The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Magician Arc Part Three

Magician's Invitation

Melinda thought long and hard throughout that day about what Moan had just told her, She soon came to the conclusion that whatever this game was she was not going nor was she going to play it. She liked her freedom and independents. He could not force her nor should she play the game that he was going on about. Plus she knew tat she did not have to willingly put herself in harms way.
No, she had other things that she needed to deal with like school and settling down in this town. She also had to fully unpack and find her place here. So she knew that she just did not have the time to deal with this magician and his game.
She even told Jaden this after school. However she just went completely pale at her words.
“I would have to say that you should go, even-though nether me nor mum and dad would like it, after al Mohan doesn't like it when new comers don't do as they're told.” she explained.
“I don't care! After all someone has to stand up to him right?”
“Melinda I once stood where you are and if this town could brake me in, no doubt that it can do the same to you too.”
“i know you already said that but what could he possibly do to force me to play his game anyway?”
“You'd be surprised.” she muttered.
And with that the conversation was done. The week came and went without a hiccup, however she heard rumours that there was going to be a show that going to go on at the circus at the carnival. This, she knew had hardly interested her, back at home, no, in America, she had never been invited to anything like that, even-though her classmates went many times. No, it would remind her just how lonely she was back there. In her old life.
Then that weekend came and went, however on the Monday night before the weekend when the show was going to take place she drifted off in her bed, which had a black mattress cover and blue sheets with an image of a mermaid with an ink blue tail on a rock, with a smaller version on her pillow. She had painted the walls ice blue and a royal blue carpet. She had her drawings and paintings of her sea-serpents and mermaids and all other myths of the deep.
She found herself in her dream walking down a red and white corridor with a green carpet. No, that was grass. She looked around, she was in a tent corridor. She soon walked down a stet of flaps like two curtains. She walked into the circular tent that was the circus stage. There in the middle stood a man in a top had and a long black cane with a silver handle. His shoes were shiny with a pointed toe.
He spun around revealing a pale man with black brown eye with eyeliner his eyes were thin and long like a tick, just like his moustache and a triangular goaty.
At him looking at her she heard cheering but there was none on the empty wooden seats.
Where is that cheering coming from. She thought.
His eyes twinkled and his eyebrows raised.
“Nowhere!” he replied he said in the voice that came from the Headmaster when he took control of him.
How did he?
Read your mind? Well, you have a great number of powers in the land of dreams.” he said with a smile as he walked over to her. “Although, I am quite disappointed that you did not yet come before now. I wish that you did, after all I love meeting new people and have them play my game, and as the first outsider in many years I was quite looking forward to it.”
She felt herself step back as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Her foot returned to its position as he smiled a very trusting smile.
“No matter, I understand, and as a sign of my forgiveness I invite you to my show this weekend. I hope that you shall enjoy yourself.” he said as she gave her a red ticket, and golden writing
She frowned as she looked at it in confusion. She did not know what to say or why she suddenly wished to go but she did. But then her eyes twitched.
Could you make it any less obvious that this id a trap?
“And I do not just have a ticket for you but I also have one for your sister too! After all every child must be accompanied by an adult at all times, especially in a town like this.”
Says the one that can control those who lose your game.
“Says the stamp, and I am not the one who should be feared the most, after all I like to think of myself as a necessary evil. After all it's those who have left their humanity behind or those who never had any that are to be feared the most.” he explained. He then let placed his hands on the sided of her arms. “Now wake and give you sister my ticket!”
Then her eyes opened. She wondered what that was all about and what was she feeling in her hand. She then noticed the bright red on her dark blue. She then blinked away the blur of her sleep to see the tickets in her hand!
Then she spotted that the doll that Wendy had given her was on the floor. She thought that strange for she knew that she was sitting on her shelf last time that she remembered. Shrugging she got out of her bed and put her back on her shelf. She looked at the tickets and spotted that on the back it was emerald green with silver writing which said, the carrier of this ticket gets free popcorn.
Looks like I'll be going after all.
In the morning she told her everything that had happened that night. Jaden looked at her ticket with a deep frown on her forehead.
