Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Part One

Evacuate To Mytholonia

It was twenty fifty and World War Three had started. The reason, no one knew but that was not important, what was important was getting all the children to safety. At first they tried the country-side of all countries, however it was all too clear that the enemy knew from history that there was where they would be going. So it soon became clear that they would have to send the children off to undocumented and newly found islands.
Eva Aaron was one of these, by the age of five years old, however her long raven hair and her intense to look at dark brown eyes made her look three years older, and her pale moon like skin made her face look hauntingly beautiful. The only thing that made it easier for strangers to be around her is the clear look of innocence and optimism in her features.
She was told that she was going to be going to a place called Mytholonia, a small island the size of Island that had been discovered in the Bermuda triangle, where it had been rumoured that all the children that was sent there were going missing, but rumours were rumours and that was not the only place, not to mention when there were investigations on the other places it turned out to be fake news.
She knew that it was for the best, however she knew that where she really wanted to be was with her older adopted siblings, fighting in the war. Her adopted mother, who gave her her name, adopted her after she had been through the menopause but still wanted to become a mother. She had grown up with this fact and the fact that her eldest sisters were in fact mothers of children that were five or six years older than her.
She sat on that ship wondering what they were doing during the time that she was on the journey. She hoped that they were all alright and that her nieces and nephews were going to their islands both safely and that they would be alright. She also wondered about her sisters fighting in that war and wondered if they were alright and if she was ever going to see them again. She knew that some of them may not return home, after all she knew what it meant when somebody died.
She arrived at the island and took her suitcase and wheeled it behind her as she tried to keep her back rucksack from falling. Even-though they were both heavy she knew that she was strong enough to pull one and carry the other on her back. Her nieces and nephews and her sisters had toughened her up that way.
She sat in a boat the size of a large canoe and was gently lowered to the sea with a man who took the ores and paddled to a wooden dock that has a misty beech. She found that the silence other than the swishing of the water slightly creepy.
She soon came to it doc. She climbed out of the boat.
“Thank you!” she sang, her mother and father drilled in to her head of the importance of manners.
He nodded as he rowed away.
“So, you must be Eva!” came an old voice behind her.
“Yes, thank you. And you are again?” she asked as she had forgotten her name. All she remembered was that it started wit a vowel.
“Olf.” said an old woman with hair like cotton that covered her ears and eyes as blue as the ocean. She had skin that was soft and almost void of wrinkles.
She was wearing a long blue skirt and a white silk top with a collar underneath a black laced shawl.
“I'm Eva Aaron.” she said as she outstretched her red gloved hand for a hand shake.
She took it and shook it.
“Pleasure to meet you deer.” she said as she embraced her. “So, until the war is over I guess that you will be staying with me and my cat Mr Whiskers. It will be nice to have someone else in the house, after all I have been soever lonely since my daughter-”
She looked aside with her eyes narrowing slightly.
“Moved.” she said as she helped her carry her things to a patch of grass. She looked around and spotted that there were no houses around. She wondered why that was until Olf pulled up a thin wire revealing a flight of stairs.
“You go down first alright?” she said warmly.
“Alright, but first let me help you down.”
“Then let us go down together. It is so sweet for you to look out for me. Your mother definitely raised you right.” she said as they descended.
She came to a square light brown room that had a table and chairs in the centre painted white. At the far corner was a kitchen aria akin to the seventies with the hob and sink next to each-other in an L shape. She could see the only things in the room that reminded her of what time that she was in was a washing machine and dryer. There was no TV nor was there a phone. In fact had the washing machine and dryer not been there she would have thought that she had stepped back in time!
“Now let me show you to your room, deer.” Olf said as she stepped ahead and turned to the other side of the staircase where there was a small pale wooden door with an intricate black rose pattern engraved in black. She then opened the door and led her down another flight of stared where there was a small corridor with two rooms and a bathroom in the middle, which, mercifully, hat both a toilet and a silver headed shower.
She turned to the right and opened the door and turned the lights on to reveal a bedroom with a double bed with Victorian bedding. She could see a white mirror that looked like something a Victorian noble would have. Her eyes dropped to see a photograph of a smiling teenage girl with narrow blue eyes and raven hair.
“She looks like me!” she exclaimed little realising that she had said it out loud.
Olf smiled warmly but there was a hint of bitterness and sorrow in it.
“Yes, she does. Any way I will be getting something for us to eat. You unpack and make yourself at home.” she said as she disappeared.
Eva looked around and explored. She looked in the mirror and as she did she felt something stir inside of her and as she walked up to it and was drawn to look inside she spotted that the image of the mirror started to change in front of her. Soon she was not looking at her but a woman with long strait black hair with sharp high cheekbones and green eyes, but there was something wrong with them but she could not quite tell what it was though as her eyes dropped to her blood red lips.
Then Eva blinked and she was soon looking at herself again. She frowned and shook her head. She then unpacked and soon was eating her first meal with Olf. Nothing much happened during the rest of that week, but she could feel the surge of something inside of her that was beginning to wake up.
