The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part One


I was now a month older than the last time that I had been in the world of the Blue Rock. I had, on many times, thought about that voice that I could hear and I, sometimes, thought that I could hear it, singing in my ear. Then all my dreams were about having adventures in that world with my friends… Well the ones that were alive. I had thought about my father, Yuki Aoshine, who had died in the second world war. I had thought about him a lot lately, like how did he die, who killed him and why,  was there a reason? Or was it that he was simply an enemy that just so happened to be on the opposite side than his country.

I had sometimes found myself wandering in the library, and reading books. My mother had given up on school and resorted to homeschooling. Which was better for me and I had learnt more and I knew it. I even was able to learn more by reading book after book in the library. It was during this time that I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I shouted as I raced to the door before mother could say "I will get it!"

When I opened the door I felt goosebumps rush throughout my body as I could not take in what I was looking at. My thoughts went numb and I tried to take in what I was looking at, after all the man that was in front of me was surprised to be dead.

"Dad?" I asked, breathless and incapable of believing my eyes.

He shook his head with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I am sorry, dear child, I am afraid that I am not. Forgive me, I am Haru." He said.

I frowned.


"I am Yukis' twin." He said.

My eyes lit up.

"You mean that you're my uncle!?" I exclaimed as my mother came to the door.

She looked at him guarded and stern.


"Yes, I am." He said. "It has been a long time."

She seemed to relax a little.

"Yes, too long." She said. "Since the wedding, I believe."

"Still being formal in front of me,  I see?"

"Yes. I have found it very difficult to act any other way around you." She had. "Why are you here?"

"Well after learning about the existence of my niece, I thought that I ought to get to know her. I also thought that it was about time you all knew about the fate of my twin."

Her eyes dropped to Aqua. He looked at her with a slight concern.

"Would you wish for it that I tell my niece too?" He asked, respectfully.

"Yes, she is a braver child than even I thought. She has been able to handle more too."

"I am sure she is." He said. "She does have Aoshine blood after all."

I then outstretched my hand.

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am Aqua Aoshine."

"Haru Aoshine." He said as he shook it.

"Tell me, have you broken any hearts yet?" He asked as he walked in.

I flared up red.

"No!" I laughed. "And I don't think that I ever will."

"Do not!" Snapped mother.

"Sorry mother!" I sang.

He laughed.

"Shame, your father was breaking hearts all the time!" 

I shook my head in embarrassment. He looked at mother.

"And you? Found anyone?"

"No. I have not. I do not think that I will find anyone else."

He then looked down at me.

"Well, like mother, like daughter as they say." He said.

"Is there anything about me that's- that is,  like father?" I asked.

"Yes,  I am sure. But I have yet to see that. After all I would like to get to know you and see for myself. So would you like that?"

"Yes! Yes, I would love that!" I exclaimed as we came to the living room.

"Alright, alright, sit down, sit down!" Mother said as she waved her hand up and down.

We all did.

"So, it is Haru!" Came Aunt Blues' voice. "Still got your looks."

He looked as if he was annoyed slightly but he quickly masked it.

"Yes, I was quite fortunate in the war. And you would find that all Aoshine are better looking than most, including Aqua I see!" He said as he smirked as he placed a hand on my head and messed it up.


"Anyway, can I get you anything?" She asked.

"Yes, green tea, if you have any?" He said.

"Yes, I have all types of tea!"

He looked at her surprised.

"She's not joking, she has tea that I never knew even existed!" I said.

"How'd you think I stay fit!"

"What kind?" He asked me out of curiosity.

"Oolong, that's-that is my favourite, especially if you add a teaspoon full of honey!" I said.

"T-then I will have that!" He said as his voice broke slightly.

"Tell me, am I right to think that you are a prolific tea drinker?"

"Yes, even in America I drank more tea than coffee."

"Well if you want to, maybe sometimes you can come home with me and I will introduce you to more types of tea and teach you the traditional tea making ceremony?"

I lit up and beamed at him.

"Really!? Can I mother!?"

She chuckled warmly.

"Eventually, yes."

I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I repeated.

I remembered what father had said about Japan and I loved how he sectioned the cherry blossom tree and the mountains. He would explain them in such great detail that I could picture it all so clearly. I had always wanted to see those things in for real and feel those pink petals and see those rice farms. Walk on those mountains.

Mother chuckled as I realised what she said.

"Wait, why eventually? I wanna see them now!"

Haru placed a hand on me as he pulled me off.

"That is simple. You do not know me and I have been absent for quite some time. So relax! You will have plenty of time to do that later when we are better acquainted." He explained.

"Oh that makes sense." I admired as I sat back down.

"Now if I want to get to know you. I think that I should take the lead by telling you about me." He said.

I would have protested but I closed my mouth as I realised that he was right and I did not know where I should start too.

I don't think that I should tell him about the Blue Rock. I don't think that he'll believe me if I do. He'll think that I'm crazy and I don't want that!


"Urm, well why do I not start, after all I can tell that you would have things that you would like to wait to tell. Do not worry, my story is a bit boring, I was born in America and I got into a lot of fights and that is why there are white streaks in my hair. I had no friends there not here, well none that are my own age. After all I came across...well…"

"Aggressive." Mother chipt in. "Her teachers always had me in about that. I also noticed that because of the fact that she looked different and about the side that Japan was going back then made the other children hesitant to approach her and her reputation did not give her any favours."

At this I looked aside and let out a long blow. 

"Yes, I can tell you that she does sound a lot like my brother and me as children." He laughed.

I felt shy by this as I could feel a smile spread across my lips.

"Yes, she was quite upset by his death. She was always closer to him than she was ever to me." She said. "Especially now."

"How come?"

"She has been very distant as of late."

"And it was because of his death that we moved here. I was about to start school but that led to nowhere so I am being homeschooled. So that is it in a nutshell." I said.

He smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I guess that you do not have many friends then?"

"No, not here at least. I do, but they are all far away." I admitted.

And some of them are dead…

He looked at me with a strange look on his face.

"It is quite alright. Neither did Yuki and me, we were too close." 

She smiled and nodded.

"Now, Aqua, time for bed."

"But I-"


"Okay!" I moaned as I went to bed.

"Hey, maybe tomorrow you can show me all around this place?" He said.

My eyes lit up.

"I would love to!"

"Then get a good night's sleep."

I nodded and went to bed.


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