The Witch Within Slipped Arc Part Two

 Waking Attempt

Loc woke to the feeling of her hands and feet numb. She soon found out why as she could see the thick rope around them like a pair of snakes. She could see that it was almost cacked in dried blood. Yet she could spot the fresh blood there. She knew that her wrists were becoming saw and was worried that the rope would not leave too many scars. Either way, this did not look good and she knew it. She knew that she would have to get out of this place, somehow, well wherever here was. Looking around she spotted that she was on an island and it was night, or was it? It could be one of those places where it was eternally dark. 

She has a sinking gut feeling that they chose this island because it was the only place that they could do whatever it was that they wanted without fear of being interrupted. She was not going to get out of here without waking the memories of Grasharlo. The monster witch that came from the Dark Master Lord.

Well that depends if this obeys my will just like theirs. If it does, then I could get anyone I want in but if not… She stopped herself from finishing that thought. She knew that that was barely worth thinking about. All she knew was that she had to do it before she woke up.

She saw her sisters coming up to her. She found herself rolling away, almost instinctively. She felt their hands around her arms and their nails into her skin. She was dragged to a table and her bounds were taken off. She then kicked one but the other was able to freeze her in place just by putting her hand on her shoulder. The other took hold of her wrist and then put it on the table. She soon felt sleepy and her eyelids became heavy and sticky and started to drop. Her mind soon became dizzy and begged for her to fall asleep and, after fighting it, her eyes closed. She may have been placed in this strange trance,  she still could hear everything that was going on around her, clearer than usual, yet her eyes could not open nor did part of her want to. All she wanted for her to do was stay there and forget everything else even existed.

She heard her sisters muttering something but their voices were far too quiet to make out their words. She did not even try or want to try to make them out, all she wanted them to do was shut up and let her drift off.

No,  my actions will not be undone like this! Came a deep warming voice inside her head. She soon felt a strange power rise within her. Suddenly her mind snapped back into action and her eyes flicked open. She looked at her sisters.

"What? How? That spell is supposed to be unbreakable!" They said at the same time.

They then looked at her as if they had noticed that she was awake for the first time. They then lifted their hands to her but though they seemed to be using magic, it did nothing to harm her. They then hit her with a log and all went black.

When she woke she could see her sisters around a rusty and burnt black cauldron. She spotted that they put a small spider in. She then slit the throat of a snake and let it's blood flow into the grim looking bubbly liquid.

"So my emotions are awake? Care to tell me what that was all about?" 

"Why? Does it matter?" She asked, trying to cover up that she, herself, did not know. Yet she knew somehow that she would not want them to find out either nor about the voice that she heard. Her gut told her that it would have to talk to Ringer about it later.

She raised her eyebrow and sighed.

As if he would want to know what is going on inside my head. Yet I know that he would be the only one who would. Yet, I hope that they come here before they do wake me...

"Yeah, I guess not! But if it is what we think then I am dearly afraid that we will have to kill you." They said.

"Why is that?" She asked curiously, with her eyebrows meeting.

One of them giggled and walled up to her and placed a hand on her head and past her like a cute pet.

"Just hope that we never know." She said as she stroked the marks on her forehead. Her eyes lingered on them as she smirked deviously. Loc started to feel a creepy feeling like she was naked. Her gut told her not to look in her eyes yet her sight slid slowly to hers. Her head started to hurt as if there were over one thousand daggers were slowly sinking their way into her skull and then into her brain. She started to see black dots in her vision as it blurred. She felt her body grow ice cold but yet she started to become called in sweat. Her breathing became less and less.

"W-what are you trying to do to me?" She could barely whisper. "Tell me-"

She soon was panning and coughing up blood. Her body was trembling. Her mouth was forced open and something came out and another came in. She then closed her eyes as she fell back unconscious. When her eyes opened light entered her eyes and she felt warm and her eyes slid to her sisters.

"What did you do to me?" She cried as her voice hurt.

The two looked at each other in anger and confusion. They looked back at her with frustration in their eyes. They then picked her up by her hair and dragged her to the table and threw her on it.

"Why won't you wake!? Tell me!" The pair shouted at her.

"I-I don't know!" She shouted which earned her a punch. The back of her head and her vision blurred as she heard a crack. Her thoughts became fuzzy and difficult to make out.

"I'm using you the truth! I don't!" She shouted as her words slurred.

They looked at each other. They then looked to a table nearby, on it was an amulet with a white crystal. They both walked up to it and one was about to reach out to grab it but then an arrow seemed to appear in her hand. She screamed and retracted her hand. The other was hit by a blast and flew away. Then Morgan appeared and picked her up. She looked up as Ringer sent out another blast at the other. They soon raced to the air yot where Kuro and Lenume` were waiting for them.

"Did they wake you?" He asked.

"They tried to." She said as she went on to explain to them what had happened. "Sir, what is going on with me? Why could they not wake me?"

"I don't know, but I have a theory."


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