The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Four
The Second Witch

After I had explained everything Whittenni knelt down and wept as he bowed down to King Yaminox.
“I-I am so sorry that t-t-this has happened to you Y-Your majesty.” he cried as his tears started to feed the grass underneath his cheeks. King Yaminox pressed his paw against his shin.
“Whittenni Billin, Sir Whittenni Billin, the fault is mine, for if I had not sent you, knowing full well that you were far too inexperienced to see the mission through, then none of this would have ever happened.” he explained. “If there is anyone that is required to give an apology it is me. So, I am sorry for what that those witches did and I deserve every moment of what has happened to me.”
“Hold on, you're a knight?” I asked. He looked at me and looked aside.
“I was.”
“But you still are.” said King Yaminox.
“Well, speaking of which, we still have one more to kill.” Elishun muttered. Taking our cue we moved on looking at Elishun's map.
“So, where are we going next?” I asked.
“Scarour Blaque Hill.” he replied as we moved on. As we walked on. We walked to a hill that had black grass and trees. It became so black that I wondered whether or not I was even walking on something. Then the atmosphere became darker and darker until everything seemed to be night. When we finally came to the castle I could tell, that somehow, it was made of black glass. It's main entrance was high and seemed to be made of just the tall double doors, joined by the draping wings that seemed to be held up by the twin towers that followed like a pair of bat wings.
I rolled my shoulders as I felt an uncomfortable churning in my stomach as my mind was screaming at me to get out of there, but I knew that I must be brave. I could feel my heart racing until I could hear it in my ears.
Then the doors opened and soon I started to feel cold and nauseous. For some reason I could feel someone watching me as I felt a tingling sensation like needles. Suddenly I was breathing rapidly.
“Aqua, are you alright?” King Yaminox asked as I stole myself and nodded. I ran on after them.
When we were at the doors we then heard a piercing scream that was so high pitched and hideous that it chased away my body heat and beat my ears with invisible fists. When the scream stopped the doors were open.
“What the heck was that?” I asked.
“Lashadow.” Whittenni growled as his eyes looked past them and in the castle.
“Well, well, well if it isn't the foolish little faun that tried to kill me!” I heard a blood freezing voice behind me. Quickly we turned around to see a tall thin woman whose flesh was the colour paler than a fresh sheet of paper. Her coal coloured eyes were filled with ice and something else that I could never place. Her hair was like liquid darkness as it trailed on the floor behind her like a cape. Her dress seemed to be made of darkness as it shone blue in whatever light there was here.
“How are you? You know, after what happened to your family?” she asked her voice was like a knife. Whittenni ran at her but was forced back as he hit something in the doorway. He looked at him and laughed as her eyes rested on the Witchslayer and then, I could feel myself freeze as she looked at me. I could not help myself but gulp.
She knows! I don't believe it! She knows that I was the one who killed her sister! What is she going to do to me? What will she do? Never mind that! What won't she do to me? Oh help me oh someone help me!
I could feel myself shaking as her smile changed to that one of unsettling warmth. I felt myself breaking as she raised her skeleton like hand and pointed at me. I felt a scream chocking my throat.
“I will only allow her to enter and nobody else will be permitted to enter this castle.” she demanded. I let out the scream of terror as my fears were confirmed.
“How cowardly!”
“How dare you!”
“N-n-no, i-i-it's alright.” I mumbled as my voice gave away my emotions. I could feel my nausea over come me as I trembled, but my determination forced me on until I was passed the doors and inside the castle. Soon I was looking at her as she smiled she reached out her hand and tucked my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek in her cold hand as the corner of my eye caught the sight of her black vanes, as if darkness was running through them rather than blood.
“Hello, it's alright.” she said as she stroked my cheek with her thumb. Suddenly I felt something in my heart, I felt myself calming. Suddenly I stopped seeing her as a nightmare, and more like a mother. A mother I had always wanted. I wanted to be her daughter from now on, I also wanted to call her mother.
“Shh, shh,” she pulled me in to her embrace. “It's alright, it's alright.”
“Hay, how about this, why don't you stay here with me? I will show you all over this place and then we can be mother and daughter?” she asked. I felt myself frowning.
“Will you remove King Yaminox's curse?” I asked. This took her back as a frown appeared. She pulled me back as my fear came back and the cold nausea sat on the back of my throat as her eyes met mine. I could feel herself burring into my mind filling my soul with an overwhelming sense of helplessness and dread.
“So, is that what you want? You want me to free the cat?” she asked in her mock motherly voice making me feel like I have asked for the wrong thing, and for a moment I thought that I had but I knew that I had to stand my ground.
“Yes, and then do to me whatever you wish.” I said as I bowed my head, already knowing that they had no chance against her and I was already lost. She looked at him for a moment and then back at me. She raised her hand to my chin and raised it forcing my eyes to look at hers. I could feel myself trembling. Her eyes gave me a look of false concern.
