The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Split Mirror Part Four

 Maze Of Mirrors

When Melinda woke up, her vision was slightly blurry. Her eyes were cold and dry. All she could see was the white walls. She blinked and she rubbed her eyes as she felt her ears ring. She waited for her mind to focus and eyes to become wet before she climbed upon her feet. She then felt her soreness wear off.

Where am I? She thought as she looked around.

She saw that she was surrounded by white walls and noticed that there was no door around her. She looked up to see that there was a trap door high above her. She then looked at the ceiling and saw light and bright naked lightbulbs, going in a row. They all led to a row of mirrors.

She knew that she had to get out of this place soon. She looked down to see what the time was.

Eight o'clock. It's late. I need to get home as soon as I can.

She looked around the room again. She knocked on the walls, looking for any hollow areas that she could break out. She could not quite explain why, but something told her to stay away from the mirrors. That was when she found none and her attention was brought back to the hall of mirrors. She felt the feeling that she should stay away from those mirrors increase. However age felt something click in her mind but she could not quite place a finger on what. Yet then it came to her.

Wait,  didn't Mohan say something about mirrors?

Yeah…but what was it?

Come on! Think!

She hit her head with her knuckles again and again until it came to her.

Oh yeah!

"Use three mirrors!"

That's it! Morki must use the mirrors to split the personality somehow. But why use three?


That's it! He doesn't want me to develop two split personalities! He wants three.

But why? What does he get out of it?

Maybe he likes it? Maybe he gets off on making kids like me mad by having more than one personality?

That's creepy.

That was when age heard the beep of Morki's false red nose. She looked up and saw Morki as he tripped. He then jumped to his feet and hopped foot to foot.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

She then cleared her throat. He then jumped and looked at her.

"Sorry! Hey, landing was harder than I thought! Though the fall was fun. Don't you agree?"

She folded her arms.


"Oh! By the way, did you enjoy the show tonight?"

"Yes,  I did."

He smiled.

"So why am I here?"

"Oh! Yes, the power Morki promised Melinda, Morki will get it if Melinda can catch Morki!"

He then took out a red scarf.

"Morki will make it harder for Morki and easier for Melinda." He said,  putting on a blindfold.

He smiled a confident and victorious smile.

"By the way,  how many have you broken into different personalities?"

"Many. Too many for little old Morki to count. Yet all become interesting all the time. Bye bye!" He sang as ran into the hall of mirrors.

She then huffed as she charged after him. She ran down and kept her eyes on the clown. Yet he then turned a corner. This caused her to stop for a moment as she had to decipher which was the exit. She did not want to bump into the mirrors. She looked at where the clown went and then she saw her reflection in front of her.

She had to stop and look at the walls. She found the differing reflection and knew that was where she was to walk. She walked down corridor after corridor and turned corner after corner. Keeping a good pace while using all the visual cues as she could. 

She soon started feeling her impatience getting the better of her as she started walking faster and faster. She then started jogging and became faster and faster as she worked into a light run and soon she was running faster and faster. Then she came to a segment where she thought that she was looking at nothing but her reflections. She had to stop for a moment and looked around and spotted a corridor that she did not notice earlier.

Slow down! Slow down! Take your time!

She then walked on and on. She found that, as she walked on, there were two corners to choose from. She remembered where she came from. She then looked down and saw slight smudges on the mirrors that made the floor. She walked on and in and on. She, again, felt her impatience beginning to get the better of her. She soon returned to the run. She looked down as she followed the smudges that made up the footsteps of the clown. 

She soon spotted the clown but as he turned a corner. She quickly lost him again, much to her frustration. She ran and ran and bumped into one of the mirrors, cracking it in the process. She wiped the blood away and pulled herself up. Then as she walked on and on the light became brighter and brighter. As she ran, she could feel herself sweating. 

She did her best to push on despite the fact she was getting a headache. Then her head started to spin as she ran on. Her mind panicked as she raced on. She then shook her head as she ran on and on. Her dizziness became worse and worse as she turned corner after corner. Her headache became worse and worse. It became unbearable.

Calm down! Calm down! Just stop and calm down.

She closed her eyes to block out the light, but it was just too bright to block out. She covered her eyes but the light seemed to be able to penetrate her hand. She had no choice but to open her eyes again and put up with the feeling of her head being drilled into. Yet she forced herself to go on and on. Soon her mind was taken off the clown and more about gripping out of this maze. Yet as she moved on and on, she could not find a way out and she wondered if there was a way out. Upon the thought that there was not she felt claustrophobia creep in and soon or gripped her.

She thought that she would never get out of here. Then she saw a dark spot in the maze. Hope rose within her as she raced towards it. Wanting nothing more than to have a break from the almost blinding light, she did what she could to get to it. She ran and ran with nothing more than desperation pushing her on and on.

Then she arrived, and closed her eyes. She did all she could to enjoy the darkness and the break of the light. She still felt her head, still pounding. However she opened her eyes to see that she was looking at two reflections in front of her. Knowing that she had reached a dead end she was about to turn and walk out when she saw Morki move a mirror behind her, trapping her in a triangular room. She rushed to the mirror and heard Morki turn a key and something locked.

She banged against the mirror again and again, pushing more and more of her strength as she did. Yet she could not get out.

What is this made of?

That was when she saw the light rise up and become brighter and brighter. Soon she saw that the lights were coming from the mirrors and they became brighter and brighter. Her headache came back and it became worse and worse almost like there were drills in every part of her brain. Her mind started to spin and spin almost like she had been spinning for hours and hours at a fast pace. Her eyes rolled up as the light became brighter and brighter. Then she heard a loud high pitch noise in her ears, almost like a scream on helium becoming louder and louder. Her ears started ringing and ringing almost like there were drums in her ears beating as fat as bullets. It felt like her ears were being eaten and the pain became unbearable.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" She shouted, incapable of hearing a word.

In fact she could not even feel her voice, almost as if it was not her own. Yet it did not,  it only became worse and worse.

Then BANG!

She fell.

Her eyes closed.


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