The Sorrowful Rebel Hatching Of The Rebel Part Three

 The Mission

It was the following day that Light Bringer called her and her team to his office. They all made their way to the office. They sat on the chairs.

"Good morning." 

Distant Battle yawned.

"Did you have to call us here this early?" Groaned To Open.


"Still, it's seven in the morning!" Moaned Distant Battle.

"Distant Battle, To Open, keep quiet."

They looked at each other then rolled their eyes.

"We have found another facility."


"It contains maps and files and blueprints of other bases and storages that contain weapons."


"This is where it is and I hope that you will leave when you're all ready."

"Well I am ready now. However once my team are, then I will set off. No need to push any of us too much. Distant Battle and To Open you should take this time to properly stir."

He nodded as they made their way to the dining hall.

"By the way, what were you two doing to leave you tired like this? You're not ill are you?"

The two looked at each other and then shook their heads as To Open scratched the back of her head, slightly shy. To Break and Life smirked as they took their cubes, but Loc was still slightly confused. However she knew that now was not the time to pry further so they sat at the table and Distant Battle and To Open both sat beside each other. Soon they soon ate the cubes and were soon off. They made their way to the minibus and, again, Distant Battle and To Open sat by each other.

Life drove as per usual. Having nothing better to do she watched her driving, observing all the movements that she did with both her hands and feet. Yet she did not do so for long as they soon arrived. Loc and Distant Battle looked up. She could tell that this was not going to be easy as there were more guards than she had seen since she came back from her break.

They all stepped out and collected their weapons. They soon walked to a rock where they all knew that they would be well hidden. They all raised their guns and aimed for one and fired at the same time. This took out five. This allerted the others then they fired another shot and took out five more. Then the others started firing at them so they slammed their backs against the rock and she curled back, only for more to come their way. So she whipped back. She then looked back and hit one after another in her line of bullets. 

Once the coast seemed clear they ran on and then she spotted a group running to her. Then she was met by gunfire. She and the rest of Team Sorrow ducked behind a rock. She then raised her body back up and fired at four. Then the rest did the same. Taking down twenty in total.  The then spotted a bullet that almost hit. She looked around the back of the rock and spotted that the bullets were coming from the left. She knew that they were far away to get a good aim. So she had to aim as close as she could to the location. She fired and hit one. Then the rest did the same but one missed. He was about to fire at the rest of them and then looked back to see that there were five coming at them that were shockingly close to them. She quickly fired at them and they quickly fell. She then returned her attention back to the far one and she fired. This one hit.

She then ran and lowered her gun as she ran ahead hoping to use herself as bait to lure out any more. The rest of Team Sorrow waited but upon seeing that there were none coming, they raced on ahead and joined her at the door. Immediately To Open was hacking her way into the door. Then they were soon in.

They were soon met with a group of men. Distant Battle pulled To Open away and Life pulled back To Break and Loc before they were hit. Then Loc threw a lit shard of firecrys at them and then turned around and fired at them before they had the chance to respond. They soon fell and they were through the door. 

She soon spotted that there were more coming ahead. She fired shot after shot at them. Until she noticed that she was out of bullets. She ran on regardless and took out the empty magazine and tried reloading the gun as her arm was hit. Her team fired at the other soldiers as she dived to the side and successfully reloaded. Then as she fired her team ran out of bullets. Then she gave them cover as they all reloaded their guns. 

Soon they were able to clear the corridor and ran on. Distant Battle looked at To Open, who had a slight cut on her hip. Loc then noticed the two guards in front of a door. She soon shot at both of them and they soon fell. They then ran on and she felt a bullet hit her from behind. She looked back to see that there was a group coming up from behind and she raised her gun and fired at one and Distant Battle looked back and shot the rest and he did in front of To Open. They were soon at the door.

"Could you hack into here?"


They soon guarded her as she worked away at the door. The door slid open and they were in. She saw the files and quickly opened a bag and was already filling it. They then opened the next bag and repeated this action again and again.

She then heard seven men coming. She then raised her gun and before they came anywhere near them she fired at them. She then turned back To Open, who was already at the computer, hacking into it. She then opened another bag and filled it, keeping her ear out for more and an eye on To Open. She then looked ahead and spotted eight more standing at the door. She raised her gun and took them out. She then returned to the fifth bag and then loaded it. She then looked up to see that they were running out of magazines. The next thing that she noticed was that they were running out of bags to fill and she knew that they needed more files as they had not finished taking them. 

"Alright, all of you stay here, guard To Open and I will go back and empty these and get more ammo."

"Alone?" Snapped To Break.

"I'm immortal. I'll be alright."

They nodded.

"Then good luck."

"Thank you, it will be needed." She said as she took the bags and ran out of the room.

She was immediately met by five guards. She raised her gun and quickly shot them. She ran back the way that she got in. She was soon back at the minibus and then emptied the bags. Then she collected as many magazines as she could and put them in one bag. She then ran back. She spotted the soldiers running at her. She then shot the furthest one and to the right then the one next to him. Then she was shot in the arm. She had to ignore the pain. She then shot the last two. Then as she ran on and she felt another shot again. Yet she was able to take down two more before she was hit again. She then was able to fire hit the last that she could see. She ran on and then was hit again.

This must be coming somewhere else.

So she stopped for a moment. She waited. She felt the next shot. Then she saw the one in the distance. She then fired. He fell 

She then ran on and ran in and back with her team. Yet as she gave them their magazines, she noticed that there were many files to collect. She looked at To Open.

"Can you download them all?"

"No. There just is not that much memory space."

She nodded.

"Then we need to secure the base and after all, this is far too much for the minibus."

They nodded. They all ran out. She then fired at the nearest guards, making sure that she took out multiple soldiers with one bullet. She ran on ahead, then ah took out five more. She then kept running and fired at more and more, knowing that she could not allow herself to even think about showing mercy. She could still feel the acidic taste in her mouth as she shot at more and more of them. 

She saw eighteen coming down the stairs. She fired at them as they came down to the bottom stairs. She then ran to the stairs and ran up them. Then the moment that she spotted some coming back down the stairs she fired at each one. She then came to the door. She kicked it down and saw five more guards and her arms moved before her mind and fired at each of them. Then she saw more coming at her and she fired at them too. She heard the sound of gunfire behind her. She looked down to see To Break fire at each of them.

Then soon the base was secured. They all drove back and To Open and Distant Battle slept in each other's arms. Once they returned Loc told Light Bringer everything and he and Wolf Raven returned to it with her. Wolf Raven looked at her completely impressed. 

"Good work!"

"Thank you."

They soon took everything and returned to the base and she took a shower and slept the mission off. 

I'll take the day off tomorrow. Was her last thought of the day.


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