The Sorrowful Rebel Hatching Of The Rebel Part Six

 The Return

They had just about to set off when they noticed that there were cars coming at them. Loc rolled down the window and fired at the driver. She hit the window. Life drove to the left and moved out of the way of one and then pressed the geers. Loc looked back and she noticed that the van was still hot on their tail. She turned back to see another car had joined the other. She was about to aim at the driver when the passenger rolled down his window and fired his gun at her. Then Distant Battle rolled his window down and fired at him first. Then To Break rolled his window down and fired at the hood. 


She took inspiration from this and she fired at the hood of the one next to it. As they drove on, another three drove on ahead and then slammed into the minibus. Loc fired at the centre one and the power of the explosion hit the other two and they were soon rolling off the road. Then four more passed the flames. She then fired at the centre two quickly. Soon the cars beside them were rolling.

Then they saw the explosion in the distance. The fire spread out soon the dust and rubble flung out and away from the building. Then the fire started spreading throughout the trees. They soon had to drive fast to out pace the pace of the spreading of the flames. Yet they continued and had to drive faster to get out of reach of the flames and the upcoming dust cloud.

Then cars rose from the dust. She fired at the one in front, taking full advantage of the driver's confusion. She then fired at either end. Yet she missed and hit the passengers instead. She then tried to do it again as Life turned a corner and hit the driver instead.

That was when she was hit by another bullet. She followed where it came from and fired at the one that was after them. She looked for more, but To Break and Distant Battle spotted that there were more coming at them. With their guns out in their hands. They fired at them.

As she fired at a soldier Lfe put a great distance between them yet one more drove on. She then fired at it but it dodged out of the way. To Break and Distant Battle fired again but it dodged again. This meant that they would have to think of a different way. She took out a firecrys, lit it and threw it at the car. She then fired at the firecrys and, as it exploded, the driver dodged to the left leaving Distant Battle to fire at it before he knew what had hit them.

"Good work!"

"Thank you."

Soon they were out of reach and soon back at the base.


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