Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part Three


When they reached the bottom of the ladder after what seemed to be an hour climbing down, Bounty Hunter Bash turned to Chashathrophogh for guidance. 

"Now where do we go?" She asked as he took a torch. "And is it wise to light that?"

"Yes. After all, we are at least several miles below the prison but we ought to follow this tunnel. If I remember correctly, one of these passages leads to a cave that will lead us directly to the border. However I will warn you, it will not be easy, I heard that there are creatures down here."

Which we will be able to take care of. She thought as he lit the torch.

"Then?" She asked as she wanted to know his plan.

"Then we do our best to hide until we are out of the kingdom. Though I can not promise that we will not have to fight." He admitted.

She felt her throat tighten as she realised that he was right.

How could it come down to this? Why has it come down to this?

"Right, then I think that after that we should get out of this land. It would be difficult for Mother to get us if we are in another kingdom." She said remembering that was her big mistake. 

"Good idea, and I think I know exactly where we should go. See I have a friend that will be able to help, though he is not to be trusted one hundred percent of the time."

That was when her stomach churned.

"I hope that it isn't Dark Lady Grasharlo."

He let out an involuntary chuckle.

"No, I did say 'he'." He said as he turned away from her.

Yet his face quickly changed as he took as if he was worried about something or someone. He combed through his hair

"Anyway, we need to be off as soon as we can. My sister will undoubtedly be on her way to cut us off at the border."

Together, they ran as they ran down the tunnel. She soon heard a low growl almost like a cross between stone slowly running together and a lions' low growl. She then heard something snap that made her let out a small scream. Chashathrophogh let out a chuckle, yet the moment that he looked next to her, his laughter ceased. His eyes rested and looked directly into the eyes of a crocodile.

"When did they get to this kingdom?" He asked sternly.

Yet as he waved the torch he saw that there were more! He looked at them and knowing that he did not have time for a fight he took her hand and dragged her as he ran down the tunnel. He then came to a crossroads in the tunnel with water in the centre of each of them. They both jumped over a canal and they landed. Only to find that their pathway was blocked by more crocodiles. 

Bounty Hunter Bash loaded her bow and fired setting the tip on fire, yet for some reason the fire rapidly expanded. It then hit one. Yet remembering the expanding fire, she came up with an idea. She then willed the fire to spread. Soon all the crocodiles were on fire. Yet they all moved left and right until they were all dead. When they were all dead Chashathrophogh used his magic to will the fire to become quickly extinguished. 

"Good work, but I would highly recommend that you should be careful when using fire here." He said.

She nodded as he took her hand so that they would not get separated. Then they ran on. They turned a corner and the walls became rigid. It looked like there was an earthquake here. Yet he led her to a smaller tunnel. 

"Hold this." He said as he passed her the torch. 

She nodded and looked back. Her stomach dropped as she remembered that even though the crocodiles were far behind, they were still there. Yet when they came, it was all too clear that nothing, not even self preservation would stop them. Chashathrophogh, knowing this, continued working moving the rocks out of the way as fast as he could. Yet the noise did not concern him after all, the crocodile would hear every sound. Yet he did his best to work as fast as he could.

He glanced back to Bounty Hunter Bash for a moment as he heard the far off growl. Yet his fear was quelled as she realised that she could defend herself, he returned to his work. He then smirked as his eyes met natural light through the rocks. Yet he did not let himself slow down for one second. He had to move as fast as he was. Soon the small light turned into a hole. He soon worked on more and more light coming through and he soon made a hole big enough to get through.

"Bash, get in first!" He snapped.

She nodded as she did. She then, as soon as she was through she got to her feet. Then looked around as he made his way through. They then ran to the mouth of the cave and then she jumped as she heard the snapping of jaws behind them. Yet as she did she let out a laugh as the poor thing had trapped its head in the hole that they came through!

Yet even though they could take a moment to laugh. They soon came to the mouth of the cave, still laughing. Yet they had to calm themselves as they left the cave. They then dived to a tree and hid in some bushes. They comando crawled under the bushes as they came to the edge of the border village Borvil. They could see that there were soldiers all over the place. Her heart sank as she realised in dread as she realised that they would have to fight their way out. Yet, she did not want to get everyone else involved more than they had to.

She glanced at Chashathrophogh in hope that he had a plan that would not involve too much killing. He then looked back clearly understanding this concern.

"Get up into the tree. I will go on." He said with a commanding tone to his voice. "And note, it is unavoidable to involve others."

She nodded, realising that he was right. She then crawled back and climbed the tree, ensuring to keep the soldiers in the corner of her eye to ensure that they did not see her. She then took out her bow and arrow and rested it on the string to wait for the moment that she would need it. Yet as she looked at the village it then came to her.

"Hey, what if we lead them over here?" She asked.

He looked at her surprised and smiled.

"Good idea!" He said with a tone that she did not like. Yet she ignored this and pushed it away and focused on what she should do.

"Then get ready!" She called as she fired at one. 

This was soon caught by another. He looked at where it came from and soon saw her as she let another arrow slip and hit him in the leg. He then pulled out his sword and they all raced to them. She then hit one after another as they all drew closer and closer. Yet she was able to whittle down a group of soldiers effectively. Then they reached her. She shot arrow after arrow. Three went down and soon Chashathrophogh dived out and struck the rest with a sword. 

They looked back only to see that there were none left. She jumped and dropped on the ground. They then ran down and took a horse that belonged to one of the soldiers. Chashathrophogh sat at the front to guide the horse while Bounty Hunter Bash was on the back. She used her magic to will her arrows back onto her quiver. She turned around and pressed her back against his just as she saw more soldiers behind them. She fired shot after shot at them. Yet this did nothing to stop them galloping at them. The archers started to aim for their horse but she stopped their arrows with magic. She then loaded her arrow and fired at one of the horses knees. She then used her magic to get the arrows back and she was able to collect the rest of their arrows. Yet she knew that this had to nibbed in the bud and she then willed their bows to set on fire. 

They screamed and threw the bows away and then they drew their swords and some drew some daggers. She then willed their blades to heat up and this caused them to drop their blades. She then fired at the knees of the horses at the front.

"Shut that gate!" One shouted but by that point it was too late they crossed the gate of the wall. Yet as they stopped the descent of the gate she saw the chain and willed both of them to break. Then the gate fell after they had passed, blocking the soldiers in their tracks. 


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