Strena The Youngest Assassin Arc Part Four

 The Fourth Kill

Strena was walking down the hall like all the other times in her dreams. She killed that man again,  she saw her kingdom, which she had not seen in years, covered in blood again. She left it like she always did. Then she turned left and she came to a place in the desert where she saw a terrifying creature. It looked like a cross between a wolf and a fox. It had large dragon-like wings. His eyes were strange, the place that was surpassed to be the colour were like parallel walls of fire that meet at the top and bottom, like a slit. It then roared and from its mouth erupted blue fire that was heading towards her. She woke up screaming

Zaryb came barging in and hit her in the head.

"Shut up!" He shouted. "Seriously! What is wrong with you?"

"Sorry,  it's just a nightmare."


"I saw a creature that was a cross between a fox and wolf." She said.

"Could it breathe blue fire?" He asked as he drew his arms in close.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

He looked scared for a moment.

"You were talking in your sleep." He lied. "Now get up, you look like you can take on another job."

He smiled.

"Just think, only one more job until you make your vows to Lok."

He pressed his lips together as she looked outside. She tried to take her mind off how little she liked that.


"Now,  come on! I'll leave you to get changed."

He then left the room, almost as if he was rushing to get out. She shook her head. Then his head came back.

"By the way, if you're not fast, you'll be doing your job in your nightgown." He said.

"Then get out!" She fired back.

She quickly changed into her clothes and packed her things. She took a small moment to look at her in the mirror. She saw her first scar, and shook her head, she did not have time to focus on that. When she was ready she raced down the stairs then got her breakfast. She then picked her job and passed it to Zaryb. He looked at it as he drank his beer.

Kill The Evil

King Rhogar

King Rhogor had been known

to torture his subjects, nobles

and people under him. With

women and children his favorite.

This has led the kingdom to live

and breathe in fear. They dream

in vain for the day they can sleep

in peace.

Please can someone make that

dream into a reality?

He then placed it down. He looked like he was thinking about something, his eyes spoke of some strange nostalgia. He shook his head.

"Sounds line a challenge. Sure you can handle this one?"

"Should do, as long as he doesn't have magic." 

He smiled as he passed it back to her. She then ate her breakfast. She ate as fast as she could and quickly gathered her things. They were soon on the road and on the public carriage.

"We're going to Morcher, the one that's spelt c h, not the k." He said.

"You sure?" He said, looking at Strena.

"Yes." She said, giving him the coins.

"Alright! But you're making a big mistake!" He signed, as they set off.

They continued until they reached the next town. More people got on. They then turned a corner and down the road to the next town and more came on. By the time that they arrived it was midday.

"I'm hungry." She declared as she stretched.

"Then let's get to a bar!" 

"Why a bar?" She asked. "Beer?"


They soon came to the nearest bar called the Dead Sailor. They soon ordered their food and was eating it. As they were eating, Strena saw a group of men and women, possibly their wives, cone in. The fear was written on their faces.

"I can't believe he did that to you!" Said one that looked like the brother of one of the women with a fresh cut and burn on her cheeks.

She cried in the arms of another man that must have been her husband.

"B-but h-he did!" She wept.

"Honestly, I've never seen or heard of this since the days of King Nazon!" Expelled another.

At the sound her father's name a ripple was sent right through her mind. She looked at them, suddenly interested in what they were talking about.

Father doesn't sound like that.

Then one saw her.

"Hold on, you see that girl over there." Said one.


"She looks like that kid of his!"

Zaryb got up and put his mug down. She knew what was going to happen before he even did it. Knowing that she could do nothing about it she turned away and by the time she finished her meal they were all dead. She got up and paid for her meal and followed him past the bodies.

"Did anyone see?"

"No, I was going too fast."


"I'll tell you, if the times come."

"You always say that." She said as they came to the castle.

"Hey,  who're you two?" Asked a guard.

"Just passers by." She said. "Say, could you let us in? We wish to talk to the king."

He laughed at the girl. Then his laugh was cut short by Zarybs' blade to his throat. He looked slightly scared but he stayed as still as he could.

"Who are you?"


He looked at him and gulped.

"J-just this way!"

They were in front of King Rhogar before the hour was up. He was morbidly obiece and his son had become green and yellow. His hair was long and unevenly cut. His beard was also long and uneven that grew in patches on his face with bald patches.

"Yes?" He said rebelling his yellow and black teeth. Some were almost liquid.

Strena curled her lip as she grimaced.

"Who are you?"

"Strena Az."


His lip curled.

"Grimnor, how dare you bring me these-"

Strena threw a small dagger into his throat. She was so disgusted that she dared not to retrieve it. The guards and soldiers dared not stop them as they left. As she did she saw a boy that looked like the man in her dreams.

"Who's that?"

"Prince Rhogar the second." He said. "Why?"

"I was a man that looked like him in my dreams."

"What happened?"

"I killed him."

They were soon back in the assassins tavern by the evening. 


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