak the interest of the morally bankrupt in every place."

She nodded.

They walked together for some time. She kept an eye out for anyone that was following them. She soon found that someone. He had sunburnt skin with hair as black as coal with his eyes hidden behind his long fringe.

She took hold of Zarybs' hand and tugged the sleeve of his coat. He let go and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked in the direction of the man. He rolled his eyes and turned her head away. He took her hand and walked on. They guided him to a secluded side of the town. Then they turned back and spotted that he was there.

"Tell me,  Rorosh Shereh, do you wish to die?" He asked.

He laughed.

"What and you think that you can kill me boy?" He mocked.

"No. She will. After all you are her job, not mine." 

He looked at her and his eyes widened as he laughed. He then pulled out a knife.

"Alright,  I'll humour you. Come at me kid!" He said smiling.

She then ran to him and he then let go of the knife. It fell and when it was at its lowest point, it then came up, just as she saw it rise up she blocked it with her own. She then drew it down. Which slid back and was about to slice her neck but she was able to dodge out of the way. She knew that the knife would only stop if Rorosh was dead. So she ignored the knife and ran to him.

"Look out!"

She turned back but as she raised her blade, it was too late and the blade imbedded itself into her shoulder. Pain flared up and eclipsed her mind and focus. She had never felt such pain in her life. She was in a moment of shock and her ears rang but once her brain had processed it she screamed out in pain. She screamed and screamed. She couldn't stop screaming. She could not even stop herself from crying eather. She had not cried like this since her parents had died.

That was when Rorosh laughed as he looked at her.

"Ahhh! There it is! That sound I love so much. Honestly womens' screams and cries are one thing,  but children… Now that sounds like music to my ears!" He laughed.

She looked at him. Soon she was filled with anger, anger that she had never felt before. She had never known the difference between being angry and being livid, not even when Zaryb killed her parents. That was until this moment. 

He's enjoying this? He's actually enjoying this! How can he? How can he enjoy this? I hurt and all he can do is laugh?

She was filled with a murderous rage. She had never wanted for someone to die in her whole life. She actually wanted to kill him with her whole heart. She felt something rise in her and surge throughout her body. She could feel it within every cell in her body. She one that whatever this was was always part of her. It was just dormant like a sleeping dragon that has now women up who's fire was aiming for this man.

She then realised that he had stopped laughing. He clutched his heart. He coughed and blood came out of his mouth. The last thing he saw was her ice cold look that was filled with fire just as she slit his throat. He was still twitching long after his death. Suddenly Strena felt drained and collapsed.

When she woke up she felt her bandage over her shoulder.

"D-did I do that?" She asked, thinking of the strange event.

"I don't know." He said.


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