The Witch Within The Sunburners Arc Part Two

Enter The Sunburn

Loc woke in the pod. She then remembered what had happened to her clearly and distinct in her mind like a picture that she did not like. She then spotted a glass of water in her view. She looked up to see that Leto was holding it with a sympathetic smile on his face. 

“Here, you'll feel better afterwards.” he said.

She took it and took a sip, knowing that she would never have to fear that it was poisoned. Nor would that be a concern for her ever again. Her lip curled as she realised this. She just did not like the idea that she would not be able to die. She then remembered her her dead parents and her new friends. She would be forced to see them all die when their time and she was now robbed the chance of ever seeing them again. She was cut off from them and there was nothing that she could do about it.

“What happened?” she asked, trying not to let her emotions choke her.

He sat on a chair beside her.

“Well, it seemed to be overwhelmed by all of what happened and you fainted.” he said.

She when remembered that the moment that she sat on the bench she felt the dizziness and passing out. She then drank more water as to keep herself calm and steady.

“So tell me, how does it feel to be immortal?” he asked.

“I hate it. After all I will never see my parents ever again. I will always be cut off from those that I love that die. So how dare you take that away from me?” she shouted.

He raised his hands to her and gestured for her to calm down.

“It's alright.”

“No it isn't and you know it!” 

“Look, I know that it will be hard on you but you will understand why we had to do this soon.” he said.

“Why not now?”

“Because you shall be able to appreciate it more.” he said.

She nodded as she thought about her parents and the fact that she would never be able to see them again. She knew that all of this was because these people had an agenda for her. She then thought about T.O.O.T.R.O.E. didn't they have an agenda too? Didn't they want her to do the things that they wanted? Was there anyone left in the world who cared for her? She thought. 

No, they're dead. She thought. She felt the tears coming for this very realisation alone cut deeper than any blade. She then felt a hand on her. She whacked the hand away from her. Leto looked at her in understanding. He then pulled her in closer and then hugged her as her tears drenched his clothes. He said nothing as he waited for her to clam down.

When she stopped crying he then led her to a bath filled with that yellow gold juice that he had given her. He then was given a plain yellow dress robe with golden lining with a gold rope belt. Beside it was a long red wrap around coat with a black sun on the back.. 

“I'll leave you on your own. Make sure that you're ready when we land.” he said.

She nodded as he closed the door. She then took her clothes off and sank into the bath. She felt strange. She felt refreshed and when she cleaned herself it was far easier than water. When she washed her hair she felt like her hair was stronger than it was, and she could even feel the clean hair and she could smell honey and roses. She could also feel better and cleaner than she ever had. Then she dried herself. She put on yellow underwear and then her new clothes. The yellow exposed just how pale her skin is. She then flipped her dark brown hair out. By the yellow, it looked black, but next to the black it was exposed to be brown. 

She noticed that she was different than she thought she would. She looked quite beautiful and almost like a princess. She felt, for the first time in a long time, like a girl. Her muscular frame well hidden but the shape of the dress. She liked this feeling and she wished that she could show her parents this.

She then walked out of the room and then she walked to Leto. 

“You know that looks quite beautiful in that.” he said.

She tried to not look too happy about the compliment.

“Thanks.” she said as she tried to brush it off. 

He smiled. He turned back as they arrived. They walked down the ramp and then her eyes greeted gold blades of grass and a pyramid that looked like a square based wedding cake with each different section stacking on top of each other. She saw that there were people were standing on each section wearing identical clothes to her. She looked up at the sky which was scarlet with orange and yellow clouds.

“Well, time for you so see your new home.” he said. 

He then put and arm around her and they walked forward to a triangular entrance. She was soon guided to a stair case and she followed him down them. She saw that there was a sun pattern engraved all over the walls and others were painted with gold. 

She then saw a woman come up to her and shake her hand with a broad smile. She then nodded, as another followed her and she soon shook that hand and she was approached by a man who shook her hand and she was soon shaking so many hands and was greeted with so many smiles that she lost count. This led her to becoming bashful and somewhat shy. She just wanted to find a place where she could hide. 

She was soon in a room. Where there were others that looked at her and nodded to her respectfully, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

“So you are Lorra Cerberus I assume?” said one woman, that even-though she looked young and in her mid twenties, by her dignified posture and the way that she spoke it was all too clear that she must have been ancient. 

“Please, call me Loc.” she corrected.

“Loc, how was your journey here?” she asked.

“Alright. Urm...What's your name?” she asked.

“Lyonna Lifestarr. That's with two r's by the way.”

“I never asked.”

“I know.”

“I'm Lock Rain.” said the man beside her.

“I am Loki Crystal.”

“And I see you have already met Leto.”

“Yes, now could you all tell me what this is all about?” she snapped.

“Yes, well, I am sorry that we had to recruit you in such a forceful way, however it can not be ignored that you are a special case, for your sisters, the other two thirds of Grasharlo, have been giving us a lot of grief and have been attacking our small community.” Lyonna said.

She nodded.

“What have they been doing?”

“Well they have been killing us and some of us, that they don't kill they keep for their magical experiments.” Lock said.

“So, we decided to recruit you so that they may leave us alone.” Loki said.

“So I'm a hostage?” she remarked.

“Yes, I guess that you are.” said Lock.

Then Lyonna came up to her and took her hand.

“Yes, you are, but we shall make you a comfortable one. You have great power so you shall give birth to your stars very quickly. I can tell that you shall be a Sunburner that will be rapidly advanced with in a year. You could be at our level within two.” she said. “Now, let me show you to your room.”

She then took her from the room and she saw that the rest then went onto talking amongst themselves. She then turned her head as she was guided to another set of stairs. She soon found that she was under the level she was in. She followed her down a corridor.

“This, is where all the bedrooms are.” Lyonna said. “This is where you shall be sleeping, and we you will be shown where you will be eating.”

She turned a corner and then gestured to a room where she saw two beds. On one side there was a bed with crimson covers. Above that there was a shelf filled with books. On the other side there was a simple bed with black covers.

“This is your room and I believe your roommate will be coming soon.” she said. “So get yourself settled in and I will leave you to it.”

She nodded as she walked in. She walked up to her bed. She sat on it and she looked around feeling lost. She knew that she should have to escape this place but what they had just told her had been enough to keep her where she was. In her heart she knew that this would be a good opportunity for her to find out just how far she had come and how far she knew she had to go. 

“Hi! I guess you’re Lorra Cerberus.” said a high pitched, but cold voice.

She turned around to see a girl with pale skin and long hair the colour of dandilyons and narrow eyes the colour of blood. She had a wide smile and thin lips. All this gave her a cold, but welcoming beauty that could get anyone to drop their guard. She had a surface level look of innocence, however there was a much more deadly and dangerous thing underneath that was anything but.

“Loc.” she corrected.

She held her hand out and smiled wider.

“Lillith Lamblain, Lamia for short.” she said as the girls shook their hands.


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