The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part One

The Stolen Step-Sister

Pheoshan, Phyredoor and Coalphyre were approaching the demonic kingdom of Glahod when they were attacked. The battle was nothing but a blur, all they saw was a bull and a pig and Pheoshan being dragged away Phyredoor chasing after her. They left Coalphyre, knowing they had what they want and more...


Two months later a girl with purple eyes and black hair was seen cleaning an emerald green silk dress. She went by the name of Cinder Umbrella and the dress that she was cleaning belonged to her older step-sister Lieara.
“Cinder! Is my dress done yet?” she shouted.
“Almost! Just needs to dry!” she called and she took it out to dry in the heat of the sun. She then did the same with Delarra, her other older step-sister. She collected the other dresses up that they had asked her to clean too, but as she looked at them she knew that they were dry. She then placed them on a table next to her. She folded them up as she placed them gently in the basket next to her.
She picked them hoping that this would be enough to keep them out of her hair. She then climbed up the spiralling stairs to the upper rooms. She then opened the door to an overly large room with two king-sized beds opposite each-other. The lift had lime green silk covers and the other, a deep purple, with gold poles at each side of the bed.
“Where are-”
“On their way.”
“And have-”
“Delelarra, would you honestly think that I'd forget?” she asked as she gave her her big silver ring with a ruby gemstone in the centre, which was clean and well polished.
Delarra had a pig-face with deep red eyes and with a body to match. She even wore an ugly pink dress.
She looked at it with an eagle eye with a pleasant surprise.
“Well done! I can't believe that you did it so well!” she exclaimed.
Cinder smiled as Delarra put the ring on and then dug her fist into her gut! Cinder dropped to the ground clutching her stomach. She pulled her up by the hair she looked at her in the eye. She felt a fist in her jaw with such power she feared that her jaw would be ripped off!
“What have I told you about looking in my eyes?” she shouted.
“I-I'm sorry. I-I'll keep it in mind.” she screeched through the pain.
“You better! I mean do you think that you're better than us? Well-”
She let go.
“You're not!” she shouted as she kicked her in the stomach. “Now get out of my sight you ugly creature!”
She spat into her face.
“What is going on here?” asked Deciebra, her step-mother. Delarra pointed a finger at her.
“She thinks that she's better than us just 'cause he told us that we were to look after her!”
“Well, good job. Cinder, please know that it would do you good to forget what your step-sister had just said. Nod if your will do it.” she said
Cnder nodded with a churning stomach.
“Oh do drop you arms you look more ridiculous than you already do.”
Obediently, she dropped her arms and let them hang by her side.
“Now to your room, it's bed time.” she said pointing a had to her and gestured for her to join her.
“But she still needs to bing my green dress up and Lieara's-”
“Then you go for them yourself. After all, she's your sister not your slave like Durn. Alright?”
“Got it mother!” she sang insincerely.
“You better.”
No buts! Do you really what him to carry out that threat?”
“No.” she replied quickly.
“Good. Now Cinder, let me take you to your room.” she said outstretching her arm to her.
She walked over to her and she put her arm around her and smiled as she guided her through the door. This smile had been her refuge during this confusing time for her. It had gotten her through the stress of the past two months ever since she got back.
“look it is better if you do your best to sty on their good side. Alright?”
“Alright. But I still don't know what that is!” she said.
“I am quite sure that you can figure that out. And another thing, do try to avoid questions.” she said. As she turned a corner and down the spiralling stairs.
“I know, it's just all of this is soever confusing! I just can't help but wonder how our Demon King was able to find me when you couldn't.” she replied.
Her step-mother giggled at that.
I know, I wonder that too, and I did try, but I had my daughters to look after and I knew that I didn't want them to lose a mother as well as a father.” she explained.
“I know and sometimes I wish that I could remember where I have been.”
“Me too.” she said as they came to the room. “Now good night, and sleep tight.” she then leaned in. “And don't let those bed bugs bite!” she finished as she laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Good night to you too! And you too don't let those bugs bite either.” she replied.
She then opened the small door with a single bed and a desk beside it. This had been her room for the past two months, even-though she knew that it was only temporary, it still felt cosy and like home. She then closed the door and changed into her night gown and went fast asleep.


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