The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Five
Out Of The Rock

I woke up in a soft bed that felt like being encased by fur and the roof of the bed and the pillows felt like they were not even there and my head felt like it was being suspended in a comfortable position. As my eyes rolled I could see that the quilt was made of a roil blue fur and the roil blue pillows were silk.
Smiling I slid my hands beside me and sat up. My head and eyes turned drinking in the landscape of the room. The walls five walls were painted a shade of pail blue that it looked white. Each wall was split by ink blue pillars.
What a beautiful room! I felt like I should not even be here nor should I be obscuring the perfection of the blue room. Slipping my legs out I slightly jumped looking at the delicate light cotton night gown with a silk under layer to hide my body. The sleeves puffed out and with a blue ribbon ended the oblong shame and my elbow with a fanned out cuff. As I left the comfort of the bed I stroked it several times to affirm that what I was wearing was real! It felt so light on me and nothing like what I was wearing when I got here.
Ha, mother would love a dress like this. I wonder, if I can get a dress in her size before I leave? OH! This was when it dawned on me that all this time I had not thought about my mother once since I met my friends! Then there was the fact that there was a war going on outside this place. I needed to put my new found fighting skills to the test and take part in that!
But what if they don't accept you? A part of my mind questioned.
I have slain two witches! How could they not accept me? Another argued, causing my eye to be raised for my childish mind that seemed to be a good reason and by that time I had not been told that a girl could not go to war back then so it never dawned on me that I would nether be accepted nor believed.
When I reached the window I spotted my friends in a circle talking to a man with a strong but slender frame with hair and eyes the colour of the deep blue see. Had I been my mother's age I would have thought that he was handsome, or if I was a roil of old I would have had my daughter marry him! However as a child, I just thought that he looked cat-like.
Where's King Yaminox? And who is that man? I wondered as I spotted that he had just noticed that I was awake. He looked up at me and smile, like he was relived by something, revealing his purl coloured teeth that seemed to glow in his mouth. He turned back to my friends and placed a hand on their shoulders and spoke to them, but because I was so high up I could not hear what it was that he said. They laughed as they followed him into the castle that I was in.
I soon was greeted by the man after I had changed into a suit of blue amour. I found myself smiling shyly and I nodded my apology to Elishun for being the one who killed the witches. He nodded and shrugged half-heartedly as if it was nothing but water under the bridge. At his forgiveness I felt a little more at ease.
“So, urm...Who are you?” I asked turning to the only one that I seemed to not know. He gave me a cheeky cat-like smile.
“Do you not recognise me in this form Aqua Aoshine?” he asked. That was when it dawned on my, and suddenly understood the situation.
“Congratulations, forgive my foolishness Your Majesty!” I bowed as I apologised. He smiled light-heartedly as he embraced me.
“No, it is I who must apologise for if I had not been cursed then you would not have had to face those awful witches in the first place!” he said in my ear and pulled away. “Speaking of which I would like for you to come and follow me. By the way, you do not suffer with stage fright do you?”
“No, sir.” I replied as we walked down a long corridor. I could hear a static noise in my ear as we walked down the noise became louder and louder.
“So, after the celebrations, what would you like to do after?” he asked me.
“I would like to go home.” I replied. He looked down at me as he paused for a moment. His eyes became narrow.
“I do not see why that can not be arranged.” he replied as we came to a door where the noise was loudest. One of the maid servant opened the door for us I soon realised that it was caused by some odd static, but it was in fact cries from the whole kingdom, with people as far as the eye could see. No wonder King Yaminox wanted to know whether or not I had stage fright, for if I did those witched would become more and more appealing!
“Now, I want you two to line up over there and kneel.” he said as we walked and knelt where he pointed, wondering what was going on and what was going to happen. Why would he ask us to be here? Then I saw it the long silver blue blade as ling as the man's body and with a lapis-lazuli hilt that looked as if it had been moulded in place.
He walked up to Elishun and rose the blade and rested the blunt side on his left shoulder.
“Elishun of Bluespring Eve, I knight you Elishun Wisehand, for you have sown wisdom on your quest and you were able to sacrifice your chance to kill both witches of the land of Graygin to aid the one who ended up slaying them.” he said as he drew a bridge over his head. He then turned to me and walked with grace as he rested his blade on my shoulder.
“Aqua Aoshine of New York, I knight you Aqua Shockreaper for you are a dangerous thing when you are shocked or scared even witches stand little chance against you.” he as and he gestured for us to rise. He then turned to the kingdom and they cried out. “All hail Wisehand! All hail Shockreaper!”
Now, how can you leave here? It is wonderful and these people...They might need you!
No, the witches are dead, thus I have no reason to stay here, plus mom needs me too! And there is not a war here, no...I must return home and fight in the war over there. I have a duty to use the skills that I have now, to help end the war!
So, it would be best to leave as soon as possible. If you stay here and join in with the celebration then the chances that you will leave will decrease. After all I know that you will get attached here.
Knowing my thoughts were speaking truth, I turned to King Yaminox.
“Your Majesty, I think I would like to go home now.” I said as he looked at me with a relaxed expression and nodded. When the crowd had finished their chants he went over to the hand maiden and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at him and nodded. She turned and ran off. She seemed to be gone for only a moment until she came back with a scroll the colour between brown and cream with a faded Persian blue ribbon keeping it boned. Meanwhile another bought a table to me and the scroll was placed upon it. King Yaminox nodded and I reached out my hands and took hold of it and opened it up.

To the visitor of the World of the Rock,
because of your services to the World
you have been granted freedom from
the World of the Rock.

You have chosen to leave the World of the
Rock for whatever reason and have exercised
this reward. This is why this scroll exists.

However, you can only go home if you sign this
contract. Which means that by leaving you are
promising to return when the World of the Rock
is in trouble.

Having looked at the scroll I smiled. It was a good price to pay, and one that I would have not minded coming back. Nor did I want to let my new friends die when I would have been able to save them. I have always believed that keeping your friends safe was always a responsibility of friendship, regardless of if they like it or not.
I looked up and nodded agreeing with the contract. He then nodded at the hand maiden that brought the scroll and gave me a long blue feather quill that I could tell was plucked from a pen. I took hold of the feather and wrote my name down on the paper. I then handed it over the King Yaminox and then I started to feel myself be violently pulled up. Soon I was flying higher and higher at what I could only describe as light speed. In my eyes the land became smaller and smaller until it became a speak of dust. Then my back crashed threw something and splinters of blue rock surrounded me.
My legs gave way as a cocoon of the blue rock smashed around me. My head banged against the floor and as my vision faded to black I could see another of those Latin quotes that was above the door and I said it aloud.

“Tempus fluit, De Dum veneris. 'Time flows on, From when you come' I wonder what that means?” I muttered as my eyes closed and I found myself in a world of dreams.


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