The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Three
New Friends

I took a moment to explore this new world, at first my mouth was open with awe and wonder at how beautiful the place was. My mind was blown at just looking at it. I'm in another world! I really am in another world! I can not believe that I am in another world! These word s were on constant repeat in my head, just in different word and ways to say it. I was so awestruck that I could no longer feel my heart and the motions of my breath.
This did not last, though, for I soon became lonely in this world. I had not seen a single person in this world, nor did I see a single building. I wanted to talk to someone and to hear about what this world was like and to see, what kind of people lived here. Maybe find out how I came to this world and then how to get back.
Suddenly as if something had taken note I spotted a tall man walk up to me from the horizon. He had pointy ears that looked like the shape of a robin looking up without its legs. He lad long black locks that reminded me of a waterfall at night, with twin braids cutting down it. He had the eyes the colour of deep blue water that screamed wisdom and intelligence. This was emphasised by his high cheek bones that demanded respect.
“Are you lost little one?” he asked, his voice was soft but strong, thick with a British accent.
“Yes, my name is Aqua Aoshine. I'm an evacuee from New York. I came here when I was pulled by-I don't know, but I was then forced to touch this blue rock and now I'm here. Wherever 'here' is.” I explained.
“Well that is quite a tale, my name is Elishun, an elf. I live here in Bluespring Eve. A land plagued by the evil witch sisters, Blister Lasnow and Slitpipe Lashadow. They had oppressed this kingdom for countless generations and they will continue to do so until someone is either, brave, foolish or intelligent enough to defeat them. This is why I am here. I wish to gain respect in my kingdom Elra by either freeing this land of their grip or die trying.” he explained with such charisma that would motivate anyone to follow him and his noble quest. I then smiled slightly at how much he reminded me of the heroes I liked to read about in books.
“Well, can I come with you? After all I don't know this place and you're the first person that I have met and I know that we would benefit each others company.” I asked, knowing that I did not want to be left alone in this world, especially now that I knew that there were a pair of evil witches around. After all I feared what they would do to me if they found me, or worse if I found them!
“Alright, but I must warn you; this journey will be long and perilous. Thus if it becomes dangerous later on I would prefer it that you left. After all I could only dread to think what they would do to an innocent child like you...” he warned. I raised my hand to solute him.
“I will do my best sir!” I barked like what I thought a soldier would act like. “And if there is anything I can do to help I'll not hesitate to do it Mr Elishun!”
He nodded with a look of both concern and protectiveness as we walked on. We walked and walked until my ankles started to ache from the uneven ground. We then came to a small and cosy tavern that looked as if it had been built in the Tudor era with a medieval twist. It had a beautifully carved plank of wood that hung from a pole saying; Aoblue Patraiwa underneath the black painted single door.
“Mr Elishun, do you think that we should stay there for the night?” I asked. He looked at the tavern, the corners of his eyes twitched as he looked down at me.
“Well, we do need to get something to eat.” he said as we walked up to the single door I reached out my hand to open the door, when it opened and I heard laughter as something hit me and I was on the floor. I only tapped my head against the cobbles and soon I was seeing a pair of goat legs that, as I followed them up to see a human's six pack and then I slowly realised what was on my stomach. I looked at him worried that he had hurt himself. Only to be greeted with even more laughter.
“C'mon lass! Just one more-” he spoke with a deep, drunken Scottish accent.
“You've 'ad enough drinks! Now get out now!” boomed a woman that suddenly appeared at the doorway. “'N' ge' off tha' wee lass now!”
She then kicked him off me as he then burst out laughing even more! He then looked at me as if he had just noticed me and outstretched his sweaty hand that stunk of alcohol.
“Hi! I'm Whittenni Billin! Nice to meet you wee lass!” he said as I shook his hand and passed out still shaking my hand. Sighing I picked him up, he was quite light for his size. I looked at Elishun displaying my intention. He shook his head. I sighed out of disappointment. He then sighed displaying the fact that he had given in.
