The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Final Part
Mirror's Splinter

In the king's study the King and Sythvin were discussing the future of the kingdom, well Sythvin was telling him what his master wanted to happen. It had been a month since Pheoshan had walked into the world of the White Demon's mirror. The snow storm signalled that that the end of the year was near, as well as his master's plan.
Then the place shook as the mirror stared to pulsate like a healthy beating heart. They both knew that something was going on with the mirror. So they looked at the mirror with intrigue as the mirror, with every pulse, the mirror started to crack. As it continued to pulse the cracks became longer and deeper. Soon there was a deafening sound that came with every pulse like a low scream in an off pitch. Soon they had to cover their ears to prevent them from exploding. Then smash! The glass fell and from the splinters formed Pheoshan. Although it was not Pheoshan at the same time, for she held Yamizemort, the Demon King's weapon! Or at least a miniature version of it. Then there was her face, it was all twisted and distorted with a glee that Sythvin knew that only the Demon King could muster. As he took a closer look his heart skipped a beat as he looked at the girl's eyes, they were not her usual dark purple, but there it seemed like there were two walls of crimson fire that looked as if they were fires of a deadly furnace that moved just like fire that seemed as if they had expelled the white of her eyes.
“How? He's supposed to be out of you! How do you have the eyes of the Demon King? Tell me Demon-” he coward as her eyes returned to normal and she collapsed in her father's arms. “-princess...”
“I thought that the Demon King is supposed to be out of her!” he said as he held her with shaky hands afraid that she was going to wake up and kill him right there and then!
“That Prince Coalphyre made sure that he was out of her by making me do that myself so there is hardly any doubt that he is.” he replied.
“Then what exactly is it that we caught a glimpse of and where it Prince Pertess?” he asked.
“I know not, and I do believe that he is dead. I shall have to leave to inform my master of this, in the meantime keep the Demon Princess out of anyone's sight.” he replied as he left the room to leave the kingdom.


Princess Pheoshan woke up in a cold dim lit room. As her eyes looked around she spotted that she was in a dungeon and as her eyes fell down to her wrists she spotted they had a silver cuff that had chains attached to them. Suddenly her situation sank in. She tried to move but her body just would not budge an inch! She could feel that her muscles were absolutely saw. She tried to call out but her voice was just as useless as the rest of her body.
Then she remembered what she did and the whole battle came to her, now she knew how she got out of the final Dream Hell.
What was that feeling? And where did that power come from? Why did it feel so wrong but so good? Well whatever it was I must do all I can to stop it. I did not like that feeling at all! That, was frightening but exiting. Ah my head! It's pounding and this cold is not doing me any favours!
She tried to call out several times but still nothing. Then she heard a door open and her eyes met those of her father's. They were like hers but stern and zoned out somehow. She knew that her face and body were predominantly her mother's but her eyes and personality were his, but then there was something else. Something that had made her become something more than the product of their genetics. This something is what had come out in her fight.
How long have I been out?” she whispered feeling that her voice was returning to her.
Since yesterday. It was quite difficult getting you here, you were twitching in your unconscious state!” he chuckled as he picked up a bowl of a gruel mixture. He then started to feed her like an infant. They then proceeded to enter into awkward silence until this was done. Even-though it tasted bitter it saw to dry sensation in her mouth. Then he left. Long after he left she stared to be able to move. At first she could only move then in small twitches but soon she became able to curl herself up in a ball.
Definitely won't expect any favourers from him. So now the question is; what will happen to me? Will they execute me?Will I be exiled? Will I just stay here rotting for the rest of my so called life? Or will I go to another tower and be guarded by anther dragon? Will I be forced into another arranged marriage to an abominable man?Or will he kill me himself or will Sythvin do it? Either way I will no longer be able to call this place home. That's alright, I've never really considered this place my home anyway. If I'm to be absolutely honest with myself I don't think that I even have a home. Why is this even happening anyway? I mean I know that it isn't anything to do with the fact that I was the host of Wolfox? Or was it the fact that I had refused to join his side, no, it was definitely something more. Something that I have done maybe?
Before she could get absurd she let herself drift into the safety of sleep.


