Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Two

The Second Victim

Derek Vonstien was a tyrant on his planet. He had finished his families’ goal of taking over the planet and he knew that he had to enforce his rules but he would always do that too hard, everything, even stealing a loaf of bread was punishable by death. Not even a child, who did not know any better was to be spared! He could do what he wanted and he knew it. He would exercise his authority any way he could, sometimes because he could!

He crushed rebellion after rebellion and killed many, many orphans that prophecies claimed would dethrone or kill him. He sometimes would crush the families that would be part of any rebellion or resistance. He would even kill them by his own hand or would force some women to bear his children to force their loyalties to him. He would also take their other children and force them into the army and use many different brainwashing techniques to get them to become loyal to him wholeheartedly. 

Then, in his early years he would hear a snog spread throughout his planet that came from a curious new religion. It was a chilling rhime that would give him goosebumps, a rhyme that would strike an ice dagger of fear and panic in his evil heart. He, at first, did not mind and pretended otherwise but then it got into his head. He would even find himself singing this lyrics that he hated so much,

“When the death star will rise,

And is seen in the midnight skies,

Evil will finally fall down,

Dead will be his evil crown!

Born from a girl with a great fate,

One who once had the same dark trate,

Who will walk a lone path and strate,

One who will not have a death date!”

He wondered who that girl was and where she would be born. He would look up at the skies as he knew that this song gave people hope. He had, by this time long since banned the song and he would kill those who sung it. He would do this himself until he would kill someone every half hour. Then he would order his people to kill anyone who sang even one lyric. How many he had killed over the course of his life, he had long since lost count. 

Then he looked up one night when he was forty he saw a new star in the sky. The following day a hand made came in and saw his dead body. She smiled and as she reported it. Soon the whole planet knew that he was dead and they all sang all over that song that the followers of that curious new religion had taught them.

“When the death star will rise,

And is seen in the midnight skies,

Evil will finally fall down,

Dead will be his evil crown!

Born from a girl with a great fate,

One who once had the same dark trate,

Who will walk a lone path and strate,

One who will not have a death date!”


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