Strena Road To Roqaur Part Two

 Zaryb's Concern

Strena walked in. Zaryb soon followed. She noticed that The Blood Pudding seemed smaller too. She noticed that there were more buildings all around it. Some were more farmhouses and others were barns. Yet, she also noticed that there were new people, yes the moment that she saw Nagica her heart rose slightly.


"Yes. It has been a long time, Nagica. Was it?"

She smiled, wrapping her arms around the girl.

"You remember me!"

"Do you remember me too?" Asked a man next to her.

She looked at him and her eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I do." She said deadpan. "Keep away from my hair!"

"She remembered me!" He sang as his hand came close. She then quickly slapped his hand away for her hair.

"Oh, Strena!" Sang she bartender.

"Yes?" She asked, pushing Nagica's arms away and going to him.

"Well, I was cleaning around the tavern and I saw this." He said, bringing out the sword.

"Orion!" She exclaimed as her eyes lit up.

"So it is you!"

That was when Nagica looked down to see Darkector sat on her hip and her eyes widened.

"By Strena of the hunt! Is that Darkector?" She asked.

She smiled as she unsheathed it and showed it to her.


They all looked at it in awe and then back at her with both awe and fear.

"How did you get that?"

She told her.

"And how old were you when you became an assassin?" Nagica asked with a high pitched voice.

"Seven." She said, putting on a false smile.

Her eyes widened.

"What!? But that's far too young!"

Her eyes rested upon Zaryb. She then slapped him.

"Tell me, why did you do that? She's just a child!"

He looked down and let out a sigh.

"They fit into my plans for her."

"Oh and what else? Did you take her to Grasharlo too?"

Strena remembered all that happened and became as white a sheet. Suddenly she was reminded of all that she did. What she used her to do. She suddenly felt the fear of herself rising in her body.

"That was not my decision to make."


"Grasharlo…possessed me. She wanted me to become her apprentice…I killed her." She said, not wanting to go into detail.

Her eyes widened in anger as her face became pale.

"You did what?"

"I killed her."

"Did she do anything to you?"

"Rather not go into it. I'm too tired. Too late."

"Strena, answer her."

"No, Master Zaryb. I don't want to go into it. I also think that I would like to train tomorrow." She muttered in a soft whisper. "Thank you for keeping Orion for me."

She took the sword and then found her room and slumped on her bed. She looked at Orion.

Can you speak, Orion?

"I can." She heard a polite and calm voice say.

What are you made of?

"A lion gave my father his saliva along with the scales of the first dragon of creation. What are you made of little brother?"

"The blood of Wolfox and the dragon king."

Are you both alright?


"I am."

She soon fell asleep. She soon found herself walking in a forest. She saw a teenage girl. She had deathly pale skin with crimson eyes and long jet black hair. Strena recognized the girl but she could not remember where she had seen her before.

"Answers will come soon."

Her eyes opened. She then cleaned herself and put on her clothes. She took her swords and cleaned them. She soon joined Zaryb.

"Are you alright? Be honest with me."

"Yes. Now let's get to the training grounds." She said as she walked to the door.

He caught her.

"Don't lie to me. Or need I remind you that I am the one that raised you."

She nodded and he leaned in and placed a hand on her shoulder. He pulled her out and slammed her against the wall.


"Do you honestly think that you can hide things from me girl. I-"

"No, then! Now come on. I don't want to focus on that! I need to get into shape!"

"You're already in shape and I train you hard everyday!"

"I know. I need to return to focusing on what you want. Alright! Or do your plans, whatever they are, need to be put on hold just because you need to see if I'm alright? And since when did you care?"

She shrugged him off as they walked to the training grounds. She was hit by an even worse fit of nostalgia as she looked at the field as this was where her training started. Yet she noticed that it was flatter than it used to be. She then turned back to Zaryb.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you?"

"I guess I'm going to find out."

She ran to him. She first went to strike him with Orion but he blocked it. She went to stab him with Darkector. He ducked and went to drive his hand into her stomach. Yet she saw this coming and jumped back, flicking Darkector right at him. He raised his head, making her miss. She then landed.

She then ran on and on. Driving both blades at him but she missed every time. She then spun and flicked her swords at him again and again and again. Then she flicked her leg out. This hit and she smiled. However, to her surprise, he smiled too! Yet she knew that her punishment was coming.

 She then pushed off him and landed far away from him. He ran to her and hit her. She was flying before she even had the chance to blink. She landed and looked up to see where he was. Only to be hit in the temple. She was soon rolling to the left. Then, before she had the chance to recover, was hit to the other side. She started rolling the other way.

Then she saw the leg that was coming at her. She put down her sword and flicked out her hand and caught his ankle. She pulled it up and thrust a punch under the shin. This caused him to wobble but only slightly. Yet she was still able to use this to get her back on her feet. Then she punched him in the face. Upon hitting him he caught her wrist and pulled her in.

"Good girl! But you still have a lot to learn." He shouted as he slapped her in the temple.

She rolled again and again. She then spotted the foot and caught it again. He hopped and she let go. She rolled away before he reached the ground. She rolled to her feet again. She looked at to where Zaryb was, only to see that he was no longer there! 

Then she felt a hand on her wrist.


"Strena, you could have punched the ankle away. If you did that I would have hit the ground."

She shook her head. She jumped and punched back. He did not let go. She punched back again and again and again and he still did not let go. She continued to punch him again and again and still nothing happened! She tried to hit him in the throat and upon striking, he let go. He coughed and coughed.

"Good. You have improved greatly since you were here last."

"Had a good master. Now do-"

He punched her again and she was taken back by the strength and she hit the ground. She then saw his fist in front of her. She rolled out of the way. She went to grab his wrist but he was able to catch her by the throat. He then pulled her in.

"Now, tell me, what is wrong?"

Her eyes looked aside.

"Training's over. I wanna job." She moaned, flicking away the hand with the back of her wrist.

She walked to the tavern and saw the job that she wanted and took it.

"What job did you take?"

She showed him.

Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh 


King Valcula Of Trilaccia

King Of Roqaur

He let out a huff.

"I'm seriously concerned about you."


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