Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Seven

Syren Of The Surface

They were soon on the surface page. They looked up at the sky above them as it turned a pail shade of purple and the clouds became a dark shade of maroon. They even saw the white sun of Merth, Clara Album as she was high in the sky. Their eyes drank in the landscape as their eyes met the small floating islands and spheres that looked like miniature planets, that were all going around in a heart shaped orbit.
“Hay, Scar! Oran what's wrong?”
“I never thought that sky could look like that!” they said in unison.
“What don't they have the rainbow sky where you're from?” Ryo asked.
They waited until the unicorns had finished eating the grass until they set off again. They soon came to the centre of Publove in the capital kingdom of Sora No Tori. They saw the tower on an island in the river dividing the left and the right side. Where they were the tower looked as if it was floating on the river. Each of the floors of the tower were stacked like ever decreasing cups one on another made of cold stone. It was bigger than the others, which, unlike the rest of the towers could be, after all this one did not have a limit of a natural roof.
They then booked everyone into the tavern the Jump inn, where Oran and the Chronicler stayed. Meanwhile Scar, Cari and Ryo hired an uniak that was made of black wood and hand a rim that was carved into a rose pattern with twin sets of thorns where their paddles were supposed to go. It looked like it would have left them broke but the boats' owner let them have it for free!
They then set off and after what seemed like a few hours they were at the island. They found a sandy beech aria, and as they docked they hears the sound of someone singing. It sounded good to their ears and welcoming, like a mother. They wanted to know where the singing was coming from but they knew that they needed to get into the tower. So they moved towards the tower, or at least that was what they started to.
The temptation of wanting to know where the singing was coming from proved too strong. As they drew closer the singing became less like a humming tune and the lyrics started.

“Heroes of great and far,
Royals of dragon star,
Leave your weapons where they are
Cry in my arms your poor, poor Scar!”

They found themselves putting down their weapons and came closer and closer to the voice.

“Come let me repair your heart,
I will guide you to a new start!

“Come to me,come to me,
You will all see,
Come to me, come to me,
I will set you free,
Come to me, come to me,
Forget responsibility,
Come to me, come to me,
Hear your heart plea,
Come to me, come to me,
Escape your body!

“Children do not hold back your tears,
And forget all of your doubts and fears,
You have had so much sorrow for years,
Cry until all of your whole memory clears!

They found that their minds were cast to all of their pain and it all came back at them all at once. This caused them to weep as their hearts became eclipsed by their sorrow. But still they continued even though they were blinded by their tears.

“Your hearts are battered,
They will be shattered!

“Cry to me, cry to me,
I can already see,
Cry to me, cry to me,
You will be free,
Cry to me, cry to me,
My responsibility
Cry to me, cry to me,
Make your heart plea,
Cry to me, cry to me,
I will take your body!

“Oh too young you are all,
To answer such a cruel call,
To bing down such a wall,
So do let yourselves fall!

Now they all felt despair and wondered why they were chosen for such a destiny. They were just children after all! Why had fate not chosen someone else? Someone more older and qualified? How could they defeat the evil Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darkroght? They didn't even know what they were even doing!
No Cari should be safe in her castle with Hikari and her father. Rho should be at his castle helping his father raise Riku! Scar, whell she shouldn't even be in this time nor should she be even involved in all of this! So what were they really doing here!?

“Such a terrible card,
The battle is too hard!

“Fall to me, fall to me,
Soon you shall see,
Fall to me, fall to me,
From life be free,
Fall to me, fall to me,
Kill responsibility,
Fall to me, fall to me,
Bleed your hearts plea,
Fall to me, fall to me,
Hide you body!

“I am sorry but I am going to have to kill you,
This will give me remorse like you never knew,
Part of me will love all of this that is true,
Oh you do not even have a single clue!

“Oh your death shall come soon,
You will never see another moon!

“Die to me, die to me,
Blood I want to see,
Die to me, die to me,
You will never be free,
Die to me, die to me,
Dead responsibility
Die to me, die to me,
Death your hearts plea,
Die to me, die to me,
None will find your body!”

