Princess Cari The Right Side Of Publove Final Part


They all woke in the early hours in the morning. It was still cold and dark outside and the wind was blowing hard, however they did not let that stop them. No, they packed as they heard the winds strange and haunting hum. Kir and the others walked down the stairs and left behind some coins that would pay for their time.
They were making their way to the docs when a dark cloud appeared above their heads. Ignoring it they continued. They were about to get there when they spotted that the cloud above their heads was moving at a rate that the cloud should not.
The Chronicler looked up at it directly and squinted her eyes at it for a moment, then her eyes widened for a moment and she became pale.
“Run!” she shouted.
“Why?” Ryo asked.
“That cloud contains the Demon King Wolfox and Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh!”
They looked at each-other Cari and Ryo lowered themselves into their fighting stance just waiting for him to arrive.
“What're you doing?” she asked.
“Preparing to fight.”
“No, you're not ready for to fight him yet!” she cried.
“Then it's about time we found out.” Cari said.
She gripped their hands and then pulled them up. Scar picked up Oran and they started to run. They were almost at the doc when large spikes pierced the ground before them. They ran to the left but that too ended up being cut off too. They then turned to the right, but that was already cut off! They turned back to see that that was cut off too! Then fire surrounded the spikes. They looked up to see that the fire was coming from the demon king!
He then flew down and then a man jumped off him and landed with a bent knee he then stood up. His hair was as black as night with a single snow white streak. His pale face carried such striking cold beauty and his red eyes, which had black where the white should be, looked at them with such intensity that it was as if he was looking directly into their very souls. He was clothed in darkness with green and red rims that sat side by side.
They all could tell by his demeanour that his man had such lethal charisma that he could talk you into tying your own noose and cruel and evil enough for him to tighten it but loose enough that would leave you to die a slow and painful death as you strangled.
The looked at the Chronicler that just looked at hem with such fear that told them that they would be lucky if they got out of this alive.
Cari, not wishing to go out with a whimper loaded her crossbow and fired. Dark Master Lord Gajellidor froze her arrow in mid air before it could hit. He looked up and let out a bone chilling laugh. She suddenly remembered her mission to take down the wyvern. She felt a chill run down her spine.
Why did I not recognise him before? How could I have not realised that it was him? She wanted to hit herself for being such a fool.
Then lightening struck the ground. Oran berried her head into Scar's chest as she started to tremble. She even started to cry.
“Shh, shh, it's alright.” she said but in vain for her voice was drowned out but the loud thunder. It was all too clear that her word were having no effect, which was not surprising for she did not have anything to back it up.
She then spotted that Ryo ran up to him and before he could bring down his scythe he looked at him and then Ryo flew back. He started to spin faster and faster as he did. When he landed he spun around until he was stopped by one of he spikes. When he got up he staggered as his sided were graised.
“So this is the devious little group that has been undoing my plans recently.” he said with a cold but alluring voice. “Pathetic.”
He looked at them like a hungry serpent would look at a wounded dove. His eyes then slid and looked at Cari, licking his dry upper lip as he did.
“Pathetic eh?” Ryo said as he ran back to him.
He sighed and raised his hand and Ryo fell to the ground. Suddenly cuts and bruises appeared all over his body. He cried out in pain. He looked down at his body as he tried to get up lightening struck him and the next moment he was gone!
At this Cari lost it and shot arrow after arrow at him. All were in the air. He smirked as the arrows turned their heads back to her. Then he fired them back at her. She tried to use her magic to stop them but it was not obeying her. She dived away as to not get hit.
The Chronicler and Kir both ran at him but they too were stuck by lightening and vanished.
“What did you just do to them?” Scar asked.
He looked at her as Oran clung to her.
“The same thing that is going to happen to you my deer Mythos Puros.” he said as Lightning struck them both and they two vanished living just him and Cari.
“No!” she shouted as she looked at where her friends and family were hit. Her knees bent under the weight of what she had just seen. She felt tears begin to run.
“You needn't fear, I did not kill them. I just sent them away. After all I did not wish for them to interrupt our little time together.” he said as he nodded to Wolfox. He picked her up by both of her arms locked into place beside her.
She looked as saliva ran down his jaw and landed on her. She pulled and pulled fearing what he was going to do to her. He chuckled.
“It's alright, he's not going to eat you, no, I have something else in mind.” he said. “But he is going to hold you until I'm done.”
Now wanting to know what that was she pulled harder and harder, but his grip was far too strong for her. She was helpless as she moved closer and closer to her. Soon she could feel his breath dampening her forehead. He placed a hand on her cheek as he looked in her eyes.
“You know, you are quite beautiful.” he said as he leaned in closer. “Which is why I'm not going to damage your face.”
She tried to back away but she couldn't she tried to use her magic, but she couldn't. He pulled out a knife. He slowly lowered it to her thigh.
“Now, to stop you from tying to run away.” he said. He then dug it into her leg. She screamed out in pain. He then twisted it to make it hurt more. She tried to kick him away but she only made it worse. She cried as he took it out. She could feel herself trembling as she blood flowed down her leg. Then, just as she felt like she had a break he did the same to the other leg. She tried to put her weight onto it but then caused pain.
He placed his hand on her face but then he wiped his dagger onto her face. He then lowered it and dug it into her shoulder and she screamed as he pulled it out. She felt herself shaking as he dug it into the other.
“Now, let her go.” he said as she fell.
She tried to get up but the pain in her shoulders stopped her. She tried to get up but the pain in her thighs stopped her from doing that. She was forced to stay there where she was. He then sat on her back. He then cut her back and then slashed over and over again. She screamed out.
“Stop it!” she shouted. “Just stop it!”
He got off and kicked her on her back breaking her ribs. He then sat on her stomach and struck her across her chest again and again until her body was flowing with blood. He then stroked her cheek. He then pulled her hand and forced her to watch him strike her hands.
“Please. Just stop it!” she wept.
He then placed a hand on her she flinched. He smiled and then got off her. Then she was struck. She vanished. She was found nearly half dead in another land in the middle of a shallow river by a man that looked very much like her.


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