The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part Two

 Aquioring Aqua

I woke up then next day feeling excited. I was going to show my uncle around the place. I liked the idea of that, that and I was edited to learn more about father. Joy and adrenaline flooded my mind and heart. Nothing was going to affect this, nothing!

I do not think you should trust that person if I were you. Came that voice.

He's my uncle! What's not to trust?

Just because he is your uncle does not mean that he is trustworthy. Have you not wondered why he has not commented on your age yet?

It had me there. After all, wouldn't any normal person question my young appearance?

He's probably being polite. He'll ask me later.

We shall see.

I soon changed into my clothes and brushed my hair and was down. I made my breakfast, which was cornflakes, and sat at the table. My mother came in and smiled.

"Good morning mother." I sang.

"Good morning Aqua." She said as she started to fry some beacon and cracked some eggs making the place smell.

"Tell me, have you thought about what you are going to show him?"

"Everything that I can!"

"And does this include the blue rock?" 

I looked aside as I thought about it for a moment.

"I don't know...I think that I will… But I think that I'm afraid that he will not believe me." I admitted.

She frowned for a moment.

"Well do as you will, however I do not think that you should. Not until I know that I can trust him. I also think that we should show him around together." She said.

She felt slightly disheartened by that but not as much as I would have been, after all she was right.

"Sure sounds fun."

I suddenly felt relieved. After all it did not occur to me, but I did feel nervous. I did not want to make a fool of myself, after all I was slightly afraid that if I did then he would run away before I had the chance to get to know him. He was the last biological link to my father after all! I did not want him to go away, after all it was like I finally had a but of him back.

She smiled as she returned to her cooking. I returned to my cereal. I was almost finished when mother sat down. I wondered when I would have breakfast like that, a full English breakfast, an adult breakfast as I had called it. Then it occurred to me that I should be an adult right now. If the blue rock never existed, I would have been an adult!

"What is that look for?" She asked.

"I should be an adult right now." I said bluntly. Then the realisation sank in. "I should have a job, I should have found a husband and had children,  you should be a grandmother! I should know how to cook, clean! I should-"

Mother placed a hand on my cheek.

"I know, my sister and I have been where you are. My sister more. We had to bury our patents when we were fifteen and sixteen when we were supposed to have been thirty and thirty one." She said.

I nodded as my heart went out to her, I sometimes forget that mother and Aunt Blue had had adventures in the blue rock too.

Haru came in and had plain toast and quickly munched on it.

"So are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes we are." She said as she finished her breakfast.


"Yes I will be coming too. After all,  me and my sister grew up here." She said. "Which means that I can show the two of you things that even Aqua has yet to see."

I smiled mischievously. I liked the sound of that. So the whole mooring we had showed him barely half of the pace and half of the places that mother showed me even I did not know existed! So by the time it came to lunch they were all looking forward to lunch. We made our way to the kitchen and as we sat down Haru stayed standing.

"How about I cook a traditional Japanese lunch?" He asked.

"Yeah! Why not?"

"Here, I'll help!" Said mother and Aunt Blue at the same time.

He laughed.


Within half an hour we had our chopsticks on the table. My stomach started to growl as I patiently waited for the meal to come. I was glad when food finally did come. We soon had stuffed ourselves silly and after we had some Oolong tea. I took a sip but I found that it was slightly bitter and added one sugar which put off the bitterness of the tea. I had to rest there for a moment. I then got to my feet and collected the pots and plates. I then followed Haru to the kitchen, which he then went on to teach me how to clean. I found myself enjoying my time with him. It was like having father back for a moment.

"Tell me, may you take me to your favourite place?" He asked.

"Only if you tell me more about what dad was like when he was my age!" She said.

He chuckled.

"Well, what is there to say? As far as I can tell, he was a lot like you." 

"I mean what were his favourite places and things that he liked to do!" I said.

He sighed as he put the last plate away.

"Well he liked food, books and fighting. Which caused father to send him to a mixed martial arts class to teach him discipline and to channel that violent tendency to something other than school fights and gang fights." He said. "But I ended up being dragged into it too so I must admit that I did not like him for that. After all we were joined at the hip back then. Seriously, he dragged me everywhere! On a walk up a mountain, in a tree, everywhere. He was always outgoing and I was dragged along with him."

"Did you have a library?"

"No, we were not as rich as we are back then. But we did buy our books by saving up our pocket money. They were cheaper back then." He said. "So what do you spend your pocket money on?" 


He raised his eyebrow as I finished. I dried my hands and then gave him the towel. He dried his hands. We were soon off and we ended up in the library.

"Typical!" He said.

"No, wait." I told him as I showed him the secret room that I found, that led me to the blue rock.

"Now, there's a story behind the place that you are about to see. So, I would like for you to do all you can not to freak out." I said.

He then looked at me slightly confused but I then caught a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth.

"I will do my best."

"Alright." I said as I opened the door.