While all this was going on they did not realise how dark the place that they were being drawn into until they hit their heads on the brick wall in front of them. This snapped out of the depressing trance that the syren put them in through her lethal lyrics. They looked down to see that their necks were in the deep dark water. They tried to get out but then they felt something cold around her wrists locking them in place!
“What-what's going on?”
“There's ice around our wrists!”
“Who are you? Witch! Who are you?” shouted Cari.
Then, from the darkness came the cold sound of the syrens' laughter.
“A bit rich coming from you, especially keeping in mind who your mentor is.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well aside from the fact that you have magic, there is the undeniable fact that you are travelling with none other than the Fallen Queen of the Fallen Kingdom of the Desert Planes.”
Cari and Ryo laughed at that. Remembering what their parents had told them about her. It was said that she was the most dangerous person that one could have ever met! They told them that she was the youngest bounty hunter at no less than the age of six and by seven, the youngest assassin. None had beaten that record, and the Chronicler, even-though she looked like she could do those things, she did not act like it. In fact she was like a motherly figure to them.
“I see that you do not believe me.” she said. “However I am sure that the moment that she is forced back into battle you shall. I know that for sure. In fact it would be better for you to say clear of her while she is in battle, after all she is almost like a different person.”
“Really, I'm quite sure that if she is we would have been dead the moment that she set eyes on us! Not to mention that she is nothing like the person that my father described!” Cari said.
She then felt a wind on her face accompanied by the cent of fish. She then felt a cold webbed hand on her cheek.
“Oh, I am quite sure that all of those who know her only by tale would describe her as something quite demonic indeed, Gods Slayer.” she said. “In fact I am quite sure that there will be tales of you most of all that would come across as demonic.”
“What do you mean? And my name's Cari!”
“I know.”
“Then why did you call me Gods Slayer?”
“That is what Warqua told me to call you and what I do to make sure that you last breath is taken under the water.” she said as she placed a hand on her head and forced her under the water.
Soon water stung her nose, threatening to make her sneeze. She kept her breath held as long as she could just like her father had taught her. However unlike on land pain dug into her eyes, like a thousand needles stabbing into her eyes from all over. Then she felt a fist dig into her side. Forcing her to open her mouth and she drink in the water. Suddenly she let go and she forced her head up as soon as it could.
“Well, well, this is a surprise! A Mythos Puros!” she said as she touched her cheek. “I am sorry, I just find it difficult to believe that you exist and that even more so that only three random witches from Scarborough were the ones to do it.”
Scar suddenly felt a pain in her neck which caused her to scream out in pain. Then she felt the fangs in her heck pull away quickly.
“So you have his blood running through your vanes! Tell me what name did he go by?”
“Look I don't know what you're on about but my father Alex, is a hunter!”
“Your mother?”
“None of your business! Why do you want to know?”
“Because, I think that you are a descendent of the Dark Master Lord.”
She shook her head.
“No, I-I can't be! My mother and father don't even have a connection to all of this! They only reason that they are involved in any of this is because those witches kidnapped them.” she said.
“So, you have no connection?”
“None whatsoever!”
She sighed.
“Anyway, I think that I will let you live, but I will deal with Ryo after I have dealt with the Gods Slayer first.” she said
Cari felt a wave splash her chin and she found her head back under the water again. She summoned all her magic, knowing that there was no other way and set her ablaze. She got her head out of the water and her eyes met the face of their attacker. She would remember those ink blue eyes and that long cosmic blue hair and that pale chalk flesh and those slimy webbed hands with those sharp royal blue claws and the long black tail that was like a serpents with the end like two bats' wings in flight.
She then dived under the water and the ice around their wrists melted away. They soon looked up and swam to the nearest piece of land they could find, only to hit their hands on a foot of a spiralling staircase. They had been so enchanted by the song of the syren that they hardly realised when they entered the tower!
Cari soon screamed out in pain as half of her arm ripped open and the blood flowed freely and the salty water increased her pain as it burnt against it as it mixed. The pain was so bad that she started crying.
“We need to get her up!” Ryo said.
“No, we need to get out of here.”
“Why? And why should I trust you now that I know that you could possibly be a-”
Then a plank of burning wood fell down and splashed the water. Scar huffed as she dragged Cari onto her back and started swimming away to the exit. They swam and swam, Ryo keeping Cari's arm above the water as they did.
They were soon out and they got on their uniak and Scar held Cari and covered her wound as they rowed to safety as the tower completely became ablaze. They were soon at the shoreline but Caris' eyes were shut, her skin was cold and pale. She pulled out one of her arrows and put the edge of the arrow the part away from the arrow. She saw the water vapour cloud up the silver.
“She's breathing.” she said.
“Good.” he said as he extended his arms and she put her in them. She then took their weapons and they soon had her in the tavern. The Chronicler cleaned up her wound as they told her what happened.
“Sounds like Serwarra.”
“Is she a vampire?” Scar asked rubbing her neck.
“No, but syrens are related to them.”
“Can-can she d-detect m-my ancestors b-by drinking m-my blood.” she said as she said as she shivered.
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“Because she-she told me that I'm descended from Dark Lord Gajellidor Darkrogh.” she admitted like it was a death sentence.
The Chronicler let out a long sigh.
“Well, I know how it feels like to be descended from something evil, but the truth is that you are not them. You are who you choose to be.” she said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “Do you understand?”
“Yes.” she said as she nodded.


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