Strena Dog Days Part Two


"Will we be going home now?"

"No. You don't have a home."

"Oh." She said at the realisation that he was right. "Do you have a home?"


"What happened?"

He opened his mouth to speak but he was soon interrupted with a par on the back.

"Yeah, tell her Zarry!" Said a man with a strange accent.

He let out a sigh as he looked at a strange man with red hair and gold eyes and a scar in the shape of an F under the right eye with disdain.

"Striker!" He said wryly.

He chuckled as he looked at her, with a strange arrogant look like a pet owner after their pet had done something cute.

"And who's the little sweetheart? She looks very much like you!"

"No I don't! And the name's Strena to you!" She snapped disgusted at the idea of the man looking remotely like her. The whole concept made her cringe.

"Are you?" He cooed as he put a hand on her head. He then pulled her in close. "Or are the rumours right? That you really are Princess Arielsa Zuvé?"

Her eyes widened in shock.

This man's going to die!

He looked at her satisfied with her reaction. He then bowed his head and let out a laugh.

"Oh, don't worry, little sweet! He's not going to kill me." He said as he stood up and looked him directly in the eye. "He can't kill me! That little thing inside of him won't let him. He enjoys my company far too much!"

She frowned at that response.


That was when Striker burst out laughing. 

"Oh! You don't-"

Zaryb dug a blade into his shoulder. His eyes were filled with fury. She looked at him as her heart struck by fear as she had never seen him this livid. Striker shrugged it off, showing that this was nothing. He did not even look like he was in pain.

"Oh, I get it! You're training her up! Bet you haven't told her about him yet, have you?" He said with a smile. Zaryb took out his blade as he looked more subdued. "Thought not. Are you going to tell her?"

He looked away.

"Who's he?" Strena snapped, angry about being in the dark.

"Never mind." He said his voice sounded heavy. "Now we need to be off."

"Hold on! You know, I might as well cut you in on the deal."

He turned around to him, his anger turned to curiosity.

"What deal?"

"Well, there's a king that I'm off to assassinate and I could use your help old friend. You help me and you get half, third if the little princess chips in."

He looked at her and nodded. 

"She'll be able to hold her own."

She sighed as she let out a small wave of dread pass over her. She shrugged.

"I've been trained well."

"Oh, have you?" He asked as he looked at her and then back to him. "I bet you have."

"Strena, if you feel like it, hit him to your hearts' content." He said with a smile.

She looked down and nodded.

"Oh? How cold!"

"Where are we going?"

"West! Near the High Kingdom."

"Well, that should be a long way. How much are we getting?"

He let out a light chuckle.

"Well it's King Haicer." 

His eyes lit up and he smiled

"About time!" He said with that aggressive tone that she did not like.

This told her that it would be best to keep quiet. Striker looked at her with a smirk.

"About time indeed!"

They then traveled on. It was a week before they arrived. Strena had hit Striker over one hundred times by the time they did. When they did, she saw a woman scream as she was taken by some dak armoured men. One of them noticed the trio and pointed at her and the next moment they were surrounded by men.

"What are you assassins doing here?" Shouted one.

"Well I believe that they're here to assassinate the king!" He sang.

"Thank you, we will take them to the tower."

"Well not the kid. Nah! I think that she'll make for a good handmaiden!"

"Yeah 'n' if the king likes her-"

Zaryb looked at them all as if he wanted to do nothing more than to sink a blade or two into each of their throats. He then looked at Striker in a smoldering hatred.

"Take them away!" 

They were soon in the tower, with Strena being held tightly by Zaryb. The tower was high and the beds were completely uncomfortable with no position that would. There was a thin layer of hay on the floor and there was one single wooden bucket for relieving oneself. The bars were made of a strong steel that neither could break.

They waited for over an hour before King Haicer arrived. This gave Strena a good deal of time to complete her writing in her book. She put it away before he arrived. 

She looked up to see a well built man with long blue black hair and deep blue arrogant eyes with a hardened look.

"So, is this the girl that you want?"

Striker came up beside him.

"Yes. Yes she is." The king said. "And is she her?"

"No doubt."

"Tell me, girl, do you know how much a girl like you is worth?"


A lot.

King Haicer looked her up and down and bellowed a laugh.

"More than me!" He laughed. "Tell me, how old are you?"


"So, you are the right age. Now after seeing you and those eyes of yours, there is no doubt. You really are Arielsa Zuvé. You know, you are quite a beautiful young lady. I wonder how beautiful you will be when you are of age?"

She looked aside as she did not like that question.

"But then again that scar will spoil that."

"I know. I'm sure that we will be able to cover that up."

He then smiled as he pulled the gate open and then pulled her out. They then stroked it.

"Yes we can. I'm sure we can even get a few witches to make her look even more appealing."

He then pulled away and took a step back.

"No. You will no longer touch her! Strena! Kill them both!"

King Haicer bellowed out laughing as she ran to him. He lifted her by her hair and threw her to the wall and she landed with a thud. She did not let oua cry. She raced to her feet. She looked at him and then Striker. She then ran to him and he picked her up and drew and threw a blade at his throat before he could even blink. She pulled it out.

She then pulled off his blade with a black sheath with emeralds at the top with a crimson jewel in the center with a black hilt decorated with purple stones. She put it around her waist and when she unsheathed it, she saw the beauty of the long crimson blade and fell in love with it. She stroked it and felt that the blade was smooth and was clean and well polished enough for her finger to be reflected perfectly in the crimson metal as the hilt sat well within her hand.

Yet when her attention returned to Striker he looked at her and he looked utterly terrified along with the guards. She used this to her advantage and she sliced their heads off. She then turned back to Striker, with a trembling hand he drew his blade. She pointed the blade at him and then she raced to him. Before he was able to react, she plunged her blade into his heart. He looked at her genuinely shocked as she fell from her blade. She then cut a strip from the kings' cape and cleaned the blade before putting the blade back into the sheath.

She then heard Zaryb clapping behind her as he walked out.

"Well, I did not expect that!" He said as he looked at Strikers' corpse. "You did better than I thought! Although, I really do wish to know how much you're worth."

"I don't and I'm keeping the blade." She said.


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