The Witch Within The Sunburners Arc Part Three

The First Sun

Loc woke the next morning, she had no wish to escape this place. She felt strangely calm and her mind was quiet. She knew her place in this place, and yet she was alright about it. She knew that she was a hostage, or bait, yet it ocord to her that she had been from the moment that the War of the Witch. She was used as bait to lure out Grasharlo’s followers, yet she was even-though she allowed to do what she has done over the years, she knew that all this was because she was going to try everything to bring her sisters’ evil reign to an end. Being used as a pawn against her sisters was, regardless of whether or not she liked it, her roll from now on, and will always be.

“Good morning girl!” sang Lamia.

“Morning.” she mumbled. 

She slipped out of her bed and then walked over to the far door. She opened it and then she cleaned herself in that strange liquid. She then got out and dried herself off. She then put on her dress and her coat. She then dried her hair.

“Here, let me.” she said as she took hold of her hair. “Wow! Your hair’s long!”

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to have it cut.” she admitted. “But I’ve just not had time to cut it.”

Lamia smiled as she pulled all her hair out. She then started to brush. Yet she brushed it in a way that made sure that she never felt any painful pull, just like the way her mother used to do it. She felt like a child again. She was soon falling into a trance as her mind became spaced out and sleepy.

“There we go! Now follow me.” she said.

She looked up almost dreamlike and nodded. She followed her down to the lowest level, where she saw that the whole place was lit up by torches of many different colours and there she saw that underneath them was that yellow gold liquid surrounding the room and in the centre was a small pyramid table with a single goblet and only one single brick bridge that led up to it.

“Come on!” said Lamia as she guided her down the stairs.

She, in a dreamlike state followed her and she approached the table with the goblet on.

“Drink that.” she said.

She reached out and saw that the liquid inside that was like looking at a wolf moon night and in the center was a star. She felt part of her saying that she should not drink it but then Lamia started took out a brush and started to brush her hair and she then took the goblet and then she took a small she then put it back and then Lamia stopped. 

She felt herself start to feel tingly all over and this started to feel pins and needles, like her whole body had become numb and the blood had just started to circulate. She then felt her entier body surge in an unusual heat, that was like being in the middle of a fire. Then the pins and needles soon felt swords and daggers. She then fell and closed her eyes like she had just fainted. Leaving her in her dark agony, looking like she was sleeping sweetly.

Lamia picked her up and then walked to another chamber that had a pool filled with the yellow gold liquid. She then lowered her into the pool and then let her fall under the pool. Her nose and ears were filled with it, had she not been immortal she would have drowned. Her body started to pulse like a heart then it twitched and soon she convulsed. She was helpless as her body twisted and turned under the strange liquid. She then let out scream after scream and the liquid flooded her mouth and even then she continued to scream. She soon felt foam leave her mouth but the blood and foam, even her saliva became dissolved into nothing. She came in and out of consciousness. She did not know how long she was there but then her body rose and Lamia picked her up.

She then dried her and then took her back to their room. When she woke she felt strangely at peace and her body felt strangely stronger and better. She could even feel that her body moved clearly, and her skin was paler but she could feel that it was softer and smoother. She then looked at herself in the mirror and spotted all her spots were all gone, and her face was perfect.

“I didn’t expect that you’d react so violently!” Lamia said as she came up behind her. “It must mean that you’ve got a great amount of power.”

“How come?” she asked.

“It’s the only explanation.” she said. “Which would mean that whatever power you do have must be suppressed by something.”

“Now, come. We’ve got to get that star in you as soon as. After all once you’ve got that in you then you can get it out and you will have all the powers of the sun.” she said. 

“But I-”

She then grabbed her hand and then she raced her down to the lowest level and then she saw a table and a goblet above the head.

“Now, lie down there.” she said as she walked over to the goblet. 

She then walked over to the table and then lay down. She did not wonder why she was doing this, but even though part of her did not want to do this, she did it nevertheless. She suddenly felt her body go stiff and she could not move. She then saw Lamia pour the liquid that looked like a wolf moon, and then the yellow gold liquid she then placed her hands at both ends and then she heard that there was bubbling. She then put in another, liquid which was pitch black. Something told her that she was not supposed to do that. 

She then stirred it with her finger.

“You know, I knew the Dark Lady Grasharlo. She was nothing like you. I mean she was evil and cruel. You’re quite nice and sweet.” she said as she then walked over to her. “Which makes me wonder....After all, it is said that the Great Hero Reho is in the same body as one of the three of you.”

She then opened.

“Maybe, I found out who’s his host. After all that would make more sense.” she said and she then poured the liquid down her throat. When she had drunk the whole thing she closed her mouth. She then felt a warm sensation in her gut and she soon felt that it became hotter and hotter, yet the heat started to climb and she soon felt a heat coming from her gut become so hot that she knew that if she did not become immortal she would be dead. It became so hot that she passed out. 

When she woke, she could remember nothing of the day before and a hot feeling in her stomach. Then she got up and looked at herself in the mirror and saw that there was a black five pointed star in between her eyebrows.


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