Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Six


They were about to set off to the next page when they were stopped by the gang. They looked at each-other in a childlike way, but still retaining their masculine posture. They huddled around their leader, who had his hands behind his back.
“Look, it was Cari, wasn't it?” he asked
“Yes.” she said nodding slightly.
“Well, you know that you saved our lives after we tried to mug you?”
“What of it?” she asked cautiously.
“Well, we all chipped in with our honest living 'cause we knew you won't like it if we didn't use it.”
“What?” she asked wishing that they would get to the point as fast as they could.
“We got you this as a thank you.” he said as they presented her with a purple quiver that by the shine of it looked as if it had been moulded from dragon dung and as she touched it she could tell that it was petrified by dragon fire of the same colour. It had a rose bush pattern moulded into it along with the thorny vines that wrapped around the quiver.
She then turned her attention to the thin silver arrows. She picked them off and the moment that she touched the arrows she could feel some connection with them. She soon knew why. They were dragon scale silver. The tips had wings like dragons' solidifying her deductions.
“How did you afford the dragon scale silver arrows?”
“Wait that's what they are?”
“You didn't know?”
“No, we just wanted to get the most beautiful quiver along with the most beautiful arrows for you.” he said.
She looked at them touched by his sincerity.
“Thank you!” she said.
“Come on Cari!” Scar called.
She smiled and gave them a two fingered solute as she turned. She walked to where the carriage.
“Are they dragon scale silver?” Ryo asked slightly baffled.
She looked down at her collection and nodded.
“Yes, even-though that didn't know what they were buying at the time.” she said as she was about to climb in until she saw the pale face of the Chronicler.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
Her eyes were unfocused as she nodded.
“Cari, when the time comes we are going to have to visit an old friend of mine.” she said like there was a lump in her throat.
Cari, remembering their conversation, simply nodded. They all took their places and they were off to the next page. They were there within the day, after all when the unicorns flew up to the corner and after a hundred miles of rock and mud they landed at the corner. There it was at the edge of the the kingdom of Briadae and when they landed they were able to get a better look at it.
It was surrounded by a circular curb and then the tower that was completely black without any windows or doors and had one single spire at the top making it look more like giant a candle.
“How do we get in?” Ryo asked.
“I don't think that I know.” Cari said.
Scar looked at it and then went around the tower. She looking at it like a hawk searching for its pray. She then looked down at the square cream tiles on the ground. Cari and Ryo frowned as they wondered what she was doing. They were about to ask but the Chronicler shook her head. Understanding what she was trying to say they just watched her as she was now scanning the curb. She then moved to the section in front of the tower. She then crouched to the floor and than looked around the edges.
“Ah ha!” she said with an exaggerated British accent.
“What?” the half-siblings said in unison.
She put one finger up and with the other hand she put pressure on the stone and pushed down but then when she took her hand away and that part of the curb rose and so did the square tiles behind. However that was all what happened. Scar then frowned and then looked down and saw something and then pushed the section of the curb in and then the tiles fell down to create a staircase.
“Elementary my dear Watson!” she said in that British accent.
She sighed and shook her head.
“I knew that there had to be a way in. The question was how, so I looked at the tower thinking that the way in had something to do with the bricks, but what I could not find any brick that stood out, I looked at the tiles on the floor but failing that I looked at the curb.”
“And that's how you found out where the entrance was.” Oran finished with a smile.
“So let's go!” she exclaimed.
“No, you're far too young, plus we don't know what's in there. So stay here with the Chronicler and the unicorns.” Cari said.
“Agreed, wait until you're our age until you let yourself be involved in whatever lies beyond.” Ryo said as he used all that he had within him to force a pleasant smile on his face. “So look after the unicorns alright?”
“Don't worry they'll look after me!” she sang with a smile.
They then walked to the staircase and descended. When they were at the bottom the staircase rose up and sealing them in with the dark. Then green flames rose up from torches held in the hands of gorgons with a Greek dress with broaches of a cobra about to strike at the top and a coral serpent around her waist as a belt. Their faces were identical with cold beauty and her open mouth exposed her long fangs.
They heard the sound of the sea as they walked down a small corridor. They then came to a stair case that was carved into snakes that ran along side each other and piled on top of each-other. They heard that the sound of the sea had some aggression in its sound. Their stomach churned as they soon realised that it was not the sound of the see that was in that place.
Their eyes closed out of dread. They climbed up the stairs. They came to a set of double doors that looked like it was made if emerald with cobras as the handles.
“Do you think that we're ready for this?” Cari asked.
“I don't think so.”
“Scar have my old cross bow and arrows.” she said as she passed them to her. She looked at the weapon.
“Thank you!” she said as she felt a lump of dread form in the back of her throat.
They then opened the doors to see the sea of snakes. They looked at the trio as Scar and Cari stood side by side and took their aim synchronised. Which made Scar looking like an older version of Cari. They even fired at the same time, and both hit the snakes at the same times. They even moved in an identical way like Cari was fighting along side an older version of herself!
Ryo knowing that his scythe would not be a good thing to use at the moment spread out his hand and used his magic to incinerate a stripe of snakes then his arm split open.
“Scar! Use my fire!” he shouted clutching his arm.
Scar saw it and nodded and dropped to the ground. Aiming carefully she fired at the sea of snakes across the line of fire. Making sure to fire at a snake already on fire and it landed in a patch of snakes that were not on fire and with the closeness of the rest of the snakes caught fire!
“Already on it!” she said “Surge ignis de draco!”
Soon all of her dragon silver arrows combusted and the fire spread and soon the room was filled with a sea of fire.
“Oh, well that was hardly very nice!” came a cold high-pitched icy voice.
Then the fire became extinguished. This left only darkness.
“You killed my precious children!” she said.
Then a green light arose revealing a woman that looked identical to the statues with deep green eyes and her hair of serpents all moved around with each hard a different species of snake. Cobras boas, corals, pythons, adders you name it. They all hissed at the trio.
Scar closed her eyes remembering all of those myths that she heard when she was a child. Cari placed a hand on her shoulder, indicating that it was alright to look.
“She's not really here.” she said.
“Well, are we not preceptive. I know that I should hardly expect anything else from you.” she said.
“What do you want?”
“Well, Cari, I want you. I want you to come to me in Gresphath dwelling on the beautiful island Olyma.”
“Why and who are you ?” she asked.
“Well, your first question, the gods have given my orders regarding to you, and that next question I am glad that you asked. I wish that you remember my name and remember it well, for I am none other that the vampire gorgon, Medmara!” she declared. “And I shall let you have no less that ten years to come to me, and unless the gods have told me that you are dead, or of on consequence to me, I will start to turn a child of their blood and send you their petrified remains!” she said as she faded.
Then the fire returned and soon the fire reached the top and Cari fired an arrow through the sealing of the bricks. The fire drew to where the hole was. Cari closed her eyes and the fire turned as white at her eyes. As the heat rose Scar had to back away. She pulled Cari and Ryo away from the fire and they were soon out of the tunnel and up the stairs just in time as the fire burned the tunnel.
They then saw the candle fall from within. As the fire burnt they told the Chronicler what happened.
“What? Medmara exists!” she exclaimed her face pale.
“You know who she is?”
“Yes, she is the weapon of the gods!” she exclaimed. “If she is interested in you then that seals it, you are the one who I feared you to be.”
“Then why don't you tell me?” she asked.
“As I have been saying to you, I am not the one to and you must be told by him and him alone, after all the future depends on it.”


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