The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Three

Double Curse

Melinda woke up. Her head heart. She placed a hand to the back of her head. Her head was ringing. There was an intense high-pitched noise in her ear. She felt something warm on her fingers. She looked at it. Her eyes widened. She saw blood.

Where am I? She wondered.

She looked around her. She saw that she was surrounded by grey walls and ceiling and floor, both stone. There was a plain steel door at the far end. The room was quite big.

She felt something cold around her wrists, ankles and neck. She looked down and spotted that there were steel cuffs around them. She looked at her ankles and spotted that they had them too. She raised her hand up and felt the cold cuff around her neck. She then looked down and she could see that there were chains attached to the cuffs. She followed them with her eyes. This led to the wall behind her and spotted that it was drilled into the wall.

Her eyes slid to another side of her view. She saw another set of chains and as she followed them she spotted the woman that the twins abducted. She was huddled and weeping to herself. She started to hear her hiccuping as she hearing returned to her as the high-pitched noise faded away.

“Are you-” she started to ask but it came to her hos foolish that question truly was.

She looked up at Melinda as if she had somehow hurt her.

“You didn't believe me did you?” she asked her voice hollow and broken for all the crying that she had done.

She looked down and shook her head out of shame and regret.

“How did you know?” she asked

She looked down. It, for the first time occurred to her, just how foolish what she was about to say sounded.

“I saw through your eyes in a dream.”

So you're Melinda Narccissa! So that's why I thought that your name sounded familiar!”

“How do you know?”

Her eyes rested.

“Everyone knows about you inevitably. Ever since you defeated the magician Mohan.” she said. “No wonder they're after you!”

She frowned.

“Just what's that supposed to mean?” she asked.

She opened her mouth to answer until the door opened and Dorothy and Victoria walked in. They both held each-others hand as they smiled.

“I see that you're awake!” they sang.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“My cellar. Isn't it better than my house?” she sang.

“Why are we here?” she demanded not even wanting to play ball.

“Because I brought you here.” she said.


“Because I wanted to look at the one who was like me before she becomes like me.”

“I'm nothing like you nor will I ever be like you! I don't go around kidnapping my friends and strangers to do my bidding!” she snapped back. “Plus you could look at me any time you wanted.”

They smiled at her as if she was some sort of pet that had done something cute. She felt both fear and anger growing within her.

“Ah! But I was like you once. A foolish naive child. I too got my invitation to the magician Mohan's show. I too-”

“And will you stop talking like that! Why do you continue to referring to yourselves as 'I' when you clearly mean 'we'?” she snapped.

At that they looked at the girl with such scorn that if looks could kill then she would be deader than Mohan and her parents combined!

“Well that's because we are the same person.” they snapped like a wounded animal. “Or, if you still don't get it my friend, that I once was one single person!”

She was taken back by her response. She just could not get what they said out of her head nor could she process it either.

“What? How?” she asked confused.

“As I have said this all started when I lost against Mohan. I was, understandably traumatised that I was easy prey for the clown. He showed me this mirror and after a while my personality spit. One good, which was Dorothy one evil which was Victoria. They wanted to become one again one person but my deer, deer mother made it worse with her insistence of over protecting me and this caused both personalities to become agathokakological but I was still two distinct personalities that desired to become one.”

“'Agathokakological'?” Melinda repeated.

She huffed.

“It means composed of good and evil.” she snapped. “And next time you interrupt me deer friend, I will make either her cut you or make you cut her have you got it?”

She nodded.

“Good girl. Now where was I? Oh right! Now, I still wanted to become one again so I turned to a rival witch Mira Morgana who, did make me one again, but I was now in two separate bodies.” she cried as tears fell from their eyes. “Yeah! That showed me! Trusting a my mothers' rival.”

“And what happened to her? Your mother?” said the woman net to her. “Did you kill her?”

They gave the woman evils.

“No, not my mother no...But my imposter of a father, yes.” she said with a smile. “In fact, I have killed lots of people over the years.”

Her eyes widened at the way they said that like as if killing people meant nothing to them almost like as much as if they were swatting a fly. They were both cold and uncaring almost as if they forgotten how to care or as if it was removed. This told her that they placed little value on human life.

“And what're you planning to do? Were you planning to kill me? Is that it?” she shouted.

“No, my real father has taken quite an interest in you. And as you beat his apprentice, I can see why.” she said.

“Then why am I here?Why don't you let us go?”

“Because I'm curious to know more about you. Then, when father comes, I want to give you to him myself. Then I can ask him why you're so special.” she said.

“But you could've done that anyway!”

They smiled sweetly with a hint of mischief.

“I know! I just want to keep you here. To talk to you and to tell you my stories and to turn you into one like me. I also want to observe you closer. To see how much pain you can handle and what actually happens when you when you're seeing through other people's eyes. Do they turn the colour of the one that you're looking out of?”

“Then why didn't you ask for a sleepover then?”

They laughed.

“Oh I think that we both know that would never have worked. After all your sister knows me.” she said. “Plus I would like to play with you and I want to make you laugh! No, sorry I want you to make the other sound that was like that.”


“Because I enjoy it! Good night you two. I will see you in the morning deer friend.” they called as they left them in darkness...


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