Strena Dog Days Final Part


"So this is the slayers' guild. This will be our lodgings for the next year. Here you are to become, as far as I am aware, the youngest slayer." He said as they approached a small tavern building with exposed blackish purple timber and crimson paint coating the rest of the building. 

She curled her lip as she nodded. He smiled as he recognised her more submissive behaviour.

"Don't you wish to comment?"


"Good. Now once you take your first job and successfully complete it then you will become an official and qualified slayer."

She nodded as he led her inside. She looked around a spacious room with pale lavender floorboards and lilac painted walls. She suddenly caught the scent of cinnamon and rose. She could see that there were plenty of chairs, however most of them were empty. Which, as it was in the middle of the day, hardly made sense.


"Dead probably. The slayer profession is one of the most deadliest of jobs."

She nodded.

"And you think that I can do it at my age because?"

He smirked.

"You have magic. However I would not like for you to advertise how you obtained them. I do have a friend that likes to kill people like you."

"What? People with magic?"

"No." He said as he leaned in close to her ear. "Royals born out of wedlock."

"But I'm not! That witch was lying!"

He chuckled and pat her head.

"Just keep telling yourself that." He laughed as he ruffled her hair.

She huffed as she shook her head to get him off. Yet she let his comment drop as he realised that he was just messing around with her. He then straightened his legs.

"Anyway, we will get you your first job tomorrow. I need a drink and I can tell you that you would like a bath." He said as he pinched his nose. "You are smelly!"

She rolled her eyes.

"You too!"

He looked away out of a playful spite.

"Want another beat down child?"

"No. But I want to have some food before I get my bath. I'm hungry!"

He smiled with a slight chuckle.

"Yes. That would be good. We will both sleep better after."

She nodded as they both signed in. They were given rooms and took a bath. When she was clean, she changed into some clean clothes then cleaned her dirty ones. She then joined Zaryb in the tavern bar. He was already sucking his beer.

She then ordered a toad in the hole with lamb, carrots, broccoli and parsnips. She soon joined Zaryb and the food soon came.

"And what drink would the young lady want?"

"I think that I would like to try the wi-"

"Milk. It's good for your bones and you are under age." He said.

"But I-"

"Do you remember nothing from last time! Seriously! I really should have stopped them!"

She frowned.

"Not to mention, alcohol should not be served to minors your age anyway. So no alcohol until you are fourteen, at least!"

He was about to take another drink when a man grabbed him by his color.

"Zarry, are you mad?" He shouted.

He rolled his eyes as he was pulled off his stool and was hit. He wiped the blood from his mouth as he looked at the guy annoyed.

"When I heard the rumours that you not only had a new apprentice but that you new apprentice was a little girl barely on the cusp of their tenth birthday! Though I admit that I did give you the benefit of the doubt. But after seeing her now, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt!" He then pointed at him. "You Zaryb are the worst scum that I have ever met!"

He then flicked his finger and pointed at her.

"And you plan on making her into a slayer now do you? I mean how old is she anyway? Seven, eight, nine! Either way she is far too young to die!"

"Good to see you too Garpy!" He sang with sarcasm, as he climbed to his feet. "And yes, I do, and I am! But I will tell you this, that girl will not die, after all I trained her myself!"

He looked at the man horrified. He then took hold of her wrist.

"Come on, clearly this man has no clue on how to look after you!"

She yanked her wrist out of his hand.

"I can't leave him!" She said, showing him her other wrist. He looked down at it with anger.

"What! Zaryb, you better have a good reason why that thing is on her wrist!"

"I do. But I am not ready to tell it. By the way, Strena could you take him down? Don't worry I don't want you to kill him."

She remembered the beat down that she took earlier. She soon readied herself.

"What! I am not fighting a child!"

She ran to him and jumped. She then thrust her fist down. He caught it. She then went to trust her leg into his ribs. He caught that too. She smirked, she knew that left a great opening and then hit him in the face with her free fist and at the same time hit his abdomen with her free foot. He let go and staggered back completely stunned and shocked. She then landed and bent her legs as she did. She soon straightened them as she looked at him, clearly ready for more.

"See? She is able of taking care of herself. Now come, your food will get cold if you continue."

She nodded and returned to eating.

"Zaryb, I do not know what hold you have over this child but I will free her from you! You hear me! You will be free from this demon!" He bellowed as Zaryb rolled his eyes again.

"Don't try too hard."

He then folded his arms and marched on.

"Who was that?"

"Garpy Stronghold. Don't worry or have any hope in him. He is like that unthinking hero type that is going to get himself killed due to his own foolishness. And gets easily distracted by any damsel in distress." He groaned.

She nodded as she had a disapproving look on her face.

"Are there any hero types that you respect?"

"Yes. The ones that can talk the talk but only if they can back it up by walking the walk." 

She nodded as she finished her food. She got her milk and gulped it down. She then went to her bed. She soon woke up at an early hour. She packed away her clean clothes. She went over to Zaryb as they got their breakfast. He then handed her a piece of paper.

"You should try this one."

