The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Four

Double Death

Melinda woke up early the following morning feeling hungry as her heart sank when the memories of the day before came to her and she remembered where she was. She knew that she had to find a way out. She had to find her way home no matter what.

I wonder if Jaden's worried about me? Did she call the police? Did they believe her? If so then will they rescue us?

Her stiff neck turned to the woman next to her. She was sleeping lightly. She could see that her chest was slowly expanding and decreasing as she took each breath. She wanted to wake her up so that she would no longer be so lonely, but she came to the conclusion that that would be selfish of her.

No let her dwell in her dreams. They would give her such bliss...

However, it dawned upon her that unlike this woman, she would never have such bliss ever again. No, when she was supposed to go to dreamland she would be seeing though other people's eyes. Seeing whatever they were seeing. Experiencing what they were experiencing. She suddenly realised that she was going to spy on anyone whose eyes she just so happened to be seeing though that night. Suddenly she felt dirty inside. The worst part was that she had no control over it nor who she saw out of.

She looked up. She felt so alone, like a boat in the middle of a flat sea. A small one, like a canoe.

Then she heard the squeaking of of the door opening as the twins placed a plate of an old English breakfast in front of her.

“What? None for my jail mate?” she asked.

They smiled.

“She does not need one. For you see I told her that if you did not believe that she was my mother then I will kill her.” they said as they took out a knife.”But just last night I had a wonderful idea!”

She felt her heart sank. She did not like the sound of that. She felt her throat tighten.

“Please don't kill her! Just pleas don't!” she pleaded as she felt her eyes burn.

Then they laughed.

“No silly! I told you, I had a wonderful idea!” they said as they took out a glove and took her hand and shoved it on her hand.

“What're you-”

She then felt the hand of the other half of the woman took her hand and she froze. She tried to move but she could not move a muscle! No matter how hard she tried she just could not move! Then all the hairs on her body stood on end as Victoria placed the knife in the gloved hand. Now she knew what this idea that the twins came up with the night before.

No! No please no! Don't do this! Please don't make me do this. Please stop I'll stay just don't make me do this!

She felt like something was choking her as her eyes began to burn more as her sight became blurry.

She looked pleadingly hoping to appeal to some, if they had any, mercy that they had.

“Ahh! I see that you have figured out it out!” sang Dorothy as Victoria gripped hold of her hand.

She smiled as she shook her head. Melinda felt herself trembling horrified about to make her do. She felt her mouth try top open but they would not move.

“Please don't!” was all she managed to say.

They smiled at her as her arm flicked out so fast that she would blink and she would miss it. She soon saw the blood flow out of her throat like a grim waterfall. She looked at the blade and she screamed. She then was forced to watch her choke on her own blood. Her body grimly twitched and as she did her body let out a grim sound of he last breath as all the air in her lungs left her.

At this Melida shut down as her tears flowed like rain down her bloodstained cheek. She didn't even notice when the twins let go of her hand. Nor did it register when they took their glove off.

They had carried out their threat and the worst part was; they had used her hand to do it. They had violated every atom of her body, trespassed into her very soul when they did. They had put blood on her hands and there was nothing that she could say or do about it!

“Why?” she finally asked.

Then she looked up to see that there was nobody there. There was nothing to comfort her and she had started to feel like she did not deserve it any more. She could do nothing but sit there and wept and wept. If her eyes were raining before now it was pouring it down.

“Mom! Dad! Where are you!” she wept.

Then her mind went over their graves.

“Oh...Yeah...You're dead too...”

She soon felt hungry and she took up the fork and the moment that the food touched her tong, her throat tightened. Soon whatever was left in her stomach was mow out in front of her. She felt even more hungrier after that, but regardless of how tempting it was, she dared not touch it.

She just stayed there, huddled in a ball until the twins came in. They looked at the plate and then looked hurt.

“Oh no! You didn't eat your food!”

“Don't want it.”


“Can't keep it down.”

Dorothy sat in front of her.

“Oh and why is that child?”

Melinda narrowed her eyes at her.

Because you made me kill you little witch! She thought, however she knew better than to say this out loud. She just did not want to put Jaden in any danger.


“Yes, I hardly think that I need to hide my true age, after all the facade has slipped. I hope that you were told that it has been rumoured that I am older than I look. See for thirty nine years I have not been able to age a single day.” she said.

“Now I think that it's time for me to move you. After all I hardly think that you would wish to stay here.”

She nodded as she glanced at the body next to her.


Well your has been asking me about you. I hardly think that she would go to the police, after all she knows better. However Dante' Dracula has taken an unusually keen interest in you. Now I hardly for him to find his food supply here. Now do we?” she asked rhetorically.

She knowing that this was her moment shook her head. She knew that the twins would not take her seriously if they thought of her as no threat. Hopefully they would hardly take the precaution to control her that way if they did.

They unbuckled her shackled.

“Could I go outside?” she asked. “I think it'll help with the nausea.”

“And try to escape?”

“Where would I escape to?”

They frowned. She let out a passive sigh.

“You can find me wherever I go and get me.” she pointed out.

They looked at each-other and nodded. They walked to the door and then they walked down the long steel corridor. Melinda wondered just how the twins were able to built this place. They then came to a flight of stairs which led to the house. Knowing that this her opportunity, she hit the twins and ran as fast as she could. Then she felt something hit her and everything went black again.

When she woke up she found that she could not move, she looked around and spotted that she was strapped to a chair. She looked at he leather cuffs that were so tight that it cut into her wrists and ankles. She could feel that the one around her neck slightly choke her, it was not enough to kill her but it made it difficult to breathe.

“You hurt me! That wasn't very nice!” they said at once.

Neither was making me kill that woman! She thought but she tried to say it out loud but she just could not move. One of them must be holding onto me. She concluded.

