The Blue Rock Warlocks Of The Rock Part Three

The White

“So, it's Shiron the white next.” King Nekoterra said.
“So is that his name?” I asked.
“Yes.” he said. “ He lives in the crystal castle in the most lightest part of the world.”
“And where's that?” I asked.
“We'll come up to it once we come to the end of the Purple Forest.” he said as he looked around. “Although, I think that it's the Blue Forest now.”
“And how long will that take?”
“Should take half a day.” he replied.
“Relax, time is speeding up here!” Sir Ellishun said.
I nodded.
“Then, that will be one step closer to breaking the spell.” he said as he smiled.
I frowned out of confusion.
“What do you-never mind.” I said realising that he would just say that I will know when the time comes.
He smirked.
“You're learning, and there will me the time that the truth will be revealed.”
“You mean there are things that even you don't know?” I asked as I frowned.
“You didn't expect me to know everything did you?”
“Never do that.”
“And what about you Sir Ellishun?”
“Everything that he says if just Greek to me.” he said.
We left the forest sooner that we thought. The grass started to turn from blue to white and the sun was high in the sky did nothing but make the grass look brighter. I looked up as we came to the castle. It was all made of crystal and it was high and I could not see where it started or ended.
I had to squint slightly as the light hurt my eyes. We went inside but it was all white inside too, but the sun made it even brighter to such a point that I started to get a headache. It was hard to make out the place as I started to get dizzy and all I could see was blinding white..
I closed my eyes but that hardly did anything to help for even with my eyes shut the light was still there. I placed my hands over my eyes but as I did I felt myself fall and black saved my sanity.
Even-though I woke up in the night it was light enough to clearly make out where I was. I was in a large white room in a white silk bed with white silk sheets and pillows. I could see my weapons on a white table beside me where all my things resting on the legs.
Then I heard a piano. It's melody was slow and melancholy. It also had a creepy tone to it too.

“Mother, oh mother,
Long ago slain,
Mother, oh mother,
Will rise again!

Sisters, oh sisters,
Young brought death,
Sisters, oh sisters,
Never to have breath!

Brothers, oh brothers,
Here comes your test,
Brothers, oh brothers,
I wish that last the best!

She has taken,
She had shaken,
She knows she needs to rise,
She soever young did surprise!

You shall break,
Mothers' dark spell,
You shall quake,
At truth I tell!

Neither this world nor us all,
Are living just different sides,
Of the one who brings the call,
The stone blue that we all resides!”

Sang the one who I knew was Shiron. I must admit that I liked his voice and, enchanted by it. I slipped out of bed as he went back to the first verse. I opened the door but then I remembered to bring the weapons and I remembered my friends. I quickly got them and then looked around. I spotted other doors like mine. I checked the one closest to me and I saw my friends were sleeping in the opposite room.
“They won't wake.” Shiron said behind me.
“What do you mean?”
“They won't wake until I'm dead.”
“Then let's get on with it!” I said as I readied myself for the fight. I could even feel something inside of me become ready.
Do not worry,I shall give you the power and ability that you need.”
Thanks voice in my head.
I am not a voice inside your head!”
He smirked as he placed a hand on the wall near by. He pulled away and as he did a blade followed his hand. When the blade ended he grabbed the hilt and pointed the blade at me. I ran to him and he to me. I aimed to strike his neck but he blocked my blade and with the other blade I went to drive the other blade in his heart but he spun out of the way. He then spun to the back of me and as he went to strike the back of my neck she blocked it before my mind had even the chance to register what had happened. I spun and kept the other weapon out went to strike his hip but he blocked it as soon as my blade could even touch him!
I then backed away from him and then waited for him to make that next move. He then walked slowly towards me he gave me a mocking smirk.
“Blue, do you really think that you can help her?” he asked mockingly.
No, but I know that I can do what I can to finally break that spell!” I heard that voice say.
He raised his eyebrow and he let out a laugh.
He then ran at me and then as the went to strike me neck but I was able to block it. Then I stood on his foot which took him by a momentarily surprise. I then was able to use this to my advantage as I drew the free blade up and even though it was shallow I was able to cut his chest.
I then backed away and as I looked at the blood drop I smirked, after all, even-though it wasn't fatal, I still cut him. Even-though it was small victory it was still a victory.
He then ran ran at me and hit me again and again but as I blocked one after another I could spot that his moves were different. No, a moment ago they were strategic but now they were like a wounded animal, erratic and unthinking. The could feel that there was more power behind them, soon I realised that he wanted to just wear me down but I let him do this. I felt wave after wave of his blade and then I kicked him away making his wound bleed more.
He was driven back slightly. I then drew one blade up and then as he blocked it I drove the blade up further and then as she did I then drew the other, and as I distracted him with the first blade, I drove it into his throat, killing him instantly.
His body faded as it dropped and then the white castle turned from white to blue. I then spotted that my friends woke up as I contemplated to go back to that bed.


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