The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Two

Double Sight

Melinda always found herself always with the twins even-though that was afraid of them. Even-though there was a pat of her that kept on telling her to flea and have nothing to do with them and do everything to get and keep away from them. She played together after she went to school they chased each-other as they played tag, they played catch the ball, hide and seek and sometimes she would play with the doll that Wendy gave her. Over the week her fear of them faded into like. She had never had as much fun with another child! In fact it felt to her that everything might not be as bad here as she first thought.

With all that in mind she was terrified of taking her the ring off. She could never admit how scared she became when she sat the ring. She just could not get ether the nightmare and how the ring was on her finger out of her head. She just could not understand what had just happened nor how a ring that she had seen ended up on her finger. However she had the sinking feeling that what she saw was somehow real and actually happened.

She could not get the day that they had seen the ring still on her finger either...

“Oh you're wearing that ring I got you! Do you like it?” she asked.

She forced a smile on her face.

“Yes I do! In fact I love it!” she exclaimed.

They smiled.

“I knew you would. It looks better on you anyway.” they said.

“Thank you!” she replied.

She then noticed that the sun was setting and this meant that she would have to go home. This came to her relief, however she knew that she would have to make sure that the twins got home too, that way they would not hurt anyone.

“Alright, time for us to go home, now how about you like it if I walked you two home?” she asked.

“I would like that very much!” they said.

She smiled and then she followed them to a house that shocked her. It was a mess as she looked at it. She saw that the roof had completely caved in and rotted away. There were smashed windows that looked like they had never contained any glass the door was barely hanging off it's bent hinges and the walls had far too many cracks.

Suddenly she felt sorry for the two and felt guilty for fearing then and wanting to stay away from them. If this was where they lived then it made her problems look small and her fear of them not just irrational but unjustified. She hated herself for her unfounded assumptions of them. They were not the monsters they were just a pair of lonely children that had nothing.

“Is that where you live~?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yeah...I know that it could hardly be called much but it is our home.” they said.

She looked at them.

“How would you like it if I find a way to fix it. After all it can hardly be called fit to have anyone live there let alone two girls like you!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah..I would like that. But it is all we have. After al our mum and dad went away and I don't know if they will ever come back.” they said.

With that she threw her arms around them and gave them a hug as she reluctantly let them go back to their “home” and she went back to hers.

She asked Jaden whether or not it would be alright if the twins stayed at theirs.

“No, just no. Absolutely not!” she snapped. “And please just stay away from them! Mum and Dad-”


“No.” she snapped which ended their conversation.

So she went to her room which was panted blue with a single bed with a black tailed mermaid on a rock. She long black hair and deep blue eyes and paper white skin looking up at the moon on her pillow. The carpet was long and white and the lamp was light blue. To her it was like being in the ocean.

She threw herself onto the bed and closed her eyes.

She saw herself seeing through the eyes of another woman. She just could not think of why she was seeing through the eyes of her nor why she was seeing through people's eyes at all! But she was seeing through her eyes nevertheless. She was walking down an empty ally. Something told her that this was her short cut back home form work which always brought her home at tea time.

Then she was stopped by the twins. They looked at her and smiled.

“Hello mum.” she said.

“What? I'm not-”

“You are now. She has to think that I have a mum.”

What? Look kids I don't know what game you're playing but I am not your mum and I will not pretend to be. Have you got that?” she snapped.

“Yeah that's want they all say, but they always do. Now time for you to come to your new home mum.”

“Just stop it! I have no intentions of going to any new home! I have to get back to my own, after all my oven is on and I don't want my tea to burn so if it will be fine for you I have to get home.” she snapped as she walked onwards. She split the two but then they grabbed her hands with one hand.

She soon stopped almost as if she could not move. She looked down at the twins which smiled at her.

“I'm glad that you changed your mind!” they sang as she turned around.

“What-what are you!” she shouted. “Get off my now you freaks!”

“Now, now mummy. That's no way to talk to your beloved daughters!” said Victoria as she pulled out a knife.

