Lasta Coop The Conspiracy Arc Part One

 Back To Space

They all arrived at the portal. The sky was black and the horizon had a line of smoke where the Seelie Court used to be. All that remained was the last of the fire burning. All of the good fairies were dead. None was left alive, Salynara made sure of that. She had gone around the entire kingdoms in the Seelie Court to make sure that none were alive. Lasta was forced to watch as she ensued to kill all of them. The only levaty the girl had was that the Tooth Fairy was not one of them. In fact she felt quite numb. She had become so numb that most of what was happening around her barely registered. In fact she only had emotion enough to fear. The only thing that made it worse was the fact that she was now bound to the person that was responsible, both for ensuring that she could not go home and cry to her mother and for the destruction of the whole place and Otb and there was not a thing that she could do about it. She longed for her mother's arms and to cry in them but that was impossible. She missed her parents and brother and wanted to see them and be with them, now more than ever.

They walked into the portal. Soon they were back in the space prison. She looked around her, her eyes were slow and her mind took some time to register but she soon knew that they were in the same space prison that Otb stayed in. She knew that whatever was about to happen she would not like this one bit. Her eyes slid to Salynara, wondering what she was going to do next.

"So what are we doing here?" Otb asked.

"Is there not anyone here you want revenge on?"

"Other than the girl?"


"Yeah!" He sighed. "But why do you want me to be here?"

"You will see. However,  you must start fighting quickly. It will not take long for the guards to arrive and try to take us away."

He looked at her angrily and then ran to get a gun. He soon found one in a box next to the blue metal door. He then ran at the two and pulled them at either end of the door, Salynara on the left and Otb and Lasta on the right. The moment the door opened, Otb fired. The laser hit two guards and they fell. He then took a glance in the corridor. He saw three more coming and fired at one after the other. He then waited for a moment before he ran down the corridor, picking their hind up as he did. They then followed him.

"Salynara was it?"


"Can you use your magic to shield us?"

"Sure." She said as she took a glance at Lasta. "Anything for her too?"

She then looked at her both shocked and afraid. She shook her head not wanting any part of this. However, she knew perfectly well that she would not have any choice in the matter. After all it hardly mattered what she did to avoid it even if she begged or offered anything else she would be forced to play her part inevitably. The only thing that could help her is if Otb got her out of this.

"She could tell us how many guards to expect behind each door. Here, this will help!" He said, as he gave her a thin rectangular shaped object with a map on it with yellow and red dots.

"We're here and the yellow dots are the guards and the red ones are the prisoners, and as the tracker does not know we're here, we don't show up."

She closed her eyes in relief as she looked down.

"Thank you. And there are five." She told him both relieved that she would not have to kill and knowing that she did not have a choice.

He smiled as he patted her on the head. Then he opened the doors and the five were ahead. He then fired a laser at the two on the side then one in the middle. He then ran on.

"Six!" She called.

He nodded and threw the two aside behind the door frame as he opened the doors. He fired at the three directly in sight and then he ran in. They fired at him but the lasers vanished before they could even hit him! He smirked and shrugged and fired at the last three. Lasta looked at the dead bodys, feeling nauseous. She tried to look away and not focus on them or her part to play in their deaths.

What would mum think if she saw me now? Doing this?

But I don't have a choice! I don't wanna get hurt.


They took their places and he fired at the five on the right before they even had the time to think or react. He then ran in and as they fired in vain he fired shot after shot. The terror entered their eyes as they could do nothing to save their own lives. Then he discarded the first two and took out two more. He then let out a slight chuckle as he walked over to the doors ahead.


The doors opened and he shot the four on the left and the four on the right, laughing like he has heard a hilarious joke the entire time then the final one in the middle skimmed his shoulder producing a small and shallow cut. This made him stop and shot him.

"Why did you not stop him?"

"I did not see him."

He rolled his eyes as he approved the next doors.

"How many?"

"I dunno. What are the green dots?"

"People who work here that are not guards."

"Oh, then five."

He smirked.

"Remember to be more vigilant this time."

"Fear not, I will."