“That is a bad friend.” they said.

“And that means that you have been a bad person. Bad people get punished.” they said as her eyes were brought down to see a brown leather whip.

She could already feel her body tense up as she already knew what was about to happen. She felt the dread creep into into her mind like the venom sinks into someone after a bite before the kill.

“I think that I should show you how mummy did it.” Dorothy said.

Soon the whip hit her arm. She felt a whimper escape as the pain stung her like over a thousand bee stings on steroids. She felt tears flow as she had never felt a pain like it before. Then came the second lash which made the pain worse! She let out a muffled scram as she started to sob. Soon the third came down and the pain became worse as she felt something in her arm crack. Then they stopped and she could move again, yet all she could do was sob and shake all over.

Satisfied they undid her straps and dragged her to her new cell and cleaned her wound. She soon closed her eyes and entered into a light sleep. She did not know what time she woke up nor did she care who's eyes she saw out of. She felt a painful hunger but she did not feel like satisfying it. She could not feel her arm but she could move it. She looked down at the bandage around her arm. She remembered what had happened.

I'm never going to get out of here. I'm going to spend the rest of my life here. I'll never see Jaden of Dante' or anyone else ever again!

She started to cry again.

Just typical The only person that would be willing to make friends with me just so happened to be a psycho!

She looked around her, she could not see a single thing that could help her. She wiped her tears away knowing that hey were not going to help her. She noticed that she had no chains on. This was her only comfort at the moment.

She slowly rose to her feet and went to the door. She, out of curiosity went to turn the handle. To her surprise it was unlocked! She then opened the door and walked down a long corridor, first to see where she was. She soon found a small room. She walked in and spotted a strange blue pattern all over it. She soon spotted that there was running water running next to her.

She looked behind her and then looked out of the room and saw that the coast was clear. She closed the door as silently as possible. She then dived into it and she swam with the current. This was her only way out so she swam and swam. Then she felt the pain in her arm but she knew that that she had to ignore it. She swam and then she swam and then she spotted a bank. She then climbed up and out of the water.

She then ran and ran before she had time to think.

I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! She thought as she reached the curb. Then she felt two hands take hers and she soon found herself walking back to the house. She then tensed up and she soon saw the blood dripping as they came to a trap door concealed by a rug. They then walked down and she ended up back into that room. She was soon back into that chair. She felt he beating on the other arm. She wept and her calves were hit as they forced her back into her cell. However there was one thing that kept her going. A hope that was her only hope.

However this hope was not without substance for she thought that she saw Dante's head above above the broken in roof. He know her blood and, if the books and movies were to be believed, he knew her scent. Hopefully he will come. Hopefully he will come and rescue her.

But what if he doesn't? She had to ask herself. What if he leaves you down here? What if he goes on to someone else?

Hold tight Melinda. She heard him say.

Why? What if he wasn't there?Then that would mean-

But I am here and I got your message.

Her eyes lit up.

Dante' ?How?

What? Did you not know that all vampires are telepathic, how do some of them steal life energy?


She suddenly felt tears of joy fall freely as she knew that she was going to get out of here. She was finally be saved. Saved by the vampire that will be after your blood after this?

Do not fear I can tell that you have lost too much blood and have become too weak. No, for I hardly wish to kill you. In fact it would be in my best interest to keep you alive.

Well I don't want to die or be killed by you!

Now, just sit tight and I will guarantee that you will never have to fear those twins ever again. So close your eyes and rest. And eat your food. Believe me, you going to need your strength back. Believe me you're going to need as much of your strength as you can if you have any hope of getting out of here.

Thank you!

Not so fast. I have hardly got to the part about the twins. As you're Mohan's successor I am very sorry but only you can be the one to kill them.

What no! She thought about what happened to that woman. She felt like her heard had been smashed again. She did not want to kill again or be forced to kill again either. Then again, she did not wish to stay in this place. She wanted to get out. She closed her eyes her heart and body felt heavy and she felt cold. She could not get warm and her stomach ache having not had much in it for a good amount of days.

Is there no other way?

She felt her throat tightening.

No, but I will say this, there maybe unexpected things that can happen.


Do as I say and you may find out.


She then was brought the food and she was left and she forced the food down and tried to ignore the pain as much as she could. When she was finished she covered her mouth to stop her from throwing up. Seeing that the food was staying down she let out a sigh. She closed her eyes knowing that there was nothing else to do but wait for Dante to come.

She was soon woken by him. He then helped her up and looked at her worried. He looked at her arms.

“Are they-”

“I think so.” she said as she moved to the door.

“Well, well, well! It's Dante' Dracula! How are you?”

“Better now that I know where she is.” he said as he gave her the knife. He gave her a look that said trust me. She looked at him and nodded. She looked aside feeling scared.

“Oh, and you think that you can rescue her. I don't think that you're a very good handsome prince.” they said as she got out both of their whips. “So I think that I should stop you and then maybe you would know that you shouldn't rescue someone from me!”

He nodded.

“Alright.” he hen looked at her. “What is it?”

“I don't know how to fight.” she admitted.

He nodded. He then picked her up and gripped her blade. He then ran to them and as Victoria struck her legs Dante' jumped up and then landed behind her. She spun and then they plunged the knife in her throat.

“No!” the other ran to them and whipped then in the legs and then they fell. She then screamed as she whipped Melinda's calves again and again until she was bleeding. She then spun and then threw the knife at her just to make her stop. This hit her in her head and as she fell the whip hit her in the ribs.

She then looked at the two as Dante' pulled out the knife from her head. That was when both bodies lit up and became brighter and brighter. She had to close her eyes and turn her head away as the light became too much for her eyes. Then the light soon became dim and she then looked back and saw that there was only one body.


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