“What are you-AHHH” she woke up still feeling the pain in the back of her leg. She pushed herself away from the bed and hit the back of her head on the carpet. “AW!” she said as she rubbed it.

“Are you alright?” came Dante's voice. She looked up in dread as she walked up to him. She peeled the plaster semi off. But then he placed a hand on hers.

“No, no. I will not do that.” he said in his calming voice.

She looked away.

“Now are you alright?”

“Sure.” she said trying to look more happy than she actually was.

“No, you are not. After all I know you are afraid of those twins. Now why?” he asked sternly.

“I don't know.” she lied.

“Yes you do.” he sighed.

She let out a huff as she acknowledged that she could not keep it hidden form him.

“I don't know why, but there's something about them that terrifies me.”

“No!” he said as if he was talking to a child younger then her.

She let out a huff as she looked up at the night sky to distract her but her eyes rested on a small single star that was all alone and isolated from the rest of the stars. It reminded her of herself and how she felt. So she looked down.

“I had a couple of dream.” she said as she told him her dreams. “And the weird part is, I could actually feel everything that these two were going through. And I would have thought that it was a normal dream until I saw that this ring was on my finger and I just can't help but feel as if these dreams actually happened and I was seeing these things through real people's eyes!”

She shuddered as she felt it all sink in. He looked at her ring and looked took her hand up to have a better look at it. He then looked at her out of genuine concern as he pulled her in and hugged her like a parent would.

“I couldn't move when they put that on my finger! And I just can't help but feel like I'm caught in a trap that I know I can't escape regardless of what I do!” she exclaimed as she started to shake.

“Shh...shh...It's alright. It's alright.” he said as he placed a kiss on the parting in her hair and started to rock her like a parent would.

“I just wish mum and dad were here.” she wept. He did this until she was asleep. He then picked her up and placed her on her bed and covered her with his cape. He stroked her for a moment and when she was well off in sleep he leaned in and drank from her neck. He covered it with her plaster. He closed his eyes.

Meanwhile Melinda saw that she was now looking through the eyes of a man. He was well built and he was walking home from a construction site which was to be an extension of the town. She did not know how she knew that she just did. He was walking home when she saw the twins walking up to her.

“Are you a builder sir?” asked one of the twins.

“Yeah why?”

“Good! My friend's going to need a builder.” she said.

“Sorry kids that's not how it works.”

“Yes it will.” she said as she grabbed his hand and she was following them home.

She woke up and saw that Dante was looking at her.

“You have Mohan's power.” he said.

She got up as she felt pain in her neck.

“I know I said I wouldn't but I knew that I had to. It was the only way for me to see what you were seeing. From which, I was able to determine that you are the magician's successor.” he said.

“Now go back to sleep and keep the cape.” he said as he turned into a flight of bats.

Show off!

She thought as she went back to sleep.

Then the following day as she came home she saw the woman in her first dream holding the hands of the twins.

“Are you their friend?” she asked.

“Yes, I'm Melinda you?”

“Mara Matilda. I'm their mother. I left them alone as I chased my husband abroad because I was blinded by my love for him. So when he died I realised my mistake so I did what I could to come back and after finding out what they had been through and alone no doubt! I just can't believe what I had done.” she wept.

“It's alright, I'm pretty sure that they've had friends before.” she said

“No we didn't!” they remarked.

She looked at them surprised.

“You didn't? But you seen like the type to make friends easily!” she exclaimed.

“Alright, time for us to come home.” she said. “Speaking of which, I heard that you were trying to fix that old place. Is it true?” she said.

“Yes, I will.” she declared.

She soon found herself studying DIY books and other things and she was saving up more and more money for to fix that place then after a week she went back to them. And their house, which seemed eerily empty and as she approached the house she started to hear buzzing. She knocked on the door but the door fell in front of her. She then walked in and as she did she was hit by a stench that was like none other that she had even smelt. She then looked in the living room and she screamed as she saw the decomposing corpse of the builder that she had seen in her dream!

Then she suddenly felt pain in the back of her head and everything went black...


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