Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

Prologue Story
Lasta Coop The Christmas Thief

Ten years ago there was a woman that hated her descendants so much that she ensured that they paid with the families favourite thing; Christmas. Her name was Lasta Coop, she would crawl up from a her secret place under their house, which was like a complete house under theirs, and would take all the presents and Christmas food and take them all back to the many rooms where she lived.
This all changed one night before Christmas eve. When she was in a deep sleep in the bottom room in her housing structure, where she slept upon a single mattress. In her dream she was walking in a grave yard. She noticed that the gravestones were in two rows and and in the middle as well trodden path marked only by blue stones. She was holding a bouquet of white roses and she was in a wedding dress. As she walked on she recognised the names on the gravestones as the people she had met and those who were her enemies. Soon her white roses turned red as her dress turned grey. Soon it became darker and darker until she was at the end where she was in nothing but black and her roses were just as black. Then her eyes dropped to the gravestone in front of her and it had a name on it that she did not expect; hers! She looked back up to see none other than the Grim Reaper in front of her, his scythe dripping with fresh blood.
“Tomorrow I will come for you Lasta Coop and I will take you to see my master.” he said as she woke up screaming.
Was that a vision?How? I can not die! I am immortal! But what if I can? What if it is? But I do not want to die! I refuse to die! I will not die!
“I will not die! You hear me?” she shouted as she raised her fist as if punching an invisible enemy.
“Joseph did you hear that?” asked Mrs Cooper.
“No Joan.” her husband replied. “Get back to sleep.”
“But Jo, I definitely heard something.”
“Maybe it's Santa delivering to us our first child.” he continued sleepily.
“But he's not due to tomorrow night!” she replied.
“Mmm...Like he ever does.” he complained.
She had forgotten that she was supposed to keep quiet so that they did not know that she was down here. After all even-though this was her home, she knew that should her descendants find her, she would not be able to stay for much longer. Not to mention the questions that they would have for her, and by the size of her stomach she knew that they would know who it was that ate all their Christmas food!
She stayed awake for the rest of that night so that she would not have another dream like the one that she had. She remained awake until she closed her eyes for a light nap until some pain woke her up. She knew that it was night so despite the pain in her ribs she climbed up the stairs and lifted the door that had concealed her for so long and got herself out. This was a bad idea for some reason the pain in her ribs only increased, but she forced herself to soldier on and climbed up the stairs that led to the living room and she felt a drop of something spill onto her inner thigh. Suddenly she knew what was going on.
When did this happen?She wondered as the pain became too much for the old woman and soon she fell on the floor crying out as the pain intensified. Soon she was in tears as she heard the Coopers run down the stairs. Oh what luck! She thought to herself.
“What the Hell's happening here?” asked Mr Cooper.
“It doesn't matter yet Joe! She's going into labour! Quick get an ambulance! Now Joe!”
“But where did she come from? Who the Hell is she anyway?”
“Joe we can ask those questions later when the babies come now do as I say!” she snapped. She turned to the old woman.
“It's alright, it's alright, push, push. I'll be here, I'll be here.” she said as she held onto her hand that gripped her tightly and she rocked Lasta to help the baby come through. Lasta looked up at the woman and recognised her.
“Mother?” she asked as she closed her eyes for a moment.
“What was that Miss?” she asked as the husband came in.
“Lasta, my name is Lasta Coop, and I want my final descendants to have my last name, not yours! Please have them have my last name!” she begged as she drew her last breath, just as the ambulance sirens came.
“I think she's dead.” her husband remarked. As the doctors came it turned out that they had to get the corpse to the hospital as soon as possible, and there they cut a pair of twins out of their mothers womb before they could suffocate. Fortunately they did this in a nick of time for both children could be saved.
“So what will happen to them?” Mrs Cooper asked the nurse.
“We shall have to take them to a home.” he replied.
“Do they have to, I mean can we not adopt them?” she asked.

“I can't see why not, if you fill out the forms and get yourself evaluated.” he explained. This part did not take that long and when they returned home they got what they truly wanted above all that they wanted, two children, the girl they named after their mother, and the brother Bill Latso and in honour of the old stranger's last request they kept her name.


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