Princess Cari The Right Side Of Pubove Part Two

The Bronze Tree
Oran and the unicorns landed on the second page. They were told to wait for the others, however despite being told to stay put where they were, they decided to look around the place. They soon came to a beautiful golden tree with silver and bronze leaves. She could not believe just how beautiful the tree was nor could she even believe that she was even seeing it.
She reached out her hand to touch it. Just to make sure that what she was seeing before her was real. Then a hand quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could even have the pleasure of touching it. Not even the nails or fingertips got anywhere close to it.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” shouted a man.
She looked up to see who he was. The first thing that she stared into was his enchanting amber eyes and then she noticed his white fringe. Then she saw that the rest of his hair was black.
“Believe me kid. That thing changes people who touch it. I had friends that did and they both tried to kill me once they did. I was lucky to get out of that alive!” he told her.
Her eyes widened.
“Are you alright sir?” she asked horrified.
He smiled, more to himself than to her.
“Sure, but it is concerning though, the Dark Master Lord's puppets seem to have become more aggressive these days. Not to mention that there's a rumour that he's on his way to Publove right now as we speak!”
“What! I've got to tell the others!” she exclaimed.
She took his hand and pulled. She ran to the spot that she could sense where Scar was. She could always sense where she was. They ran down several streets and turned three or four corners until they came to the place. Immediately when they did Cari looked at the man in recognition.
“Kir? What are you doing here?” she asked surprised.
“Collecting a bounty, you?”
“Here to destroy a tree. Who's the bounty?”
“The King Kaoyki, he's been known as the tyrant of the tree. I'm willing to bet that the tree that made him into a tyrant was that tree in town.” he said.
“How do you know?”
“My friends touched it and they became completely berserk and tried to kill me.”
“Urm..How do you know each-other?”
“He helped me get into Scorcher.” she said brushing it aside. “Now, this tree, does it do that to anybody who touches it?” she asked.
“But we have not time! He said that Dark Master Lord is coming!” Oran exclaimed.
“I said that it was a rumour.” he corrected.
“What's the difference?”
“Not all rumours are true.” the Chronicler said.
“Speaking of which, what are you doing here? You do realise that there are many that want your head?”
“I am quite sure.” she replied with a smirk on her face.
“Now, what're we going to do about this tree?” Scar asked.
“Well we're going to have to find a way to destroy it without touching it.”
“No, I've tried. It only made it stronger.” Kir said.
“I know a bit about it..”
“You're like me and Ryo aren't you?”
“You mean a royal born out of wedlock? Yeah..What of it?”he growled dangerously.
“Nothing, it's alright.”
“So, you're the ones that he's after?! Do you even know how much is on your heads?”
“And don't think that he's going to pay up.” Ryo said. “Just in case you're planning to take ours.”
“No need.”
“Right now what about this tree?” Oran asked.
“Well I think that we need to observe it. Come, follow me I know where it is.” he said and they soon came to the tree.
“Beautiful...” Cari said. “No wonder people want to touch it...”
“Well, I'm willing to bet that it's part of their culture.”
“Yes, one that it dedicated to kill them or lead them to their deaths, which is why we need to destroy it.”
“Well, I think that we all need to find a place to get some sleep. I'll stay awake to see it it has any weakness.” Kir said.
“Spoken like a true bounty hunter!” laughed the Chronicler.
“Well, you above all aught to know. Plus, I heard another rumour that Cari here, yes I know who you are, also wanted to become one.”
“You heard right.” she commented. “And I've got one under my belt!”
“Great, four more and you take your vows.”
The Chronicler frowned.
“Well things were different in my day. After all in my day you said your vows after one mission.” she said.
“Well thing have changed since your day.” he said .
With that they all took their places and all but Kir closed their eyes. After a few hours, the tree started to glow and the leaved turned silver. That was when he spotted a small child somewhere between five or six started to walk up to the tree. Kir started to get up as his hand touched the bark and smiled as the bark turned red. That was when a root came up and stabbed him in his side. To his horror the boy did not even flinch nor did he scream out in pain. In fact, he seemed to be smiling and there was not even a tear in his eyes.
“Wake up!” he shouted.
They all woke up and they quickly spotted the boy. Cari loaded her arrow and fired at the root, quickly severing it. They all ran to him before the tree stabbed him in the side again. Spotting the second root Cari fired at the root again. She ran further and then fired another shot as another root came up and attempted to stab himself again. Oran took the hand of the boy and pulled him away.
“Stop it!”
The boy turned to her.
“It's alright! It doesn't hurt, why don't you see?” he replied.
“No.” she said as she pulled his hand away. “Why are you doing this?”
“I give my life willingly, see this tree protects and helps us. It was planted by the nature god Pandiam after all.” he said.
“What?” Kir snapped.
“We must feed it once a night with someone with a pure heart.” he explained.
“Because a dark heart poisons it. Now leave me alone.” he said.
The Chronicler looked angry but at the same time there was a look in her mismatched eyes. One that was more like a predictor than a teacher. She looked at her pleadingly.
“Let him go.” she said coldly. Her predatorial eyes scared her slightly for a moment she let go and the boy went back to the tree then the root came up and just as the root dived to the boy, the Chronicler pushed him out of the way and then got pierced instead! They spotted that the root pulsed and then the bark became thin and the leaves dried out and fell onto the ground. The tree drank more and soon it shrivelled up and died.
That was when the boy woke frowned as if he woke up. He looked down and screamed out in pain. He looked up as the Chronicler pressed her hand against he wound that the tree made. He looked at it as it healed up. Then Kir covered his mouth as he pulled out a few bandages. With his free hand he bandaged him up. He then pulled his hand away.
“Now go home.” he said.
He nodded and struggled to run home. He looked on and then they booked themselves into an inn.
“Tell me, how come your wound has healed?” Scar asked,
“She's immortal.” Kir said.
They stayed there for a few days as they waited for Kir to find his friends, however he never saw them again.


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