She nodded and started to read.

Pheopé The Fea

Pheopé has been taking the children

of the villages; Rash, Rog, Villag and

Agentain and has been using them in

her spells and enchantments.

Once taken they are not seen again

until they have either lost their 

eyeballs or dead.

We have located her to the Loralé

mountain. Where she lives in the 

old mines located there.

Please, we have tried to kill her but

we always get ourselves killed every

time, so send someone fast. We

would not ask you to do this if there

was no other way and we were not

so desperate.


She placed it down as she finished her breakfast. 

"Know anything about this Pheopé?"

"Yeah, she has been said to be the worst nightmare of many children. Yet this is not the first area that she has done this"

She nodded.

"I'll get my things and we will be off."

He smiled and soon they were back on the road. They soon caught a public carriage and were soon off. She looked around and soon saw what looked like a field of mountains. She had never seen so many in one place! They got off at the foot of a large lake.

"Come, we need to get to the docs before the boat takes off." He said.

They broke out into a light jog. They were soon at the docs just as the boat arrived. She had noticed that there was none there. She let out a sigh as they boarded it. They were about to pay for the ride but the man there waved a hand. He shook his head.

"You don't want it?" She asked.

He then looked at her surprised.

"No. You wouldn't want me to."

She nodded at this. Then again she came to the conclusion that if he took it then he would most likely leave as soon as he could. They both sat on the seats and set off. The water was calm and it was eerily quiet. Nothing could be heard, not even the buzzing of bugs. Yet despite this, it worked in their favour as they were able to soon arrive. They soon walked on the misty gravel. She looked around the silent and misty island village. They walked up the eastern mountain. She soon spotted the mining cart. Then she soon followed the tracks and spotted the entrance. 

Shethen heard someone cry out a cry of help. She was about to run to help but was soon stopped by Zaryb. She then stopped herself realising that she was about to run in without knowing a thing. She looked back at the entrance that was when she saw the most beautiful woman that she had ever seen. She was in a white flower dress that made her look like a noble child. She had long blond hair and deep blue eyes and pale skin that was like milk which would make anyone feel like it would be a crime to mark. Yet, even though she was dressed in light there was something cold and dark about her. The woman looked at her.

"Ahh! A Destined Deathless one!" She said with a cold mature voice that hardly suited her at all! She looked at the girl directly in her eyes and smiled sweetly, yet there was something sick and twisted about it that Strena could not put her finger on. She walked forward and then her eyes slid to Zaryb her smile became slightly more devious. 

"I hear your tears boy!" She sang.

Zaryb looked annoyed as he looked away.

"You shead them every night! Especially when you hear the Demon Kings' voice whispering in your ear." 

He rolled his eyes, yet there was something else in his eyes, it was only there for a moment but she thought that she saw that vulnerability that she saw when he visited Marvé, but he quickly covered it up and smiled.

"What Demon King?"

"Exactly!" She giggled.

She then turned her attention back to Strena.

"You, Destined Deathless, you have forsaken your true name! And when you know the truth you will forsake this one too!"

She frowned and scoffed.

"Will I? And what is this truth that you speak of?" She snapped.

She let out a childish giggle.

"You have already started to see it, haven't you?" 

Suddenly she was reminded of what Marvé had said.

"You know the gods and goddesses want you dead before then."

She frowned in confusion and yet curiosity.

"So who am I to not do their bidding?" She said as she raised her hand.

She then threw a small dagger at her as a small ball of light formed and she hit the dagger causing a small explosion in the air. She willed herself not to get harmed. Zaryb covered his eyes and then looked back to see that Strena was unharmed. She then, as more light balls were coming at her, willed the ground to shake. Then the ground moved to a point that Pheopé was forced to into the air. She then threw a dagger at her. This missed, she threw another and another. Shemissed again and again. She then threw another knife and then closed her eyes and willed the blades in the air to flick backwards and fly back to the fairy and directly towards her wings. She let out a scream as she landed on the ground and the severed wings floated down behind her. She then got to her feet before the wings landed. She then threw more daggers at her again and again, getting closer and closer. Yet the fairy pulled out her small blade and blocked blade after blade. When she reached her she pulled out her sword and then the blades collided yet her crimson blade cut through and Pheopés' head fell from her shoulders. She then looked down and willed her body to become engulfed in flames. 

She fell and took a break. She could feel her body shaking and she knew that she needed a nap. She soon spotted that her vision was blurry and she closed her eyes. It seemed that the next moment the sun was in a different position in the sky. She almost pulled herself to her feet. She had to almost lean on Zaryb as she walked in. Later that day as the sun was almost touching the horizon all the children were restored to their parents. Strena collected her reward and they were back at the doc and had another free ride back. They only just caught the public carriage and paid for it. 

When they returned he led her to the bar. They rested the fairies' head on the table. When the bar man looked at it and then at Zaryb. He shook his head and pointed his thumb at her. His eyes widened as he pulled out a licence and passed it over to her.

"You mean the girl actually did it?" Garpy exclaimed.

"Told you she was well trained."


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