The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part Two

The Slave Prisoner

Cinder woke up no later that half past four on the morning. She lowered herself to do her morning stretches and then jogged on the spot until she was sure the she was absolutely awake. She then did five push ups and took her night gown off, then she put on her clothes on. She then walked out of her room and then down to the kitchens, where she collected a porridge. She then walked down to her mother's dungeon.
There she met her families mad slave Drun. She had long hair that was ash brunette and wild, like a hedge on her small head. Her green eyes looked at her with a saddened anger that only mad people had. She wore a torn dress that had faded colour and torn sleeves.
“Shut up!” she said as she placed a blade to her throat just like her mother had taught her.
Drun looked at her with horror in her eyes. She looked aside with pain. She pushed the food into under the small gap in the bars.
“Eat.” she said.
Drun nodded as she looked down. She looked pail and blue. She slowly took up the bowl and eat the gruel. She did not drop the blade until she had eaten every last drop. She then gave the bowl back to her. She then got to her feet and then opened the cage.
“Now follow me.” she ordered as she walked to the stairs. They started to climb them. “Help me prepare my sister's breakfast.”
They reached the second level above the dungeons. They walked to the kitchens. Together, they chopped and cooked what needed to. Soon the food was ready and they stacked all the food that they could fit on the plate. Whatever was left, which was a decent portion, she eat. It always surprised her just how good her food tasted, for some reason.
“You get Lieara's and I'll get Delarra's.” she told her. She took the plate and cutlery.
They then climbed the tower to the highest level. They then walked to the room and, with her elbow, opened the door. She then placed Delarra's plate next to her bed. They then opened the curtains and then walked backed to her sister. But at her feet. She then pulled out a feather and gently rubbed it against her exposed foot. She did this until she was awake and laughing.
“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” she lughed until tears were streaming out of her eyes. She put away the feather as her sister wiped away her tears. Her face dropped dead pan.
“Oh, it's you.”
“Yup! Did you have a nice dream?” she asked
“Yeah! Do you want to know what it was about?” she asked rhetorically as she took out her knife and stabbed the meat and ate it.
“We ll it was where you didn't exist!” she sang.
“Me too!” Lieara groaned. “Honestly, I don't believe that so-called Demon King!”
“Lieara!” snapped their mother.
“Waht?” they said as they all jumped slightly as their attention turned to the door. There Decibra stood with her cane with full dignity and her back strait. Her eyes to Lieara with cold judgement.
“You do realise that he will have your head if you continue with your insolence. And I will say this once, if he does, I will not get in the way when he does. After all I will not die for your foolishness. Now thank your sister.”
Lieara groaned.
“Fine! Thank you!” she sang with a childish tune in her voice.
“Mean it!” she snapped.
She let out a long sigh.
“Thank you.” she said with little effort to be sincere.
“It will have to do.” she said under her breath.
Her body language now displayed that she was bow talking to everyone in the room. “Now I have some news for you. The prince, Demice, is holding a ball tomorrow night, and he has invited all of all class. Yes, this does include you Drun. Now Leiara, Delearra, I would like it very much if you found a dress for both of them. And, remember, nothing too ugly or plane right?”
“Yes ma!” they groaned.
“Good.” she said leaving the room, leaving everyone in a state of shock..
Cinder felt s churning sensation in the pit of her gut, like part of her knew with every fiber that she did not want to go. Like her gut was telling her that there was something more going on that just a ball. Something that would be bad.
She was about to wonder what was going on until she felt a fist in the gut. She then felt a grip on her throat.
“Don't you dare think that we're afraid of you of the so-called Demon King, right.” said one.
“”Yeah don't. We're not as weak as that mother of ours.” the other said.
What do you mean? The only connection that I have with him is the fact that he was the one who found me!”
“Oh look! She doesn't know!” one laughed.
“How cute!”
“Yeah! And you know what happens to 'cute'!”
She felt punch after punch until her face was blue. She felt a power rise in her. She did not understand it nor like it. Then the punches stopped.
“There. You look like us now.” they said.
She then was helped up by Drun. She then walked with a limp, but as she walked to the rest of the way her pain went way and she soon walked normally. Even her face looked like she was never punched at all! Drun's eyes widened as she looked at her face with shock.


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