The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Part Four
Mirror's Castle

Pheoshan wondered around for a while until she came across a large white crystal castle that was so white that it was blinding. It had seven towers one centre and the six lesser towers beside symmetrically. In the centre tower were two large doors that were as big as a house and on them was a thorny leafy pattern with two white roses at the top in full bloom, with another pair that extended to become the doorknobs. The wall between had many windows and slim majestic gargoyles that seemed nothing like their grotesque real world counter parts.
It touched her heart with passion that she had never experienced before. Suddenly she became overwhelmed with her respect of the building that she suddenly almost forgotten why she was here.
What is this feeling? I hope that it is not a girly side of me coming out! If so then I must find a way to be rid of it as soon as possible. Why? I mean I am a princess and a girl so why can't I have this side of me. I mean I am not a man so I don't have to feel too shameful showing my weakness off to people. No! I must be strong, I cannot show this off after all, I am no regular princess! I am one that grew in a Dream Hell with a demon inside of me, and it was not a normal demon either, it was the King! Surely that will come back to bight me later on. I am beginning to see that I have a lot of issues that need to be addressed...
Before she could distract herself even further the double doors opened showing that she was to be expected and that this was where Sythvin wanted for her to go. So as her eyes greeted more beauty within with a staircase that must have been ice and a crystal bannister that seemed to have grown out of the ice and the stairs, she put up her guard.
Remember this is a trap so treat it like one so do not accept anything here nor should I touch anything, after all I can not know what magic awaits me in that place.
When she came in she spotted that there was a silver settee in front of an ice table that was low a large. Pheoshan looked around for traps that could keep her there for until she died. And as she did she could smell the familiar scent of hot chocolate and the melting of marshmallows. Then her eyes caught a thin paper pail hand and a cuff of a silver suit.
“Well you hardly took your time. I was wondering whether or not I should pour you a cup.” came a cold posh voice that was clearly a man's but it was so high-pitched that it seemed that he could easily impersonate a woman. Then a man twisted around with a white fancy china cup and saucer. His face was thin and he had a sharp and narrow double chin that seemed to give the illusion that it was only one and grey eyes that one could just fall in love with at first sight. Fortunately Pheoshan was on her guard for if she had met him in any other manor she might not have been so unwelcome to see him.
“Hello there!” he said with a false humble tone. “Well I must admit that you are by far more beautiful than the Silver Sorcerer Sythvin had described. As well as far less frightful too. I can actually see it now, you are a princess alright!”
“Enough small talk pixie-boy just tell me what the Hell I am doing here alright.” she snapped as she masked her red cheeks with her hair. He placed down the cup on the saucer and then placed that onto the table as he sat and seemed to rise as he stood.
“Well by the stories that I have heard of you that you already have the makings of a great Queen even-though you are still as young as I am. But I can see that this talk means nothing to you, my name it Prince Pertess son of the White Demon Queen Snowshiro.” he said as he bowed with his hand over his heart. “And I have been promised to become your husband by Sythvin Silver.”
Pheoshan spat into his pretty little face.
“What a lode of bull! I will not marry some one like you! It will do me nor my kingdom any service! So get out! Plus I refuse to marry anyone I don't like!” she growled as she felt some sort of power move inside of her.
“Well it has already been discussed and your father wills this.” he said still trying to keep calm but by his heightening tone of voice his calm facade was beginning to be tested. For Pheoshan this was a good thing for if her had broken into anger then she would have won this round, however she knew that it would be thee second round that she knew that she would have to win.
“I don't care what my father says after all he is not exactly in the position to have a say after all he is that bastards puppet after all! Not to mention that as his puppet he has done nothing for me! He didn't even help me train he hasn't even tried to get to know me and as the way he is I know that he will never have the true father daughter love that he should have and he had done nothing for my brother either! But what he has done for me is that he has lied and tricked me, not to mention he had Sythvin put none other that the King Demon himself inside of me and locked me away in a Dream Hell! So no I will never marry you!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. He just sighed.
“Shame, too bad that it is not up to you, plus after what happened in the now, destroyed Six Dream Hells this is the only course of action left to you. After all if you only do this one thing then you can go home! You can have that father daughter relationship that you have always wanted! I will give you anything you want and I would kill too, whoever the person that might be, even if it is your father out of revenge or your brother to get you on the throne, just say that you will me mine and I will be yours!”
“NO!” she shouted so loud that even the chandler even shook. Then she quickly stole herself. “And what do you mean that this is my only course of action to get all that?”
“Well the moment that you leave here without me then the Silver Sorcerer will have your puppet of a father force you into exile out of treason. After all as you yourself have put it your were the Demon King's hose? However my mother did suggest to have you executed but your father knew that that would only upset your mother nor could Sythvin risk his control over your puppet father to be broken so this was the only way that we agreed. After all you are becoming a problem.” he explained as his voice shook.
“Sorry for being such a nuisance then.” she mocked as she felt the power inside her grow as well as an itch to fight. “Can't promise to be a good girl from now on, after all that is just not my stile.”
He lifted his hand into a position like he was about to think but his pointing finger toughed his lips as he chuckled to himself keeping his lips together as he did.
“Yes! I gathered that.” he said as he laughed that unnerved Pheoshan a little. “No, you do your conversing with your fighting.”