Then came the dream. She saw a woman with long black hair and ice blue narrow eyes like Olf's and the rest of her facial features looked like her. She wore a long black dress with crimson jewels at the cuff of the neck and wrists. She wore a black ring with a purple jewel in on her middle finger.
“Withele' you must leave here. It is not safe!” she shouted as behind her came a giant spider and snaked that slithered and crawled in front of her and surrounded the her and just as they were about to pounce she woke up screaming and then the mirror broke. She herd a hiss next to her head. In a post dream fear she looked beside her as she let out a sigh of relief. It was only Mr Whiskers.
Olf came in and spotted the mirror shards on the floor. She then looked at Eva and there was a look of understanding in her eyes. She then walked up to her and gave her a hug.
“It's alright deer, you're alright.” she soothed as she rocked her back to sleep. Where she dreamed about running in an endless field for the rest of the night.
Then came the third incident two weeks later. By this time the surges had become more and more powerful that she learnt how to control her breathing to keep her heartbeat steady. Olf was out this time and that was when she felt the most powerful surge that she had ever felt. That was when Mr Whiskers looked up at her and started hissing and looked at her in such a way that is frightened her for a moment and that was when the hob caught alight and the fire stared to spread. She quickly snatched him up and ran out to both get away from the fire and to get fresh air that she knew would help her calm down.
“I knew that I sensed human magic three weeks ago.” came an unnerving high-pitched voice. “Now I shall take you back to my sisters!”
She looked back only to see that it was the woman that she had seen in the mirror and now she knew why her eyes were off, the pupils were slits! This added even more terror to her cold beauty. As she looked at her bony arm she could see that she had crimson claws and then she spotted that her teeth were not ordinary either for they were sharp and had long fangs that would have looked like a vampire's had they not been curved inwards like a snake and as she opened her mouth to show her the teeth she could see that her tong was flat and forked and above the tong was a tube that she knew spat out venom. That was when she saw it. She was a serpent from the waist down.
She was about to let out a scream but the snake-woman put her other hand over her mouth and then griped her at the stomach, revealing that her hand was bigger than a humans. She was picked up and she was spun and there the snake-woman dug her into her chest as they slithered away. Deep into the forest aria.
She was not put down until it was way past midnight. She was clutching Mr Whiskers the whole time for comfort to ease her fear. There she saw that there were many snake-people all slithering around a campfire.
“Behold! Withele' Genronation Kageshine! Daughter of the witch Mortgin, the one who prophesied our demise by her hand!” she laughed.
“Are you sure, my queen?” one asked.
“Just look at her!” she said as she tossed the girl next to the flames. There she was greeted with more eyes with slits in but of many different colours and she noticed the tails were different colours too.
“Yes I see it!” said one.
“She's almost identical!” said another.
Feeling even more terrified than before she held Mr Whiskers tighter and closed her eyes and berried her head into his body.
“Aww! She's clutching that cat as she cowers. It is adorable!”
“I know, it makes it just that much more exiting when we eat her!”
With that word, and knowing it she started to cry. She knew that she did not want that to happen and that she wanted to live. So why was this happening to her? What she she done to deserve this? Why were they saying all those things to her? Were they really gong to eat her?
“Yes, but first why not let her suffer? It would make it just that much more painful when we tell her mother.”
“Stop it! Just stop it please!” she cried as she felt her heartbeat increase as the fire stared to dance beside her. She could feel another surge rising inside her, one more powerful than before.
“Why? I mean, we can't let you leave this island alive can we. After all we're going to show you exactly what happened to all the other children that they had sent here. All for us to eat!” she said as she leaned in closer.
Shaking all over she backed away as all of the snake-people gathered closer and closer. That was when the surge became too much to handle.
“JUST STOP!” she screamed as the fire moved back away from her and then flew around, igniting all of the snake-people in one long wave and she collapsed feeling completely exhausted. Her arms let go of Mr Whiskers.
When she woke she saw Olf looking over her with a concerned look on her face. She needed not words for she had already embraced the girl as she broke down and cried.
“It's alright, it's alright.” she repeated over and over until the girl was calm.
She then went on to tell her what had happened. Her eyes showed understanding and pain as she did. By the end she was crying again and she was again embracing the girl.
“It's alright, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.”
“Then who's was it?” she asked when she calmed down again.
“Mine. I should have never brought you home. You were just not ready too.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“There's a reason that girl in the photograph looked like you, and let me tell you she is no longer that girl, for she is a woman now, and she is your mother.”
Eva's eyes widened.
“You're my biological grandma?” she asked.
“Yes, and yes she is a witch.” she said with a slight bitterness. “Now it's time for you to return home, the war looks like it has come to an end.”
“But I belong here, with you!” she exclaimed.
She giggled.
“Maybe you will be, but right now is not that time. After all if there's anything that last night had taught me is that this island is far too dangerous for you at the moment.” she said. “Don't worry I've already packed everything.”
With that they she was on the boat by the end of the day. As evening came she spotted that there was a black cat on the ship on the way home. She walked up and spotter to her horror that it was Mr Whiskers! She looked at the blank horizon knowing that one day she would have to return with Mr Whiskers.


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