Then the door opened to a room with a table on with a wall that was a telly vision, showing all. There were four people around the table and one looked at the screens. Before he could turn his head,  Otb fired at him and as the others looked at him he fired another shot at two of them. Then as one looked at him he fired. Then the other looked at him shocked as Otb hit the aliens hand and he backed away. He walked up to him slowly and fired another shot at the other hand. He let out a cry as he hit him again and again. 

"P-p-please stop!" He begged as he fell back. Otb walled closer as the green blood flowed from his body.

"No." He said firing another shot at his shoulder and then the other one. He let out a scream as he fired one at his stomach.

"Then kill me! Please just kill me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

He then fired again.


He fired again and again until the guy was sobbing.

"Please just stop! Otb please!" Lasta cried.

He smirked.

"Alright then!"

The next one hit him in the forehead, ending his life. Lasta gritted her teeth as she felt the tears flow. He then walked up to her. He placed a hand on her head as he gave her the gun. He then put his hand on her head and forced her to look at the alien.

"Good girl. Hold this, oh, and I would like you to know that if you use that on me, then I will do to you worse than what I did to him."

She nodded as she shook. Her eyes slid to Salynara wishing that someone would save her from this nightmare. Yet she knew better than to ask it from her.

"Good girl." He sang. "By the way, is this your plan?"

"Yes. I would very much like for them to be free. Now, Otb I will need you to pilot a ship."

He smirked as he nodded.

"So, how is it that a primitive creature like yourself knows of such things?" He asked as he typed.

She smirked.

"I am not as primitive as you might think. Also I do have the ability for foresight."

"Really. Tell me, when do we cut off the dead weight?"

Lasta's eyes widened as she felt her heart race. She one what he was trying to do and she could not stop herself from doing it. She felt all the fear and dread flood her mind and she was powerless to stop it. She also knew that this would mean when she knew that she had served her purpose she would be killed. She knew that this would mean that she would know the date that she was to die and she knew that there was not a thing that she could do about it. Worst still was the feeling of claustrophobia setting in making her breathe faster and deeper as her lungs grasped for air. When Salynara placed her hand on her, she flinched and started shaking.

"When the appointed time comes." She said, stroking the girl's shoulder to calm her down.

"And when is that?"

"She will know and you will too. Now we need to get back to work."

His eyes narrowed as he returned to the table. She bit her lip as she could feel herself calming. She looked down to see more red dots on the map all over the place. She looked at the  gun and, for a moment, thought about using it, but then her mind went over what Otb did to that alien and did not want that to happen to her. She heard cheering, followed by the laser fire, followed by screams and sirens.

"Warming! The prisoners are free! I repeat, the prisoners are free." Declared a computer voice designed to be female.

"Do we go now?" Lasta asked.


"Otb!" She called as she tossed him his laser.

He caught to as Salynara held Lasta's hand. Then the doors opened and a prisoner then ran to the females and Otb fired at him. She picked the girl up as they ran as fast as they could Otb in the front,  firing at anyone that came near the group. They soon felt the shop shake and Salynara smirked as they ran on.

"Warning! The self-destruct protocol has been initiated!"

"What?!" They all shouted.


Otb doomed his eyes as they ran further on and faster. He fired at anyone in their way. Then one went to grab Lasta but Salynara stabbed him. 


As they ran on she sliced anyone that came anywhere near the group. They were grabbed by a group and Salynara used her magic to will them all to die right there and then.


The next moment they collapsed and she picked up the girl and caught up with Otb who had also left a trail of bodies. Lasta looked at the device.


"We're going the wrong way!"


"I know! We'll be trading a short cut!"

He opened a set of doors as they arrived at a room with a large circle in the center. Lasta realised his plan.


"Ship park, ship 13-44-5!"he shouted.


Then with a flash of light they were in the ship. That was when he killed the three on the right and the four on the left before they could respond.


He then ran to the pilot as other ships fled the ship park. He then fired and pulled him out and they set off. Then Lasta sat down and strapped herself in.


"Come on! Strap yourself in or you're going to die or get hurt!"

She nodded as she followed suit just as they left.

"One. Zero!"

Then the prison ship exploded.


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