Bounty Hunter Bash Sea Lock Part Six

 The Sea Serpent

"That should be the last we need to be concerned about." Cerpheres purred as he stretched after fixing the rest of the ship the following day. He then looked at his hands with a curled lip. He then gave then a quick rub as the rest pulled out a few splinters.

He then looked at Bash and Chashathrophogh and tucked a violin under his chin and started to play a strange tune. Bash suddenly felt strange as he did. She felt strangely cold and her breathing became thin and difficult. She suddenly felt like the hand of death was wrapped around her heart. Yet she felt like there was something that she needed to tell but she could not place what. Yet she was almost desperate in trying to get this information out but for whatever reason she felt like it would never get out.

Meanwhile Chashathrophogh felt a heavy depression fall into his chest. He felt his chest was being impaled yet the piercing seemed to dig deeper than his chest. He felt like he wanted to so desperately wanted to die but for some reason he would not. Almost as if he could not. He then looked at Cerpheres.

"Will you stop playing that?" He snapped.

He smirked as he stopped.

"Tell me, how did you feel?" He asked.


"You heard!"

"Never mind! What in the name of Strena was that?"

"A prophecy melody."

They both looked confused.

"It makes people feel their fates."

At this Bash went pale. Meanwhile Chashathrophogh looked at him like he was just itching to kill him.

"And tell me, what fate causes one to feel like one wants to die but cannot."

This made Cerpheres' eyes light up and his creepy smile became wider.

"Then it means that I will be staying around for a while!"

They both went to punch him in the face but he caught them both and licked his lip.

"Ha! By the Demon Realm no!" They both said.

He then bellowed a laugh that came from the bottom of his stomach.

"We'll see." He purred with a low tone as he let go of their fists.

They both stormed to the deck with Cerpheres following behind. She was about to try to punch him in the face again until she spotted strange waves coming from the horizon. She was about to content until Gerald spotted them too.

"Lads 'n' lass ye break's over."

"What is it?"

"Captain we go' a deadly 'n!"

"Why what is it?"

"We go' a sea serpent on us!"

"What! I thought that they lived in the heart of Deathby Sea!"

"Ye' 'cept these are strange times we're living in!"

Both Bounty Hunter Bash and Chashathrophogh noted that they did not put much thought in that. Yet somehow, they could not help but feel as if they had something to do with it. They pushed this notion aside as they both knew that it was irrational and illogical. So they did not put much thought in it and tried to ignore it.

"So, will I be going down to entertain the passengers?"

"No. I think that he will be better at fighting alongside us. After all, he has magic and seems to be a good fighter." Chashathrophogh explained.

"You're not going to kill him are you?"

"If only I was that fortunate to be in that position." He joked.

"'E's right Cap'! 'N' don't worry about the passengers. I'll do that."

"Alright. I'll take your word for it. After all, you do know him better than me."

"And can you entertain them as well as I can?"

He put on a mischievous look on his face. He let a light chuckle out.

"Alright! Good luck!" He purred as he looked at the waves, telling him that the sea serpent was coming closer.

"Tell me have you ever faced a sea serpent before?"

"Once or twice." Cerpheres purred before he broke out into a laugh. "I almost died! Though I won't this time round."

You sounded way too happy when you said that!

"And why is that? Did it ever occur to you that I could use this?"

He chuckled.

"Then you ought to be glad that there are the magic users after all last time there was only one and he almost died. So you will need me after all, I can help you in ways that you don't even know yet."

They both tried to mask their disgust.

"Then make yourself useful now."

They looked back as the head rose above the water. They one that banter was over the battle had begun. Bash grabbed her bow. She saw that it had opened its mouth and fired. She used net magic to set it alight. That was when she felt a strange surge and the fire engulfed the arrow. The sea serpent seemed to bite into the arrow but when it felt the flames it spat the ashes out and roared out in pain. They had to cover their ears as the sound was deafening like an army of trumpets. It then looked at then to her shock the fire had not done that much damage!

"That won't work." Cerpheres purred.

"How come?"

"Sea serpents are the relatives of dragons. I thought that you above all should have known that girl!"

She nodded as she was about to reload her bow, however she soon spotted that the sea serpent was coming close to the ship. Chashathrophogh raised his hand and intended to stop it from diving down in the ship, yet he suddenly felt a surge and the head was flung back. She understood what she was to do. She put her bow away and pulled out a book of magic. Yet as she skimmed the pages as her uncle staved off the sea serpent. She soon spotted a piece of magic that she liked. She raised her hand and fired a large shard of ice at the creature. Yet even though she hit its eye it shattered on impact. Yet it did its job and half blinded the sea serpent.

"Well done!" Cerpheres commented as he gave her the bow.

"That will not work."

"Not on its own! Why not make the head stronger and fly faster and make the head spin."

She looked at the arrow and nodded. She took it and closed her eyes. She willed the head to become stronger. She then loaded it and let it release. She put all her will into making it go faster and the head spin faster. Yet despite this she knew that it was flying too slow and it fell. 

"Tell me, are your arrows made from dragon scales?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then make them lighter as well as stronger."

She closed her eyes and willed the head to be stronger and lighter too. She then loaded the bow and released the arrow. She then willed the head to spin faster than a drill. This time it struck the other eye. She then got another idea. She then fired at the other eye to ensure that the sea serpent was blinded. To ensure this she then willed the eyes to be set alight and she felt the surge that Cerpheres gave her and this caused the fire to raise the fire hotter than she intended. This caused the eyes to be incinerated.

This was when an idea came to her bow and did what she did before this time aiming for the sea serpent's spine. She then let it go and she soon was able to one of the bones out of place. She felt herself draining as she loaded her next arrow. She did the same and then hit another bone out of place. This caused yer to feel more drained. However she ignored this as she pressed on firing another shot at the spine. Yet she soon heard a snap. This made her feel like she could let down her guard and she dropped to her knees, panting heavily. Yet as she looked up she let out a groan as she saw that even though the sea serpent's head was flying all over the place it was still alive.

"What did you do girl!"

"Broke its spine below the head."

Chashathrophogh smiled out of pride.

"Do it again. But this time focus on the head."

She looked up with a complaining look.

"Don't worry I'll back you up!" Purred Cerpheres.

Chashathrophogh tried to quickly mask his disgust.

"And so will I!" He said.

"Am I aiming for the skull?"


At this Cerpheres looked at the two with a wild ambitious excited look. His lip curled up higher.

"Now focus!"

She closed her eyes and willed it to be stronger and lighter. She, with a shaky hand loaded her bow. She felt Cerpheres help steady her hands and helped her aim under the jaw, where the tongue would be. She then let the arrow go and once she felt the double surge, put all her will into making it fire faster than anything of that time could and she spun the head to go just as fast. Once it collided it flew out the other end leaving a large gaping hole going right through. It fell back and caused great waves as it sank back under the waves. Knowing the battle was over Bounty Hunter Bash collapsed.

Cerpheres smiled excitedly.

"That's it! I'm definitely staying with you!"


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