Stop it? Do not show him that!

I brushed the thought aside and let go of the handle and walked in. He looked at the blue crystal, his eyes widened as he walked in slowly. Almost as if he could not believe what he was seeing and was in awe. His eyes filled with wonder and hunger.

"How?" He asked, breathlessly.

Do not tell him! Anyone but him!

"Well it's a long story." I admitted.

"I think we have a long time." He said.

"Good point."

No, do not do it! I do not trust him! Do not trust him!

"Well it started a long time ago and I don't know where to start."

"Just start where it started with you." 

"Right!" I sighed as I led him to the room that the blue rock was on. "I was evacuated here and after a game of hide and seek I came to this room. This was where I found it, a blue rock, which was alive!"

He raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He asked, sceptical. "Prove it!"

No, no, please no! Do not show me to him! Do not show me to him!

"Follow me!" I said. 

As I opened the door I was about to show him the blue rock but then Aunt Blue came into the room.

"Aqua, could you come with me?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded.

"I will show you after I have done what Aunt Blue wants me to." I promised.

"Alight. I have to use the lieu anyway." He said.

I nodded as I followed her.

"I think that it is time you knew how to use the washing machine." She said.

I then spotted that she looked at Uncle Haru with a hint of suspicion.



I nodded suspiciously as I followed her to the kitchen. There she showed me what to do. Then I did it. I went through what I did verbally.

"You can go now." She said 

I smiled and ran off. I ran to Uncle Harus' room and knocked on the door. There was no reply. Thinking that he did not hear me I knocked on the door again, but again there was no answer. Thinking that he was doing his own thing I waited there for a while. Then, realising that he was not in his room I ran to my mother. 

"Hey have you seen Uncle Haru?" I asked.

"Sure, I saw him in the gardens. He wanted to go for a walk after what you showed him. Now I am getting dinner on, tell him that we are having a Sunday lunch." She said.

I nodded as my mouth watered.

"What time will it be ready?" I asked.

"In about an hour." She replied.

I nodded as I smiled and I ran straight to the gardens. I was looking in the rose gardens but I did not find him. I ran through the maze and then I found him in the lily garden. He was by the red spider lilies as he was on the phone.

"Es ist dort." He said.

I frowned.

"Uncle Haru!" I called.

He looked back, startled. He was on one of those bulky mobile phones that I had seen on the telly vision. He put up his index to gesture that he will be with her after a moment.

"Ich bekomme sie." He said as he hung. "So, what did your Aunt want you for?"

"To teach me how to do the laundry. Anyway Mother told me that she has dinner on and it's going to be Sunday lunch." I said. "But that will be ready in an hour, now come on! I want to show you the rock that I promised to show you!"

He stayed where he was. He then pulled me in and put an arm around me.

"You know the gardens here are quite beautiful." He then pulled me away from the house. 

"Yeah. You could get lost in here." I admitted as I looked around.

"Could you lead me to the best view of both the gardens and the mansion?" He asked.

"Sure." I said slightly confused.

I guided him to the forest aria and traced my own beaten track. I then started to climb up the hill. I then climbed a tree which was a short cut to the place and then walked along a thick branch and then jumped down. I waited for Uncle Haru to catch up before I walked out of the way of the bushy head of the tree. There I saw the gardens and the mansions and pointed at it.

"Wow! That is a good sight!" 

"I know!" I said with a proud grin on my face.

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Tell me, do you like that view?"

"Yes. I do!" I said as I suddenly felt the atmosphere change.

"Tell me, do you want to protect that view?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"What would you do to protect that view?" He asked.

"Anything." I said. "Why are you asking me these things?"

"Well, there are people coming here." He said as moved his hand and put it on my other shoulder and put his arm around me."And they will ruin that view. Then, unless given the order, they will kill your mother and aunt."

I looked at him, completely horrified.

"Come on! We have to warn them!" I shouted as I went to pull away from him but he gripped my arm.

"No. I am afraid that we can not. After all they would be here before we arrived. However, you can save them, but it must be done here." He said.

I looked at him confused as it slowly dawned on me.

"How-what must I do?"

He took out a small brown bottle, on it said Restoril.

"Take these pills and do nothing to resist." He said.

I felt a lump form in the back of my throat as it sank in. Haru may have been my uncle but he was far from my friend. I then looked at my home. I suspected that this might have been the last time that I was to see this place. My last memory of my mother was her telling me that Sunday lunch was going to be ready in an hour. My last memory of my aunt was her teaching me how to do the laundry. This was going to be the last to be that I was ever going to see my own home.


"I swear on the lives of my parents." He said. "And please do not think that you will be able to take them all on after all they all have guns."

I nodded and then took them before I could think of anything else. It was in that moment that that voice was right, and the reason why he had not commented on his age was because he already knew. This was not about getting to know me or be an uncle to me. This was about capturing both me and that blue rock. Soon everything was black.


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