We then booked ourselves a room and I rested Whittenni on the bed as we sat at the table.
“Well, we can not predict how he will behave when he wakes so I will stay awake.” he said as we ate. I nodded understanding what he meant. After that I lay down on the floor and slept there and then. I then drifted off to dreamland.
I found myself frozen in rock as I looked around and saw people screaming for help, but before anything else happened I was quickly being shaken awake. I was glad that the faun was still asleep for I knew that I did not want him to overhear what it was that we were talking about, for fear that he knew the witches that we were going to defeat.
“So, where are we going?” I asked as Elishun pulled out a map. We had a warm mug of tea each, which we used to keep the map flat.
“Yaminox Forest, where Blister lives in a cottage.” he explained.
“And how will we know which is her cottage?”
“Because, it's the only cottage in that hell hole, and it is the most whitest part of the forest.” Whittenni muttered as he stirred.
“And how do you know that?” I asked suspiciously.
“Wait, did you say your name was Whittenni Billin?” Elishun asked.
“Oh, was I that drunk eh?” he muttered rubbing his head.
“As in the Whittenni Billin, silent h double t, n and l?”
“Aye, but I don't know what you've heard of me laddy but I'm not that knight any more! Not after what they did to me 'n' my family!” he exclaimed. “Those Witch Sisters killed 'em 'n' left me for dead! And for what? Just 'cause I was the only one who almost killed them on my kings orders?”
He bowed his head as tears fell down his cheeks as he made a noise like a high-pitched hiccup. Wiping his, seemingly never-ending tears he looked to the side of the bed. I then took out my handkerchief and handed it to him. He nodded his thanks and continued to wipe away his tears. We waited until he had finished crying then we continued out conversion.
“So, what will our plan be?” she asked.
“We've got to burn it down to the ground.”
“But that is cowardly and I am no coward!” Elishun exclaimed.
“No, young lad, there's a difference between being cowardly 'n' being a plain idiot. Believe me, you won't stand a chance using that old code without a good plan.” he explained.
“Right, I get the point, but I still feel as if I should fight her!” Elishun shouted.
“I know, but you can't kill this one. After all she has the Witchslayer blade and she had cast a spell so that only children can enter that forest.” he explained. “Believe me laddy, I've tried! Why'd you think that I'm here!”
“So, what you are saying is that the only one who can go to kill this witch is-”
“Me.” I said. “I must be the one to go.”
“No, this is just far too dangerous for a girl your age!” he said.
“I'm going, don't worry, I promise that you'll kill the next one.” I said as we checked out and left the hotel. We followed Whittenni for a while until we were facing a white forest that seemed to have any and all colour removed from it. It almost hurt my eyes looking at it.
“Now, what you need to do is.”
“Go in, get the sword and kill the witch.” I said as I stepped into the forest. I walked and walked until I came to a white cottage that was coated in vines and leaves and spray painted white. I looked in the window to see if the witch was there. I let out a sigh as I crouched in front of the door and took out the pin on my hair and picked at the lock. When that was done I looked around and seeing that the witch was not there I slipped into the cottage and I spotted the sword immediately. It was the only thing in the room that was not white, in fact it was blue! A blue crystal sword with Witch Slayer down the side.
I walked up to the sword and picked it up. Holding it in my hands I could feel that it was made of the same type of stone that the rock that had brought me here. I found myself falling into a trance as the light reflected heat onto my face. I then stroked it to see if it was as smooth as what I was seeing. I found myself smiling knowing that I had the sword and at how easy it was to get it.
“Well, well well, if it isn't a little lovely girl!” said a croaky voice behind me. Screaming as I jumped I accidentally dug the sword into her and she too was screaming and then burst into flames in front of my very eyes. Soon everything returned to it's normal colour and when I returned I spotted a cat by my ankle.
“Hello.” it said. My eyes widened.
“You can talk?” I exclaimed.

“Yes, I can, but I am not a cat if that it what you are thinking. I am a king that was tricked by the Witch Sisters and I can not return to my human form until they are both dead. Thank you for killing her.” he explained.


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