The Witch Within The Sunburners Arc Part Four

First Flair

Lamia woke Loc up. She wanted to sleep on a little more, however Lamia prosisted and she soon came around and she got up. She then sleepily walked over to the bath. She had gotten used to the strange liquid. She then put her dress and coat on. She had gotten used to the whole place and the heat. She knew that she had a star forming within her, yet she did not seem to mind. She had even gotten used to the star in between her eyebrows.

“Loc, come on!” sang Lamia.

“Where are we going this time?” she asked.

“The medical chambers.” she said. “We have to moneter you to make sure that things went well and that your body has accepted the sun.”

She nodded. She followed her to the end of the dorms.

“By the way, what do you remember after you took your last potion?” she asked.

She was taken back and confused by the question.

“Nothing. Why?” she asked.

“Just curious.” she said casually. She then turned around to look at her. “By the way did you know that the Dark Lady Gasharlo hid seven books that journalled all of what she did?”

“No! How do you know?” she asked, surprised.

“I met her once, and I don’t mean your sisters, but her before the Great Hero Reho got to her.” she said.

“What?” she snapped, shocked.

She smiled slyly and in a show-off way.

“Yes, she was quite smart and an expert in her craft.” she said. “As I was an inprssionalbe child back then, I was easily impressed. So I guess that I still retain the respect and marvel I had for her. Though I know that she was evil, I don’t think that I can ever be rid of that.”

She raised her eyebrow.

Can’t judge that. After all, I wouldn’t know if I would be the same if I had met her. She thought.

“Because of that I wanted to learn all that I could about her, such as there were many things that she was after and she hid her biggest secret in an unknown cave and that none can get into, well unless you have the two keys to it, which are divided into two cores, one gold one silver, and the teeth are now five silver and gold rings.” she said pointing upwards.

She looked shocked at what she knew, as she felt a thirst to read those books and to find out the big secret that she had. She wondered if that big secret could help her defeat her sisters. After all if it was that big then there must be a reason that she did not want the rest of the world to know. So she knew that after all of this then she would definitely ask to go looking for them. After all, what harm could all of this do?

She then smiled as she turned back and then they went down to three levels below and then they walked down that corridor and then turned to the room at the far end. They then were greeted by a woman with a star in between her eyebrows. 

“Hi Lohna, this is the famous Lorra, she prefers to be called Loc, with a c not k or ck.” she said.

She smiled and nodded. She came up to her and placed a hand at the top of her stomach.

“Tell me, does it heart?”


“How hot is it?”

“I think that it’s like a small flame.” she said.

“Good, good.” she said as she wrote something down. “Tell me, how do you, yourself feel?” 

“Alright.” she said.




She then put a hand on her head and then looked at her eyes and then pulled her dress up and then she frowned.

“That’s strange.”

“What?” she asked, trying not to focus on the slight humiliation that she was feeling.

“It seems that within a day you have developed what would normally take a week. So it should be out of you sooner than most. Come back tomorrow and I’ll give you an estimation of how long it’ll be in there.” she said as she put it down and wrote down more things. She nodded.

“What are you writing?” she asked.

“My notes on this session. That’s all. Now if you feel any pain, tell me immediately.” she said.

She nodded.

“Then see you tomorrow.” she said.

“See you tomorrow.” she said with a cheery tone.

She nodded and then left. She and Lamia walked around, and they soon came to a library. There she started to read the first book that she laid her hand on. She then soon became engrossed as she learnt that she was reading about the origins of the Sunburners. It was long ago in the age of the Fourth Gods they were set up by the Goddess Ligh, who wanted to make more stars and her followers offered themselves as a sacrifice to make that happen. This caused many to die as the star inside burnt them up as they grew, causing them to die a quick and painful death.

Then this was what happened for the next five ags. Then, everything all changed when two of the Sixth Age of Legends found a pool that could become immortal. This was quickly found by the Sunburners. Then they conquered the land and secured it. This way Sunburners could give birth to many stars and never die. This came with an interesting side effect, and that was that they would develop fire based powers. Not magic, but something else. Their bodies became slightly more resilient to heat and fire. This, then led to the present.

She then put the book back and then went to get something to eat. She then went back to the library and took another book. She then knew that it was time for her to go back to her room, but she wanted to finish the book first. Then she went back to her room and went to bed. She then woke up the next morning and she was in her second session and her stomach was being looked at by Lohna.

“I would give you about two or three months.” she said.

She nodded.


“Tell me, what do you do in your spare time here?” she asked.

“I found the library yesterday so I think that I’ll spend more of my time there.” she said.

“Why’s that?”

“I love books.”

“Right, then enjoy, but please do, in that last month try to avoid the library.” she said.

She nodded.

“So, can I go?” she asked.

“Yes, but I think that you ought to know, your development would normally take an entire year. So I don’t know if I should tell you that the more powerful the person is the faster the process becomes.” she said. “So you must have a great amount of power, however something must be suppressing it.”

“Must be…” she agreed.

“Now you go on.” she said.

She smiled and nodded. She then went to the library. She picked up the book next to the one that she finished the day before and she soon finished that. She, over the next two months, had read just over three quarters of the library. She then in that final month she spent with Lamia, where she was told of many things about Grasharlo, like the fact that she once fell in love with a man that broke her heart so badly that she cursed his soul to dwell in a small stone and threw it into a pile of pig dung. Then there was the fact that she had many rivals and children, all of which she had sacrificed for greater power. She had started a chain of wars one after the other. Then there was a man that she had a flirtatious rivalry with. Who wanted to know what the secret to her great power was. Within the whole month, she learnt more about Grasharlo than she had within three years in the academy! 

All the while the heat in her stomach was getting hotter and hotter. By the time that final month came the heat in her stomach was hot enough for her to burn through a normal mortal person. It hurt but she was, to her astonishment, quickly able to get used to it. In fact, she had noticed that she was getting used to lots of heat, to such a point that the hot, tropical, atmosphere seemed more cooler than when she came. 

She then on the fourth day of the third month she felt the heat was intense and she knew that the sun was going to come out soon. So she decided to go to Lohna, but as she passed a Sunburner Lohnen she felt something rise from her throat. It was intensely hot and it rose up, it burnt her throat and then a solar flair left her mouth. He turned to her and put his hand on her arm and then he rushed her up to the stars. She was soon at the top of the pyramid and, even though this was the first time that she had had any fresh air, she could not enjoy it. 

She then felt the sun rise up and she felt blood flow from her mouth and dry up immediately as it rose up. She kept her mouth open as she knew that the sun that had been developing in her for the past three months and four days was coming up...


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