“Do you want to go?” she said.
“Well, I thought that I didn't, but I do now. But I know that it's a trap of some kind.” she said.
“Well, for me, I must admit that I have no choice, so I have to go.” she said.
Melinda looked aside remembering that he could control her at any point that she wanted. She shivered as she thought of him controlling her.
So with that this led them to Saturday night. She had dressed warmly, nights in England were much colder than America. She gave her ticket and the clown gave them their popcorn. They then took their place and then waited for the show to begin. Then, when everyone took their seats the lights went out.
“Welcome girls and boys to a show so strange that you wouldn't believe it. So peculiar that you would no longer trust your own eyes. So bizarre that it will haunt your most darkest nightmares. It's a variety of wonders!” boomed the magician. Then the lights came on.
The clown and the magician appeared side by side and they took their bow.
“I am Mohan the Magician!” he sang.
“And I am Morki the clown!” he said as he squeezed his plastic nose that let out a squeak. He let out a laugh.
“Now, Morki, I am going to make you disappear would you like that?” he asked.
He gave an exaggerated sad face.
“Well, looks like you are!” he said.
He than pretended to cry. Then the audience groaned. That was when she heard the sound of crowing. She looked around as a murder of crows spiralled into the centre and then they flew up, revealing the clown was gone! Her eyes widened as she looked up to where the crows were. There she saw that the crows then burst into feathers and then she saw the Morki sat on a unicycle with a pole in his hand with cotton at each of the ends.
“Well, can you ride over that tight rope?”
“Yeah, easily!” he said This was when everyone else looked up and they clapped and cheered. As the spot light shone on him.
“Well do you want me to make it more challenging?” he asked.
“Well, no.”
“Tough!” he called and again the clown pretended to cry.
Then the ends of the pole lit up.
“Of you go!” he sang.
Then the clown started to peddle. He started slow at, first but when he got to the middle he wobbled and then, just as it looked he was about to fall he regained his balance and got to the other end. Then the bar split in two. Then Morki threw the, now split pole to Mohan. Then he caught them.
He then turned the flame blue, and soon everyone could feel the heat that came from them. He then started to spin them slowly but he soon started to turn them at a pace that the flame that tailed to a flag made of flame. Then the flames turned purple then green and then pink and then red and then yellow and white and then black. Then the flame rose higher to his hands and then he threw them and he clapped his hands then the fire flew everywhere, but in the middle of he air it turned to snow!
Melinda laughed as she ate her popcorn. However she soon felt odd as she did. It soon became hard er and harder to move and then the popcorn fell. Her eyes moved to Mohan and he gave her a knowing smile. She looked at the popcorn.
I've been paralysed!
She tried to tell her sister but there was a blank look on her face, like she was an actress, playing her part in the performance. Her eyes looked at her and tried to call out of her but her voice just would not work. She felt her heart beating and her fear rose like a fire.
Help! Someone help me! She knew that if she was not paralysed, she would be shaking all over.
She looked over to Mohan.
I'll play your game just help me! Please, help me!
He smirked as he shook his head.
“Now I wish for a volunteer for this one!” he boomed as he took out a box.
No, no, no! Please no!
That was when her sister raised her hand. Quickly Moahn gesture to her.
“Brilliant! Come!” he sang. Jaden stood.
No, no, no please sit down don't go please! She felt tears falling down her face.
However she was helpless as she saw her walk down the stairs and that she saw him take her hand.
“No what is your name?”
“Jaden Narcissa.”
“Well that's an interesting name!” he said. “Now, I would like you to go into the box.”
Her heart sank as she climbed inside. Then the doors closed. He tapped the box. The doors opened. Her sister was gone. The show was over. He walked over to her.
“Come Monday night. Then we shall play my game.” he said as he picked her up and stepped outside of the tent, but she was now at the door to their home.
He then disappeared. It started raining as she just sat there and wept. Worst of all, was that she could not even get into her own new home. She felt arms around her. It was Dante'.
“It's alright.” he comforted. He looked up at the door. “Can you get in?”
She shook her head.
“Then stay at mine, but I warn you, your rent will be costly.” he said.
“W-what?” she said as her voice returned to her.
“Blood. My rent will be having access to you blood at any moment or at any time. Even after your time in my house.” he said.
She looked at her door knowing that she should not say yes, but there was nowhere else to go.
“And can you promise me that you will not tell Jaden about our little arrangement?”
“Yes!” at this she wept. He smiled and nodded and sank his fangs into her neck and to muffle her he covered her mouth and she screamed out in pain as the world went black.


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