Princess Cari The Queendom Isles Final Part

The Aftermaths

“Right so what do we do about the revolt?” the Queen asked. The Chronicler looked over to Scar with a smirk.
“I hardly think we need to worry as much as I first initially thought.” she said calmly she took out a golden coin out of her pocket and gave it to her. “Give me all of the deductions on their leader.”
She took the coin and looked at her with a smirk.
“Well, judging-”
“When they get here.” she said as she then turned to Queen Decibrea. “And when they do, let them in and then return the ones that were stolen to their families and for those who do not then set up a system that will ensure that they will be able to be well taken care of.”
She nodded.
“I think that I have the system, and when they do come after she has delivered the deductions, I think that I will explain the situation.” she said as she heard their roars like a hungry loin.
She nodded to the guards. The angry mob rushed in and as the guards approached the mob Queen Decibrea raised her hand. They backed off and looked at their queen with confusion in their eyes as they returned to the mob.
“Oi we demand our kids back!” said the leader.
“Well I will come to that, Mr?”
“Jordi.” he said.
“Jordi,” she looked over to The Chronicler and she nodded. “I think before we point fingers, I think that Scar has far more pointing to you, and after she has said what she has to, then I shall make a declaration.”
With that Scar knew what to do.
“Well, Jordi I must admit that by looking at you I can tell that there are far too many things that scream of your corruption.” she started with a look in her eyes which were like a hawk drinking in every detail of his body.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked trying not to look as guilty as he was.
“I can tell that you already know, and I must admit that, first of all by your obesity and the crumbs in-beaded in that greasy moustache of yours, you seem to be well fed despite that you're supposed to be starving just like your 'friends' surrounding you, which indicates that you do have a lot of food hidden somewhere, or you're getting more food from somewhere. Now the question is where? Now looking at the grease that covers you from head to foot that could be easily explained by you being a butcher but by looking at the softness of the palms of your hands and fingers, that we can rule out that. No, the skin would be a lot more thicker and harder. So who's been feeding you?” she asked as his eyes darted to Queen Decibrea and then beside her.
Scar smirked as this had told her everything that she needed to know.
“The witch.” she said simply. With that his face became sickly white. “Did you think that if you did everything that she told you to do that she would reward you handsomely with all of the wealth and food that you could ever have? Well that just confirms your lack of intelligence, after all her kind never keep their promises. Tell me, did she tell you to start this revolt? Did she tell you that she would make it so that her majesty would be able to be killed by your makeshift army of staring men and women?”
With that his face went red.
“Is that true?” a woman asked.
“No of course not!” he said quickly further proving Scar's deductions were accurate.
“Look mummy he's peed his pants!” said a kid.
“It's true! He 'as!”
“'E's guilty alright!”
“Well, I, Queen Decibrea find you, Jordi guilty of treason henceforth, you will be beheaded tomorrow. Now do not think that you can get help from your witch friend, after all she was burnt last night in the dungeons, and with that her spell over me has been broken. Now all of those I have stolen will be returned to their families, and for those who have no families to return to will become my adopted children.” she declared. “And the tax will return to before the witch came, and I will personally, with my own hands will help restore my Queendom or I am a failure as Queen!”
With that the villagers looked around at each-other trying to find the right words to say. Some were impressed and some were sceptical. Some wondered what they should do, some wanted to kill Jordi and some wanted justice to take it's course. They all wanted what the witch used the Queen to take back so they remained.
They were guided to the dining hall and there they all eat with the Queen and then the two hundred children and one hundred teenagers came out! The guards guided one hundred children and twenty to their rightful parents, however there was a large group of fifty children and forty teenagers that ended up with aunts and uncles. Then all those that had none to go to ended up sitting by the Queen and had been told that they were now going to be her children. Well all but Oran Dymshi who did not want to be adopted even-though she qualified.
Then after they all had eaten their first decent meal in a long time they all met in the main hall for the remainder fifty children and forty teenagers to get crowned as princes and princesses. The villagers all held the hands tightly to their reunited children and as they all talked it became clear that the ones that were taken and their parents and uncles spoke differently, for they spoke properly, like the Queen.