Then he turned back and walked up the stairs and disappeared down a hallway where he returned with two swords of ice in his arms. He then walked up to her and handed her a sword.
“Here, I know that it is hardly a kitana however it will serve you in this fight just as much as mine will.” he said.
“Well now we're talking. Let's see if you're more than just a pretty face! And a sword's a sword right!” she said as she took it from him and tested it in her hands before she felt confident in the weapon that he had given her. She also quickly examined the sword to see if it had any faults or weakness built in its design. Finding none she smiled impressed by the craftsmanship of the sword.
Who ever had made this should be proud of such a fine blade.
His eyebrow raised as he let a chuckle escape his lips.
“Well I hardly need to say anything that has not already been said nor what it means if I can not have you.” he retorted as he took his position.
“Hardy!” she agreed as she took hers. They turned around and for a moment their eyes met as if they wished that they could read the others mind so that they would be able to come up with a strategy that would not only counter the other but find a way to get the upper hand then win. Slowly they lifted their swords and rushed at each other knowing that the first one that could get their sword to his the other first would help give them the upper hand in the beginning of this duel. Pheoshan would make sure that she was the one who would do that, even if she had to fight dirty, but as things would hav it their blades clashed both at the same time! She then pushed as he did she knew that if she either broke away or failed to keep the sword away from her then his blade would go into her. She felt her muscles tense up in her arms, Coalphyre definitely was going easy on her in their training. She looked down and raised her foot and stood on his, however this did nothing for all he did was give her a creepy smirk.
“You fight dirty!” he said with a creepy tone in his voice.
“All's fair in love 'n' war right?” she replied.
“And what is this love?”
“No, war!” she said as she lifted her foot to his groin thus breaking their blades. As he recovered he started to laugh and his head and eyes quickly locked on her as he touched the blood that he had started to shed.
“I like that.” he said as he licked the blood off his fingers which creped her out even more.
And he expects me to either die or marry him? No, I would rather die! No, he's only doing this to get into your head that way the more crept out I am the more unnerved I will become no, I cannot let this happen!
With that she was snapped back into her senses. As she ran up to him and tried to slash him but he blocked her before he could be touched by her blade! He raised his head and leaned in and kissed her pushing her into more revolt as he kneed her in the gut. She then felt the hilt of the blade on hit her in the back of her neck. Sending her head onto the ground. He flipped her over and brought his blade down forcing her to become incapable of doing anything but defend herself from his attacks. Her arms threatened to give way as her blade started to get chipped. Soon she knew that she had to dodge and kick him off her, however she was only able to nudge him at best but it was enough for her to spin around and flip herself on her feet.
She then hit his blade as hard as she could. Now it was his time to feel helpless she hit him again and again but even-though the blade did not touch him it was enough for her to know who had the upper hand. Then she felt something trickle down her arm and she knew what it was even-though she did not look. She wondered when he had made such a wound on her. During this momentary distraction he flung his sword at her throat almost killing her! Soon the message was clear he was toying with her.
He then swung from the side of her bloody arm but she was able to block but she knew that she had to be careful for her blade had started to look fragile as cracks had started to appear. It was all too clear that his fight was rigged right from the start but that did not matter to her in fact that gave her all the more reason to win.
He then spun from the other end and soon the blade was cut right off! Fortunately for her the slice was uneven as she was able to trap his bade in the jagged edges and she then went to kick the man in the groin again but this time it did not even phase him. In fact he seemed to smile as if in some twisted way he liked it. Which frustrated her even more as his eyes displayed false sympathy as she figured out just how much he had been playing with her. He then lifted his foot and kicked her sending her flying to the crystal wall! She felt the burning friction as she slid down the now broken wall.
He calmly walked right up to her as he pierced her in the gut fortunately his blade hit nothing life threatening but it was burred deep enough for her to feel all the pain as he pulled up and out she felt herself cry out in pain. He then kicked her in the gut forcing her to bleed even more! He picked her up by the neck with only a single hand and then threw her into the ice table soon she felt her body shake until she felt something rise within her. Something powerful and dark as she felt a giddy sensation rise within her. Her wounds healed faster than humanly possible and soon it was as if she had never obtained them! Her mind became like wildfire as she felt something in her hand.
As her crazed eyes looked down she spotted a black weapon in her hands. The hilt was like a kitana but the guard was like a sword but at each end was a long spike just as long as its crooked blade with the end like a forked tong of a serpent. She felt power come from it as it sent her in a crazed laughing fit.
“What-no!” suddenly Pertess sounded scared. “Those eyes! That laughter!” his eyes dropped. “That weapon! Where did you get that? Answer me now woman!”
“What's wrong pixie face?” she asked in a voice that was like her own but not at the same time. As she snickered as she ran up to him.
“How!” he shouted as he was forced on the defensive. “How do you have his laugh and his weapon! Tell me now!”
“I don't know what you mean! However that matters not! Now, Yamizemort!” she said as the bade glowed cream. “Akidechi” the spikes glowed scarlet and as she screamed in her head and her heart she felt saw and burning all over. “Shine'!”
She pushed the blade into his gut and soon he screamed out of pain.
“What's wrong? Does it hurt?” she taunted as he turned to ashes...


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