The Anti-Fairy Tales The Water Demon Arc Part Five

 The Price

She shook and she suddenly felt a great pain in her tail. It felt like nails were being hammered in every part in her lower body. She would have screamed out in pain if she could move. Then her face felt like it was on fire and her hands felt like the webbing was being violently ripped away. The black glass and shell bra compressed her chest like a boss constrictor. She found it difficult to breathe. She tried to kick but her body was in far too much pain. Then she felt the pain rise throughout her body. Soon it became unbearable but she had to.

Ursmor took hold of her and swam out of the cave and swam up higher and higher while she transformed. She rose up as she pushed through the pressure of the water. Then Ursmor let go. She soon could move again yet age still could not breathe yet the pressure on her chest lifted. Once she could she swam higher and higher and higher. She felt her lungs scream out for air. She kept her breath held as much as she could as she swam higher and higher. She could feel her lungs cry out as she needed air in them. She continued to swim on until she could feel a pounding in her head increase,  yet she knew that she had to swim on. She saw the light of the suave above. She desperately fought to fight against her to keep her breath held as she swam up higher and higher. Then sure no longer could and the water flooded her mouth.

No! I'm almost there!

She struggled on as she felt the water suffocate her. She felt her body fall. She thought that she was going to die right there and then, but then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She then felt herself rising as the man kicked and swam up. Soon she gasped as she signed in the air.

"Get this young lady some help!"

She was being dragged to a ship. Her eyes were so blurry that she could barely see. She closed her eyes and opened them again as her head pounded. She then felt herself rising from the ocean. She was pulled on board and a towel was wrapped around her body. She then shivered as she clung to it absorbing all the heat.

She soon spotted that she was saved by a young man her age with sandy blond hair and cream eyes with peach skin. He then put his cape over her providing her with more heat. A maid took her down and gave her a coral red gown. She put in on and dried her hair.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

She nodded. She then looked up and her eyes rested on Coalphyre and Phiredoor! She would have called out to them but nothing came out of her mouth. She tried to shout again and again but not even one sound came out of her mouth. It was as if there was something over her throat,  stopping her from speaking. She, feeling frustrated, ran to them. She then grabbed their hand.

"Can I help you?"

She frowned.

She tried to mouth it's me but she could not.

"Who is this?"

What? You know who I am! It's me! I'm alive!

She tried to mouth this but her mouth just would not move. She would have tried to tell them again but then she saw her reflection in his armour. She spotted that it was not her face, well it was but she no longer looked like her face. Her cheekbones were low and her lips were long but not too thick nor too thin. Her eyebrows were thin. She had a pioneer chin and a perfect nose. Her deep purple eyes carried a wide eyed innocent look. Even her hair was different, it was wavy and silver white making her look pure.

She looked down and nodded.

"What, did you think that there would be a price? No, you should have expected that there would be some assurance that you would keep your end of the bargain. Once that Prince Rice gives you his heat,  you will give him over to me. Should you fail, your soul will be mine!" Came the voice of Ursmor in her head…


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