Sythvin was waiting in the king's study when the king came in. He looked tired, which was not a good sign. Could all of what was happening taking at toll on him and his spell on him? Either way he was not happy about his meeting with his master and the Demon King.
What are they planning? Why was the Demon King not listening to his reason?
What is to become of my daughter?” he asked. Sythvin's eyes narrowed. Yes he was in the right but he could not allow himself to disobey his master's will. He hardly wanted to even think what would happen to him if he did that.
The Demon Princess is to go into exile and it is to be done by this years end.” he said which was followed by a long but purposefully silent. This was yet another tell that his enchantments were weakening.
Thank you. I cannot tell you how glad that I do not have to execute her, after all my wife will kill me if I had to do that. Which would be followed by her brother.” he clearly lied. Yes he would definitely have to do something quickly or they would lose him once he breaks the spells that kept him in his puppet state.
Speaking of which how is Chuoshan?” he asked pleasantly.
Alright. Will he?”
No, and I must admit that even-though I did try to argue that it would be in the better interest of things neither the Demon King nor my master would seem to be happy. Especially the first one, for some reason is more protective and curious of that daughter who is, apparently his destined assassin.” he laughed.
Well ever since that war last year! Strange things have happened. Is it true that one of the heroes of that war was awake all that time?” he asked.
Yes which led to something good happening to our plans.” he replied.


Later Pheoshan was woken by her father shaking her awake. When did she fall asleep? How long has she slept? She wondered calmly and clear of fear or worry. Now was the time that she should learn her fate, or the fate that Sythvin wished upon her. Whatever it was she knew that if she did not face it then he would undoubtedly kill her father, just to get to her. Or worse have a complete extermination of everyone and everything in the kingdom by her fathers hand before his own death.
I hope that you are all rested up.” he said with a dull tone to his voice.
How long do I have to be here?” she snapped with mover verbal aggression than she had intended. “Sorry...It doesn't matter...”
It is fine, and it does.” he too snapped. “But never mind about that. I am afraid that you will be here only an hour. When that hour is up then I want you to pack up all your things then in the morning, take my stead Johannathan. He will serve you well.”
Sythvin wishes you to go into exile. I am afraid that, as we both know I can not disobey him, just like my father could not and his father before him, just like that Queen in the Queendom Isles cannot his sister.” he explained
Have you tried?” she asked.
Yes and more than you know. Every time his enchantments have weakened he has taken me to see his master only for him to strengthen them even further. Even when he used me to get you into that damned mirror- I can tell you that if these enchantments were gone I would kill that snake with my own blade so that they cannot place another enchantment on me! This is why I also wish for you to leave before they change their minds and have me execute you.
This is why I have tried to keep away from you for I did not want to form an attachment to you in the case they told me to kill you, for things have been changing in this kingdom ever since the mage Gandoraven, who is Coaphyre's grandfather I believe, came and told me and Shophanna your destiny. And I have one last thing that I want to say, I-I love you and I can never put into words my pride and my regret of being incapable of protecting you.” he said as he embraced her in an awkward hug as she felt something warm and wet drop onto her cheek. Then he left.
Pheoshan spent that hour thinking of what she should do as Choushan came into the room and took her cuffs off and they walked down the corridor. She took a moment to look at her little brother and could see just how alike they looked. They looked that much alike that they could easily pass for twins even though they were eleven months apart.
Well father has told me what is going on and I told Coalphyre who told me that whatever happens that you must not under any circumstance attempt to kill Sythvin. He also said that neather of us will be father's liberator.” he said as they reached her room. She changed into her night gown as he left she then looked in her wardrobe and collected everything that she needed and collected a black leather bound book with blank pages and took out a feathered quill and wrote down everything that had happened to her until that moment that. She then slipped it into her bag and then drifted off.
In the morning she said her goodbyes and then left with Coaphyre and his half sister Phyredoor. She looked back to her father and mother and brother. For just one last time as she left riding Johannathen. He looked at the girl as a single tear fell from her cheek and onto the back of her hand.
Why has this happened?” she snapped. “And don't tell me that you don't know 'cause I know that you do.”
A dark shadow entered his eyes as they passed the ruins of the black glass tower that she grew up in. She could see the mirror that she was in and then she spotted that it was now glassless and there was oddly enough no debris of where the glass would have fallen.
You are right, however I am not sure that I am the right person to tell you.” he replied as they looked away and rode on...

End of the Mirror Of The White Demon Arch.

The Anti-Fairy Tales will continue...


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