Lasta Coop The Conspiracy Arc Part Two

 The Death Of One

Lasta looked down, shocked at what happened. Even though she was with Otb and Salynara, she felt alone. She was isolated and scared. She looked at the dead bodies and how she helped cause them. She thought about the destruction of the Seelie Court and the prison ship. Yet it was all her fault and she had no other choice. She did not want her to hurt nor did she want to die. She was scared about what was about to happen next and when they would decide to kill her. She knew that it would come sooner rather than later, after all once she had become eighteen, age would be immortal. She felt the tears build as she knew that she would die alone and far from home.

"T-tell me,  when it is time, could-please take me home?" She asked, trying to be as polite as she could, hoping that that would appease Salynara.

"Whatever makes you think that there will be anything left to take home?"

She looked at her shocked as chills ran down her spine. She looked down as she felt even more afraid. She screamed in her mind as she tried not to cry. She could see all that happened to the alien guard and the deaths of the Fairy King and Queen flooded her mind. She knew that whatever Salynara had planned was worse than that. In fact she knew that whatever was going to happen was going to be completely horrible and would leave nothing behind. She could feel her throat tighten as she pulled her feet up and hugged her legs for comfort. She knew that they were her only comfort. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying.

"B-but will you tell them?"

"No." She said as she put her arm around her. She then leaned in and whispered. "It is alright to cry."

She felt like there was a dagger in her throbbing heart.

"W-w-what's the point? I-it'll only h-hurt me more." She said as she felt the years involuntarily fall. Otb put the ship on auto pilot and sat next to her. He put an arm around her. She wanted to move away but he learned in close.

"You think that you're the only one alone do you?"

"Y-you kn-know I do!"

He then punched her in the gut and she let out a scream as she clutched her stomach. She bent over weeping as he smirked.

"Good. Now where are we going?"

"Your home planet. There is something there that I would like the girl to very much see." 

I'm not gonna like this.

"W-w-what i-i-s i'?"

"You will see!" She sang.

They soon landed on the planet. Otb took out his laser and as soon as the doors opened he fired at seven guards and took their weapons. He then ran ahead and shot camera after camera. Salynara took Lasta's hand and ran after him. Salynara put up a protective shield. Lasta looked down as she did not want to see the destruction around her. She heard the shots fired and the screams of people who knew their time had come. Yet as much as she shielded her eyes she could not shield her nose from the foul stench of death. Followed by the layer of grease that came from burnt meat. This lasted for a while and Lasta could not help but feel slight fatigue. After what felt like hours, they came to a large grid of an air vent. Otb then pulled it off and pulled himself into it. Salynara picked the girl up and forced her after him.

"Where are we going?"

"The High Command Of Tricenta."

"Is this about revenge?"

"Yes but for more than you think."

"Mind telling me why?"

"No, I will make sure you hear it from the cat's mouth, as you would say on your home planet. Speaking of which, do you have cats in Fairyland?"

"Yes, we have cats and dogs too." Salynara said as she took a glance at Lasta.

They continued down the air vent. Lasta wondered if she should try to make him elaborate but one that the answers would reveal themselves when the time came, so she kept quiet. She knew that this would be her life from now on, at least for the foreseeable future. They turned a corner. By the g-force she could they'll that they were climbing. Then she saw a sharp turn upwards. He turned around and pulled himself upward. She did the same and had to spread her legs in order to stop herself from falling. She was soon climbing after him. She felt the strain on her muscles. She grouted her tenth and forced herself on. She knew that one moment of weakness would earn her some ridicule. She also suspected that she would be forced on by magic if need be. Yet as they continued she soon felt the station get to her.


"She must be getting tired."

He let out a chuckle.

"Well she is still just a child. Don't worry, we're almost there."

"Thank you and don't worry I can handle this."

"Good girl!"

"Thank you!"

She continued on and spotted a bend forward. He twisted and bent over and pulled himself through. She followed and she was glad that they were finally on horizontal ground. They continued on but not that long. Otb found a grid and pulled it up and fell down. She followed and then Salynara came behind her. They put their hands on her shoulder. She looked up and saw that they were in a rpm with red walls and a black floor and ceiling. She spotted a come on a grey desk with a name written on it.

Project O.T.B

Order Terminate Blood

What is this? She thought as she looked at it.

"Otb…Should I ask?"

"You will have your answer. Ahh Governess Gralenna!"

"So the hybrid has returned?"

He smirked as he walked up to her.

"Yes! Indeed I have and in jail I heard certain whispering. Whistling about me. Apparently my life was a lie." He said, backing her against the wall. "Is that true?"

She took a glance at Lasta, who was firmly in Salynara's grip.

"So what if it is?"

She looked at Otb, shocked.


"I guess she's seen the file?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

She smirked as she took out a lighter and lit  a flame underneath it.

"Do you honestly believe that I'll give you what my child? No, that child is far too important." 

Lasta frowned.

"What do you mean by that?" Otb and Lasta both asked.

She giggled.

"I'm sorry but this child may be only three years older than you, judging by your looks, but he will deceive you. So please, whatever you do, don't believe a word he says. We both know him to be a liar."

"You will never give me what I want, will you?"

"What do you think?"

"And what about my life? Is that a lie, like everyone says? Is it?"

"Why do I have to say?"

"You know what? I don't need you. I'm pretty certain there are other copies of the file."

"Then I'll tell the others to burn their files!"

He let out a laugh.

"No, you won't." He said as he shot at her hand.

She dropped the things in her hand and he shot at her again. She screamed out as she was shot again and again and again. She let out scream after scream. Soon she was weeping. He then fired another shot at her head.

Lasta could only look in shock as she noticed just how much the woman looked like Otb. Then her eyes dropped to the only words that she could see.


Before they were devoured by the fire.


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