Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story One
Lasta Coop and the Easter Bunny

The Ester Bunny was hiding his second egg, as to respect what Jesus Christ had done two years before, when he heard something behind him then everything went black


It had been five years since Lasta Coop and Latso Coop had been adopted by Mrs and Mr Cooper. They were walking to school for the first time. Even-though they were five they were quite knowledgeable in things that sometimes surprised and shocked their adopted parents. Such as when Lasta had her bracelet stuck around her wrist she knew to use water to get it off. Then there was her odd ability to be able to read when she was only three and a half! What did she do when she could do this? She read basic fighting books then she would practice them later.
“So, do you think that we'll learn anything today?” she asked her brother.
“I can't say that I know, after all we were told that the children here don't even know how to read nor write. So I shan't expect so.” he replied. “Anyway, why don't we race there, last one's a rotten egg!”
He said as he broke out into a run.
“Not on your life!” his sister called as she too broke out into a run. Then when he had turned a corner she felt herself fall down a back portal with green electricity surrounding. She then fell and fell until she spotted that there was green below. Then she landed on the grass. She looked around and spotted that she was in the middle of a field and she could tell by the temperature that she was not in Britain, in fact the place seemed to be somewhere near Rome.
“Here, let me.” said a guy as she felt herself being pulled up from the ground and gently let her down on her feet.
“Thank you, sir.” she said, as she suddenly felt slightly week.
“Your very welcome Lasta Coop. Could I interest you in a quest?” he asked.
“What's in it for me? And how did you know my name anyway?” She asked as she panted.
“One, whatever you ask for, and I know your name because I am connected to your future, however I must not divulge that information to you for that would be destructive to everything.” he said.
“Neat, but what should I call you?” she asked.
“Le Tempestas De Venire, or LTDV if you prefer.” he said.
“So what's this quest that you spoke of?” she asked.
“The Easter Bunny has been captured by his greatest rival the Easter Duck and it is up to you to rescue him.” he said.
“Okay, but what's in it for me?” she asked.
“Anything that you wish, but I will only give it to you when the quest is done.” he said as leaves engulfed him and then when they were gone so was he. Lasta now knew what to do, but the question now was, how to do it? She then felt a leaf rest on her head and she heard LTDV's voice in her head.
“You must go to his castle located in the middle of the Forrest Of Sacrifice, where you must sacrifice something of value to get in.” he said. “Then all you need to do is follow the lapis lazuli road.” it said as the wind picked up and blew it away.
She walked down to the path and she then took out her gold plated locket that belonged to her biological mother and hung it on one of the trees. She then followed the road made up with shards of lapis lazuli. She picked one up knowing that her adopted mother would love it as a gift. She then pocketed it and then set off in a light jog just to cut down time.
When she got to the place her mussels were aching, but she pushed on and climbed a tree to get a better look of the place. She could feel some splinters in the palm of her hands that once she was at the top she picked out with her nails. She then looked up at the castle as she then looked down to see just how high the castle wall was and how smooth it was too.
Looks like I can't climb over that and judging by the number of guards placed out of the castle means that fighting my way in is just as out of the question. When was that on the table? After all they would be properly trained unlike me, who has nothing but a bunch of books to reference. Which means there is only one thing that I can do...
“I surrender!” she said at the gates as she raised her hands to get the gesture across. All of the guards looked at her as if to question her. “I came here to steal the Easter Duck's gold.”
“Seize her!” shouted one of the guards.
“But she is only just a child!” argued one.
“And then eat the duck for my lunch.” she added just as her stomach growled coincidently.
“You know what I suddenly do not care that she is a child!” he said.
Soon they were on her and she had chains on her and was in a cell before she could even say anything else. Now that she was in she knew that she would have to think of a way to get out of the cell and then find the Easter Bunny then get out of the castle before she was even spotted.
Well first thing's first, I think that I need to get these off my wrists.
She raised her wrists to her mouth and started licking them until she had a band of saliva and then pushed it off. Soon they were both on the floor. She picked then up knowing that they would come in handy later. She then looked up, fortunately they seemed to believe that she was still not that much of a threat enough to place guards at her door.
It seems that because I'm a kid they don't take me seriously enough. This is good.
She then checked the door to see if it was locked, but as it opened she knew that something was up. Even-though she was five she knew that this was suspicious. She ran and ran when she came to a door she jumped and there he was, she looked around, wondering where everyone was. She then took a slide out of her hair and broke it. She then looked through the keyhole and tested the door for traps and to see if it was locked. After she was satisfied she started to pick at the lock. It took her longer than she thought but she opened the door.
“I'm Lasta Coop and I'm here to get you out of here.” she said and soon they were running in the hallway and again, there seemed to be none in the halls nor outside. Her eyebrows were beginning to ache out of the pressure that her frown gave off.
Why aren't anyone trying to stop us? Is something going on?
When they were out of the Forrest Of Sacrifice, Lasta spotted that her locket was there. Where she had left it. She reached out to retrieve it but the branch retreated into the trunk. Getting the message she walked on. They then walked to where Lasta met LTDV. She then looked back and spotted a shadow in the sky then...BOOM! The Easter Duck's castle was no more.
“Was anyone in that?” the Easter Bunny asked.
“I..I dunno...Wait, you can talk!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, and you need to get back to your home time. But as a thank you, I bestow upon you immortally, however this will come in effect on your eighteenth birthday, however if you become evil, you shall be robbed of your immortally.” he said as the green portal opened sucking her back in.
“But what happened?” she shouted back at him.

“I think that you will find out when you are older!” he called as she came out the other end.


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