Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part One

 The Gang

Bounty Hunter Bash and Chashathrophogh left the tower. The box had not been found anywhere and he had not spoken a word to her. He did not need to. She understood what his actions meant, her mother was in danger, and they needed to do it fast. They booked themselves into the next tavern when their legs could no longer carry them. They looked out of the window to see if there was anyone following them. Seeing that there was none she sat in one of the two chairs in the simple room.

"I think that one of us should keep awake for a certain amount of time and wake the other when it comes to an end." She said.

"Yes, after all we both do have a bounty on our heads."

"I will take the first watch."

"No. I think that I should. After all,  I have several things that I have to go over in my mind. I do not think that I will be able to sleep otherwise." 

She looked slightly afraid but she had to remind herself that if he killed her, he too would die. Which, she knew that dying was the last thing that he wanted.

"What?" He asked slyly. "Are you afraid that I will kill someone while you sleep?"

"No. Just-nothing!" She just slipped into her bed. "I'll just get to sleep now. Oh,  and if you do,  please keep it clean!"

He let out a chuckle.

"You do realise that I was joking!"

She looked at him surprised.

"Didn't know you had a sense of humour!"

He chuckled warmly.

"Just get some sleep."

"Sure uncle."

He looked at her completely surprised.

"What? I might as well call it you."

He nodded. She then rolled over and closed her eyes. She then was shaken awake,  yet she felt a strange sense of fear of something. Yet she could not remember what it was.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a worked look in his eyes.

"Yes, why?"

"You were having a nightmare." He said as he regained his composure. "It was annoying."

She would have commented but she knew better than to.

"Do you know what the time is?" She asked.

He looked out of the window to the clock tower.

"One o'clock."

"Alright, I think that it's my time to take watch."

She breathed in and out in a specific rhythm to wake her mind up. They switched places and she was soon watching over her uncle. Night was soon over and they ordered their breakfast and paid. They were soon on the road. 

As they walked on Bounty Hunter Bash felt something hit the back of her head. She looked back and hit a face which dodged out of the way of her fist. He then raised his fist to her stomach and she dodged out of the way.

Chashathrophogh then caught a chain that was heading for her. He pulled the other attacker and placed a hand on his head. He then fell down dead. He then took out a small dagger and threw it at the other attackers that were heading their way.

"Don't kill them!"


"We need to get information out of them!" She shouted as a man hit her with a dagger. She then pulled out her bow and arrow one of their legs with two arrows. Then hit two more. She soon had chromed her opponents. Chashathrophogh then killed more of his attackers. He then used tiger clothes to clean his blades.

"Right, Care top tell me why you thought that attacking us was a good idea?" Chashathrophogh asked after they had rounded and tied them up.

They all remained silent. He then took one of the arrows and started twisting. He started to make it dig in deeper. Bash would have intervened but she knew that it would be a bad idea. She balked her hand into a first and tensed as he started to scream.

"Fine! All we wanted was that bounty!"

He then hit him.


He then pulled it out and pressed in on it.

"Fine! We were hired to kill you and as we were assassins in training we thought that we would be the best for the job!"

"No, you are a hit gang! And we were your targets, right!"


"Far too easily. Even more so when you have a crashing friend that is both a bounty hunter and assassin. Now answer me, who put you up to this?"

"I don't know! We saw the job and took it, the man never gave his name! He just egged is on to take it!"

"Thank you! Now was that so hard?"

He then took a glance at Bounty Hunter Bash.

"How much is on your heads?"

They frowned. It was all too clear that they did not.

"Come on, a good friend told me that a good assassin, bounty hunter, slayer and hit man all sold know what their heads are worth."

"Several copper."

"How much,  exactly."

"All together, as high as her!"

"And that is?"

"One gold and three silver."

Chashathrophoghs' face dropped as he set them all on fire.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because you are worth much more than that. It is an insult to think that you are worth less than seven emerald coins." 

He looked at with her eyes wide.

He really thinks that I am worth that much!?



He huffed.

"Is just I highly doubt that! Seven rubies more like!"

He rolled his eyes and key put a huff.

"Come on,  you have been able to collect the bounties of those who considered themselves untouchable, you are a princess, bounty hunter and you are my niece. Someone, who, is one of the few people trained by the Dark Lady Grasharlo herself!" He ranted.

"You're right! Dart! Can't argue with that!"


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