After this all the remains Queen Decibrea gave to the rest of the Queendom and for the first time she walked among her people, this was her dream growing up. To be the Queen that knew her people, who spoke to them and make all of her subjects her friends. It may have been naive but she was when she first dreamt it. Now she knew better and knew that she would have to be careful but it still did not mean that she should not try.
Then after the quiet execution of Jordi she even used her own hands to restore the Queendom, along with Cari, Ryo, Cari and The Chronicler. Oran did too but it was all to clear as she looked at Scar where her tiny heart lay. The Queen wanted her to stay safe with her and have her become a princess but she knew that with this group was where she truly belonged. It felt right, regardless of the danger and maybe she might even be adopted by someone else.
Then within the week the other Queens of the Queendom Isles came. They all gathered together and told each-other what this group had done and by nightfall, knew what they had to do and by their belongings it was all to clear that they knew that they would reach the same conclusion.
The following morning the Queens called the four to Queen Decibrea's palace. There, they were greeted by the five Queens. They were guided to the top of the stairs.
“Kneel all four of you.” they said. Their eyes met with The Chronicler. “Including you, Fallen Queen.”
The Chronicler's eyes widened as she did, almost as if questioning if she was worthy of what was about to happen. Never the less she knelt her face was white, despite her faded tan. Her eyes watered up but it seemed that she was suppressing her tears. She also looked like she was about to shake but it was all too clear that whatever her past was that it brought her a strict sense of self-control.
Her head bowed.
“You do not need to bow to your equal.” Queen Gloria said.
Then the queens of the first three islands, Queen Gloria, Queen Silver and, Queen Britannia.
“For killing the first witch, Liztoria,” she started as Scar's eyes closed slightly, still stinging with shame. “I knight you Scarborough Witchslayer and as proof I give you the Star Emerald, Emerald's Knighting Stone.”
She placed an emerald blade on her shoulders and tapped both of her shoulder blades with it and then sheathed her sword and placed a pendent on her with a green emerald with crimson lights inside.
“Thank you!” she exclaimed.
Queen Gloria smirked accepting her gratitude.
Then Queen Silver approached, her hair and eyes were silver and her pale flesh even seemed to have a silver tint to it.
“For killing Myranna,” she said as Cari touched her throat with a chill. “I knight you Princess Cari Witchpiercer and as proof I give you the Crystal Starlight, Crystar's Knighting Stone.”
She then placed a silver blade to her shoulders and placed a pendent around her neck with a crystal with silver specks inside.
“For killing Thinind,” said Queen Britannia, who had brunette hair and brown eyes. “I knight you Prince Ryo Witchburner and as proof I give you the Sun Ruby, Surbruy's Knighting Stone.”
She did the same but with a ruby blade and placed a pendant around his neck a crimson ruby with a green light inside.
Then Queen Bethany stood before The Chronicler.
“For guiding these three to drive out the witch, that went by the name Lamia. I knight you Queen Arielsa Destinyguide.” she said as she placed a black blade on her shoulder and tapped both of her shoulders with it. “As proof I give you the Black Void, Darvola's Knighting Stone.”
She placed around her neck a pendent with a black jewel that looked like there was a black hole inside.
“Now, Oran, get out from that corner and join the others!” Queen Decibrea called down the stairs who squeaked slightly as she ran up the stairs and knelt next to the others. “Tell me do you wish to be still called Oran? After all of the others have ether adopted the name that their families gave them or chose their own.”
“Yes, I do after all it is the only name that I know.” she said.
“Alright, I knight Scarborough, Oran, Queen Arielsa, Princess Cari and Prince Ryo Queenlibarator, and as proof I give to you the Rose's Sun, Rosenmore's Knighting Stone.” she said as she placed a crimson blade, that looked as if it was made of rose petals and tapped the the shoulders of all of them left to right. She them placed a pendent around their necks right to left with a stone that looked like a glowing rose made of ice. As they rested on their chest they all changed colour, Oran's turned yellow, The Chronicler's turned a dark crimson, Ryo's turned bright orange, Cari's turned scarlet and Scar's turned crimson.
With that they left. They all looked at their pendants.
“Why did they call you Queen Arielsa?” Oran asked.
“Because that was what my name was.”
“It is complicated. Now should you not be going home?”
“I already am and I know it's gonna be bad, but I feel better with you.” she said. “And I'm not gonna take no for an answer.”
“Well if it ain't the land lubbers that killed m' crew!” exclaimed a familiar voice.
“Captain Black?”
“Aye! 'N' I see that you're needin' to go to your next place 'n' I'm headin' that way so you can catch a lift!” he said. They all looked at The Chronicler.
“We would be glad to.”
“Wha' about that kid?”
“I'm coming too!”

The Queendom Isle
Arc End
Princess Cari
Will Continue...


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