“Ohh...You know I can not do that, for as long as he remains in that form I still control this land. Thus eliminating the chance of rebellion.” her words were like ice to my ear.
I tried to step back but her grip was too tight. Her laugh was upsetting as I knew that she was never going to let me go. She was going to take her vengeance on me and there was nothing that I could do to stop it. I could see the other hand draw close to my face. Fearing what she was going to do I closed my eyes but then I felt her snow-like finger stroking it. I dared to open my eyes until I could feel part of myself relax for a moment but when that moment came. Slap! I found myself falling down the stairs drawing blood inside my mouth.
I spat it out as I knelt up and before I could get up I felt the witches foot on my back as my arms and legs became weaker and weaker until they could not stop myself from falling back on my stomach. I could feel my energy fading from me until I forced myself sidewards and soon my energy returned as she hit her knee. I used my legs to propel myself to get my body off the floor but I hit my back on the wall. I could feel my nausea increase as my trembling increased as I could feel something cold and wet on my cheeks. I could feel my breath become more and more rapid.
“Aqua!” Elishun shouted. I looked over at him my eyes were both screaming for help but I feared that if I spoke then I would let out the puke that threatened my throat.
“How could you attack a child you coward!” King Yaminox.
“Leave her alone!”
She twisted her head towards them as if she had just noticed that they were still here. I knew that this was my chance. I rolled on my feet and ran up at her but she outstretched her hand and raised it and soon I was in the air. I looked at her as I realised that she was smiling and I soon realised what she was about to do. I looked up at my friends my heart was beating so fast that it threatened a heart attack. I looked around myself looking for something to use as a weapon to stop her from raising my higher. Soon I found what I was looking for and I took out my gas mask and threw it at her. When it hit her I was flat on the floor again.
I wiped the blood from my nose as I got to my knees and charged at her as I took out my teddy and hit her with it. Then I landed a punch on her perfect face but this did nothing to phase her she just pushed on my knuckles and gripped me by the throat. I felt the pressure of my teeth clench as she raised me. I could hardly breath as my feet kicked in a vain attempt to get her off me. As my eyes looked at the I could see her smile at my distress. I looked up at my new friends who were hitting the magic forcefield preventing them from helping me.
I could feel the tears in my eyes and my vision was getting more and more dark. Then I felt the pressure release from my throat and my head banged against the ground. I looked back at my friends as the witch knelt behind me and pulled me up. She held me up and forced me to look at them by gripping my chin. I struggled against her but she was just too strong.
“Shh, shh!” her voice came next to me right ear. I could feel her stoking my arm. “Now, now, do not be so eager to escape my grip. You brought this up on yourself. Now look at them, seen how they help you in vain. Let my tell you one thing, I will hurt them. Yes, I will even let you see what I am going to do, but you can do nothing to help them, no.”
“Please don't please! Leave them alone, just leave them alone!” I cried. As Elishun frowned as he had a pained look in his eyes. For a moment I thought that the witch was doing something to him but as he closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. He let out a deep breath as he took out the Witchslayer and threw it and it passed through the forcefield. It spun in the air as it landed in front of my feet. I looked up knowing what he was getting at.
I was about to use my feet to get it but Slitpipe pulled me back.
“Ohh noo!” she sang as she picked me up and she pulled be back as she backed away from my only hope. I could feel my tears staining across my chest as my hands reached out as if I could get it magically into the palms of my hands. I could hear the creams as I sobbed. It was also mixed in with the witches laughter
She's enjoying this? I felt a ripple of anger rise in me and soon I had stopped crying. Now I was infuriated and I started to kick and scream. I do not know how but in my anger I found myself digging my teeth deep into the witches hand and finally drew blood! When she screamed she let me go and I ran to the sword and picked it up. I soon in my rage ran at her I could feel something in me snap as I dragged the blade in front of me and it was in the witch before I could stop myself. Then with a scream she combusted and there was nothing left of her but ash which I spat on.
I let out a scream of horror when I came to my senses. Soon I was trembling and then what I did sank in. I had killed, not just one but two witches! Bring it on world war two! I thought. Now I did that I knew that I could fight in that war. I would be able to fight with my father Yukio! I could do it!

Just imagine that in the papers! 12 year old half Japanese American wins World War Two! Soon I was laughing as the thought came to me. Then as the colour turned from black to green and the castle blue I passed out. I was told that my smile was still on my face long after I closed my eyes.


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