The Sorrowful Rebel Hatching Of The Rebel Part Five

 The Power Factory

Loc had opened and read every file and book. Yet she still could find nothing on the Evil Emperor's appearance. The only thing that she read about was his great feats. Enough to know how he came to power, which was that he was able to put corrupt people in high places of power and made them even more corrupt. This was followed up by him rising as the hero to take them all down when people were desperate for one. Then the people gave him all the power over them in gratitude.

He did not show his evil side until four years into his long reign. This was when he started killing people to increase his power and elongate his life. Which was what had disturbed Loc the most. In fact upon finding out, it gave her nightmares. Until one early waking up when she started to think about things.

I wonder if Grasharlo was able to do that in my world?

Is that even possible? After all, this is a different world and, try as I might, I can't even use magic here. Maybe the power he uses is similar to magic but still different?

Maybe…maybe that was how she was able to get as much power as she did. She could neither be trusted to stay alive or die after all!

She then heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Then Wolf Raven came into her room.

"Light Bringer has requested you."

She nodded. 

"Thank you."

She then put down the book that she was reading. She soon found Distant Battle and To Open hand in hand in the games room with Life and To Break facing each other. Yet it dawned upon her what was actually happening. Yet she smiled and was happy for them

"See you two getting along well!" She commented.

They looked at each other like she had been caught with their pants down. She just let out a chuckle.

"It's alright, you ought to, after all we all need to have at least one dream for after Evil Emperor has been taken down. Come on, we have a mission to do."

They let out a sigh as they walked to Light Bringer's office.

"Here. This is one of the top power factories."

"Right and why is that?"

"It had a good amount of files and, on top of that, it has the largest source of firecrys in the world. Eliminate it and you will take out a great deal of power from the Empire and the Evil Emperor."

"Yeah, I still haven't found out what he looks like though."

"That's alright but you must focus upon this mission first. You will still have time to find out what he looks like later."

She nodded.


They soon worked on their plan and left that afternoon. They arrived an hour and a half later.



"Then let's go!"

They left the minibus behind the factory. She then looked at To Open and she soon was hacking into the door.

"Why don't you teach me how to do that one day?" She asked jokingly.

"Will do."

"That wasn't an order."

"I know!"

The door soon opened. They were in. They ran to the filing room. They arrived as before they knew it. Yet they had not seen one guard. Loc found it odd that they had not encountered one guard. So they were able to gather as much as they could. Then they opened the doors and met two rows of guards in front of them.

They soon raised their guns and fired attrm before they could do anything, but as they did the bullets hit the one in front and the one behind them. This gave her an idea. So she then fired at another one and made sure that it would hit the one behind. The others picked up on this and started to do the same. Some were able to take out two at a time. Yet the guards raised their guns and aimed at the computer but Distant Battle was able to put an end to that. 

"Distant Battle, stay here with To Open and guard her as she hacks into the computer."

"Right." He said with a smile.

They soon ran out and saw two more coming at them. To Break was soon able to take them out. They soon found their way back to her minibus and put the files in the back. Then they were soon back in. Then they were greeted by a group of guards. She was able to get one of the firecrys and lit it and threw it at them. Then as they were distracted the others fired at them, taking out multiple at a time.

They then came to a flight of stairs. They ran up to the top. They then knew that they would have to get to the centre of the building where Ro Break would be able to plant the bombs. So they opened the door and were greeted by a group of guards. She saw that there were five in front of them with five rows behind them. They fired at the front row, Loc and To Break were able to take out two rows and Life took out one. 

They then ran on. They then spotted that there were several guarda coming their way. They raised their guns and fired at them. Loc threw the lit firecrys at one of them. She fired at them. They fell upon the one behind them and they were able to fire at trm and they fell like dominos.

They then ran and ran. She then saw the stairs ahead. She spotted a group of guards ahead. This was a group of fifteen in all. Five in front and they were in lines. They soon took them out with only five bullets. Then they came to a door that To Open would have been able to open. Yet as soon as they were about to raise their guns to open it, To Open rushed on ahead with Distant Battle shortly behind her. She looked at the door and was soon into it. She soon had it open.

They were soon greeted by twenty in a row in rows of four. They were able to take out three with one bullet however the one behind ducked and then they were able to hit their heads. Then they saw more coming and she threw a group of lit firecrys and threw them at them. She ran and jumped. She spun and flicked her feet out and hit them to the side giving her team the opportunity to fire at them and take out multiple at a time. 

Then they were able to run on. Then they were greeted by a group of guards. She hit one with the lit firecrys in the head. Then she kicked one into the other. Then she looked ahead of her and fired at the two ahead with just one bullet. The others took out the ones that had their heads on fire with one bullet.

They ran on and then To Open was soon at the door hacking into it. That was when the alarm went off.

"We need to get a move on!"

"I'm working as fast as I can!"

She nodded as they circled her as a group of guards ran to where they were. They then fired at two. They were dead before they could get anywhere near them. She soon had the door open and they were soon in. They ran to the next level. They soon were up. They soon noticed that there was another flight ahead.

That was when they heard voices coming from below. They came to the next door and they soon guarded To Open as she hacked into the door. She soon spotted the guards running up. She lit a shard of firecrys and threw it as they came to them. They fired at them as the door opened. They soon ran up the stairs and reached the door at the top. To Open soon hacked into the door and had it opened.

They soon ran on a metal walkway. She looked at the left and saw that there were guards below. She quickly fired at each and everyone before they could spot them. She then spotted the reactor, which was made of oil and firecrys in the centre. To Break quickly set the bomb.

"You're really good at this!"

He smirked as he glanced at Life.

"Maybe I will show you sometime!"

They then ran back to the stairs. They were blocked by a group of guards. They all fired at the guards. They then ran on and spotted guards running at them. She fired at them as they ran on. She saw others coming up. She went to fire at them but To Open beat her to this. So they were able to run on. They then reached the second floor. They were greeted by more guards. Sr fired at them as they reached the next set of stairs. They looked down to see more coming up and she shot at one with the bullet pushed through the rest. Then they ran down. At the bottom she saw a group of guards and they opened fire to hit her group but she painfully protected her team with her body. This gave them the opportunity to fire at the guards. This meant that they all could reach the first level. They then ran on and she spotted more coming. They made sure that they were the first to fire at them. She lit the firecrys and threw it at them then fired at it. It created a small explosion that took four. She then was able to take out four more and ran down the stairs and they ran out of the door and finally reached the minibus.


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