Bounty Hunter Bash Sea Lock Part Seven

 Decoding The Map

Bounty Hunter Bash and Chashathrophogh both were scribing away,  Bounty Hunter Bash was mopping up some vomit on the floor and just as she felt her stomach churn as she finished. Meanwhile Chashathrophogh had scrubbed the last table. They had agreed that Gerald should not entertain the passengers again. Yet even though they had both woken up late in the morning, they had quickly finished cooking the breakfast for the parameter and Gerald too and as soon as they found out that the whole dining Hall was covered in vomit, they charged on that right away. The moment that they had finished they went back on deck they collected Cerpheres and used their magic to help the other sailors fix the ship. They ended up helping fix the ship for the week.

They were glad when they finally had a break. They took this moment to figure out what they were going to do once they arrived on the shore. However, regardless of what they planned,  there was one elephant in the room. Even though Cerpheres had helped them and kept all the passengers calm, they knew better than to allow him to tail them. He was too much of a liability and far too creepy. They could not help but feel like they were only at the tip of the iceberg. So they knew they would have to make a plan on how to ditch him.

Yet after a while their minds wandered to the map. They both looked at the map and they could not help but wonder what was off about the map. After all, they could not help but be subject to their own vain curiosity. They looked at the entire map and spotted that it was only one map of what seemed to be a collection. Yet to the right there was writing that was written in what seemed to be a made up language that amounted up to gobbledygook.

Efil ot daed lliw Taser

Erusaelp streah ruoy ot dnali dlog rof kool

Esusaert eht htiw si pam texen eht

She looked at it and frowned as she looked all around and found a set of numerals on the bottom left.

I si III bna I si I

Wonder what that means.

"Chashathrophogh, do you think that this might be a pirates map?"

He looked at the map and his eyes widened.

"It is!"

"You don't think that the captain is a pirate?"


"Then why would they have a pirates' map?"

"'Cause they're cheaper. See freshly made maps 're more expensive!" Gerald said as he took his seat. "Just out o' curiosity, do ye think ye can decode it? Don't worry,  it ain't an order. Just a challenge that's all!"

They both smiled as they looked down at the map.

"Pull up a chair!"

They took a pair of chairs and they looked at all the areas of the map before Chashathrophogh looked up.

"Who made this map?" He asked.

"The warlock o' three sea, the Prince Captain Lockheartsmith."

He nodded as he looked at the writing.

"Right,  so we need to look for a spell language."

"Such as?"

"One of the dead languages or a rhyming poem." He said.

"Not quite!" Purred Cerpheres. "I overheard on my travels that he doesn't use that many of those though he knows them all. Infilling the third type of spell language."

Chashathrophogh noted that. Yet as he looked at the words.

"And what is the third?" Bash and Gerald asked.

"Words that are backwards! That is it!" He then turned to Bounty Hunter Bash. "Girl, quickly get a scrap of paper and a coal stick!"

She looked up at Gerald. He nodded and she collected all that her uncle asked for. He then looked at each of the words and wrote them all down.

Life to lead will resat

Pleasure hearts your to island gold for look

Treasure the with is map next the

I is III and I is I

"That don't make sense!"

Bash looked at it and huffed and took the stick of coal and paper.

Resat will lead to life

Look for gold island to your hearts pleasure

The next map is with the treasure

I is III and I is I

"Wow! That was fast! Ever though' o' being a quarter?"

"I have toyed with the idea." Bounty Hunter Bash admitted.

"I am and have a licence. Though I barely use it." Chashathrophogh admitted.

"Well tell me, ye think ye know where the island o' gold is?"

He nodded.

"Isloking, it had been nicknamed the Island Of Gold fit over a millennia. As the trees and waters all have a golden colour. Even the soil looks gold though it is not." He explained.

"I'm getting the captain!"


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